Saturday, January 25, 2025

Affirmative to Negative and vice versa Transformation of Sentence - Simple Formulas - Easy Understanding

Transformation of sentences - Affirmative to Negative

Affirmative to Negative Sentences with Examples and Simple Rules. 

Rule 1:

Affirmative Sentence -এ "Only" বা "Alone" এর পরিবর্তে Negative Sentence-এ "None but" বসে আর কোন পরিবর্তন হয়না। যা আছে তাই বসে যায়। 


Affirmative: Only Ranji can play good cricket.

Negative: None but Ranji can play good cricket.

Affirmative: Only they can do the work.

Negative: None but they can do the work.

Note: বস্তুর ক্ষেত্রে only এর পরিবর্তে nothing but বসে। তবে বয়সের ক্ষেত্রে বা সংখ্যার ক্ষেত্রে only এর পরিবর্তে not more than বসে।


Affirmative: Only an opener can be used to open the bottle.

Negative: Nothing but an opener can be used to open the bottle.

Affirmative: He is only five.

Negative: He is not more than five.

Affirmative: They have only two pens.

Negative: They have not more than two pens.

Rule 2:

Affirmative sentence এ must থাকলে negative করার সময় must এর পরিবর্তে can not but/ can not help বসে। তবে can not help এর পরে যে verb থাকে তার সাথে -ing যুক্ত করতে হয়।

[must - can not but verb / can not help verb+ing]


Affirmative: You must accept your destiny.

Negative: You can not but accept your destiny.

Affirmative: We must respect our elders.

Negative: We can not but respect our elders.

Affirmative: You must care the saplings.

Negative: You can not help caring the saplings.

Rule 3:

Affirmative Sentence- এর "Every" কে Negative করতে হলে "Every" এর পরিবর্তে "There is no" বসে । 

সম্পূর্ণ sentence হয় : There is no + every এর পরের শব্দটি + but + তারপর sentence এর বাকী অংশ।


Affirmative: Everyone hates a liar.

Negative: There is no one but hates a liar.

Affirmative: Everybody fears a dinosaurs.

Negative: There is no body but fears a dinosaurs.

Rule 4:

As soon as যুক্ত sentence কে Negative করতে হলে- No sooner আনতে হয় as soon as এর জায়গায় - যেটা হল sentence-এর প্রথমে। 

সম্পূর্ণ sentence হয় : As soon as এর জায়গায় no sooner had + Subject + Sentence এর main verb এর past participle form + sentence বাকী অংশ বসে + than + comma তুলে দিয়ে দ্বিতীয় বাক্য।


Affirmative: As soon as he saw the lion, he ran away.

Negative: No sooner had he seen the lion than he ran away.

Negative: No sooner had the thief saw the police than he ran away.

Affirmative:  As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.

Rule 5: যুক্ত sentence কে Negative করতে হলে – so....that ব্যবহার করতে হয়। 

"Too" এর জায়গায় "so" বসে + তারপর adjective/adverb বসে + "to" এর জায়গায় "that" বসে + আবার  subject বসে + tense অনুযায়ী can not/could not + তারপর sentence-এর বাকি অংশ বসে।


Affirmative: The old man is too weak to walk.

Negative: The old man is so weak that he can not walk.

Affirmative: The sum was too difficult to be worked out.

Negative: The sum was so difficult that it could not be worked out.

Affirmative: The kid was too short to climb the tree.

Negative: The kid was so short that he could not climb the tree.

Rule 6:

Affirmative sentence কে Negative করার সময় সেই sentence এর Affirmative শব্দটির Negative রূপ বসাতে হয় আর তার আগে not বসাতে হয়। অথবা, negative-এ দুটো না বাচক শব্দ ব্যবহার করতে হয়, affirmative-এ not তুলে দিয়ে negative শব্দটির opposite বা antonym বসাতে হয়। 


not good > bad / average / so-so

honest > not dishonest

Affirmative: He is a good man.

Negative: He is not a bad man.

Affirmative: Rajib is an honest boy.

Negative: Rajib is not a dishonest boy.

Rule 6.1:

Always যুক্ত Affirmative sentence কে Negative করতে হলে Always এর পরিবর্তে never বসে। Affirmative শব্দটির Negative রূপ বসাতে হয়।


Affirmative: I am always punctual.

Negative: I am never late.

Affirmative: He always tells the truth.

Negative: He never tells a lie.

Rule 7 : 

যদি Negative Sentence-এ if....not থাকে, তাহলে Affirmative করতে হলে "unless" আনতে হবে। "Unless" শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ হল "যদিনা" । একইভাবে Affirmative এ unless থাকলে Negative এ if....not আসবে। 


If you do not study, you will fail. (Negative)

Unless you study, you will fail. (Affirmative)

Rule 8:

একইভাবে Affirmative থেকে Negative বা উল্টোটা করতে গেলে, একটাকে Interrogative sentence বানিয়ে নিলেও হয়। এই জাতীয় question গুলোকে বলে rhetorical questions, অর্থাৎ যে question-এর মধ্যেই উত্তর টা থাকে।

মজার ব্যাপার এই যে, এই নিয়মে Assertive Sentence থেকে Interrogative Sentence ও transformation করা হয়ে যায়। 


Everybody knows  Netaji. (Affirmative)

Who does not know Netaji? (Negative)

Who wants to be a thief anyway? (Affirmative)

Nobody wants to be a thief anyway. (Negative)

When did I say that? (Affirmative)

I never said that. (Negative)

Did I ever say that? (Affirmative)

I never said that. (Negative)

Rule 9 :

Adjective-এর degree change করেও Affirmative থেকে Negative বা উল্টোটা সম্ভব। 

Here Check for Degree Change Easy Rules : Degree Change


Negative: Atif is not the tallest boy in the class. (Superlative)

Affirmative: Some boys are at least as tall as Atif. (Positive)

Affirmative: He is the best batsman in the team. (Superlative)

Negative: No other batsman in the team is as good as him. (Positive)

Affirmative: You are the best boy in the class. (Superlative)

Negative: No other boy in the class is as good as you. (Positive)

◘ Less...than যুক্ত sentence কে Negative করতে হলে –

Less এর জায়গায় not as বসবে এবং than এর জায়গায় as বসবে।


Affirmative: He is less ugly than you said. (Comparative)

Negative: He is not as ugly as you said. (Positive)

Affirmative: You are less good than he said. (Comparative)

Negative: You are not as good as he said. (Positive)

◘ Than any other/than all other যুক্ত comparative degree কে Negative করতে হলে –

No other + any other/all other এর পরের অংশ বসে + verb + so/as বসে + comparative degree এর positive form + as + প্রদত্ত sentence এর subject.


Affirmative: He is better than any other boy in the class. (Comparative)

Negative: No other boy in the class is as good as him. (Positive)

Affirmative: Dhaka is bigger than all other cities in Bangladesh. (Comparative)

Negative: No other city in Bangladesh is as big as Dhaka. (Positive)

◘ Than যুক্ত comparative degree কে Negative করতে হলে –

Than এর শেষের অংশ প্রথমে বসে + verb (tense ও person অনুযায়ী) + not + so/as + comparative degree এর positive form + as + প্রদত্ত sentence এর subject.


Affirmative: He is stronger than you. (Comparative)

Negative: You are not as/so strong as him. (Positive)

Affirmative: I am taller than you. (Comparative)

Negative: You are not as tall as me. (Positive)

◘ যুক্ত positive degree কে Negative করতে হলে – প্রথম as এর পরিবর্তে not less শেষ as এর পরিবর্তে than বসে।


Affirmative: Robi and Rahat were as strong as Rakib.

Negative: Robi and Rahat were not less strong than Rakib.

Affirmative: He is as good as you.

Negative: He is not less good than you.

যদি এতো গুলো rules দেখে কঠিন মনে হয়, তাহলে চিন্তার কিছু নেই। এটা ভীষণ সহজ করে লেখা : check 

Rule 10:

Negative Sentence এ "not only.....but also" থাকলে "Besides" দিয়ে Sentence শুরু করে  Affirmative Sentence এ transform করা যায়। 


Negative: He not only produced the film but also directed it.

Affirmative: Besides producing the film, he directed it.

Negative: Not only does he play the guitar, but also sings beautifully.

Affirmative: Besides playing the guitar, he sings beautifully.

Rule 11:

না বাচক phrase-র বদলে হ্যাঁ-বাচক single word / বা opposite word / antonym / বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ ব্যবহার করে Negative থেকে Affirmative করা যায়। 


Negative: Do not take this book.

Affirmative: You are forbade (/forbidden) to take the book.

Negative: The knife is not sharp.

Affirmative: The knife is blunt.

Affirmative: Man is mortal.

Negative: Man is not immortal

Affirmative: He finished everything.

Negative: He left nothing unfinished.

◘ কিছু কিছু এমনও হয় : এখানে দুটো না-বাচক, দুটো হ্যাঁ-বাচক শব্দের পরিবর্তন হয়। 

All is well that ends well.
Nothing is well if it ends badly.

Every cloud has a silver lining.
There is no cloud without a silver lining.

Everyone will admit that he is honest.
None will deny that he is honest.

Affirmative to Negative Sentence Worksheet :

Here is some exercise to change affirmative to negative sentence without changing the meaning worksheet or vice versa for practice : 

  1. Manasi's father discouraged her. 
  2. I was doubtful if you would turn up. 
  3. This is the best book I have ever read. 
  4. Everyone will admit that he is honest. 
  5. I hope that I shall succeed this year. 
  6. He is not stronger than Asim. 
  7. There is none but wishes to be happy. 
  8. You must be truthful. 
  9. Shylock did not accept the money. 
  10. He disbelieves my story. 
  11. Who hasn't heard the name of Sachin? 
  12. This is the last time we will have class together. 
  13. You are not attentive in the class. 
  14. He is aware of the fact. 
  15. He loved rainy season. 
  16. The water is not pure enough for drinking. 
  17. Ajit is as strong as Sankar. 
  18. We did not find the journey pleasant. 
  19. I will go if he sends a car. 
  20. His sole income is that from business. 
  21. I saw nobody in the hall. 
  22. She alone believed him. 
  23. All men are mortal. 
  24. It is unlikely for him to come. 
  25. Tut-en-Khamen did not live long. 
  26. I believe in your honesty. 
  27. They all started late.
  28. He tried every plan.
  29. Never tell a lie.
  30. He is too weak to walk.
  31. Satish is the best student in the Class. 
  32. There is no mystery as great as misery. 
  33. The Sunderban is the largest delta in the world. 
  34. Ashok was greater than most other kings of India.
  35. A horse is more intelligent than an ass.
  36. Mumbai is the best sea-port in India.
  37. A bird in hand is better than two in the bush.
  38. He knows you better than I.
  39. I cannot run as fast as he. 
  40. Darjeeling is the most beautiful hill station.
  41. Pathan bowls faster than Jahir.
  42. No other gas is as light as hydrogen.
  43. December is the coldest month.
  44. Lead is heavier than any other metal.
  45. I cannot but shed tears (Use help) 
  46. He can't help wondering what he should do next (Use but)
  47. I couldn't help overhearing what you said. (Use but) 
  48. They cannot but wonder what's going to happen to us all. (Use help) 
  49. The Giant could not help shouting when he saw the children in his garden. (Use but)
  50. No sooner had he gone than it started raining.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Naked King Poem Analysis, short summary, Q-A

The Naked King Poem by Nirendranath Chakravarty 

- short analysis, Questions and Answers

Analysis of The Naked King or The King Without Clothes by Nirendranath Chakravarty

Naked King is a satire that exposes the dangers of blind obedience and fear of authority. The king, who is deceived by cunning tailors, believes he is wearing magical clothes visible only to the wise, but in reality, he is naked. Despite this, his courtiers and subjects pretend to admire the invisible clothes, too afraid to speak the truth. The poem uses the king to represent power and the tailors to symbolize those who manipulate authority for their gain. The people’s silence shows how society often chooses to conform and avoid conflict instead of being truthful. However, an innocent child, unafraid of the consequences, speaks the truth, showing that honesty and courage can come from the simplest voices. Through this story, the poem teaches the importance of questioning authority and speaking up, making it a meaningful commentary on society’s flaws that remains relevant today.

The Naked King Questions and Answers

1. What makes the people applaud the king?

Answer: The people applaud the king out of fear of authority and a desire to conform, pretending to see his invisible clothes to avoid ridicule or punishment.

2. Who is the outstanding person in the story which everyone knows?

Answer: The outstanding person in the story is the child, who is truthful and courageous to say that the king is not wearing any clothes.

3. Where, according to the poet, is that special person today?

Answer: According to the poet, the child perhaps has been put away and confined in a lonely place or in a mountain cave or he might be playing with nature and fallen asleep.

4. What does the poet ask the reader to find and why?

Answer: The poet asks the reader to find the child or the 'special person' because of his truthfulness, simplicity and courage which is rare in the society.

5. Which qualities of that special person is the poet highlighting in the poem? Why?

Answer: The poet highlights the child's courage and innocence because these qualities allow the child to speak the truth when others remain silent.

6. What specific question of that person was appealing to the poet?

Answer: The child's question, "King, where are your clothes?" is appealing to the poet because it reveals the truth others are too afraid to speak.

7. Why doesn't anyone else ask that question to the king? What deeper message does the poet wish to convey to the reader?

Answer: No one else asks because they fear ridicule or punishment and they just flatter the king. The poet conveys that society are not courageous enough and often hides the truth due to fear and conformity.

8. What does the poet ask the reader to find and why?

Answer: The poet asks the reader to find the little child because the world yet again needs his truthfulness, simplicity and courageous behaviour.

 1. "Everyone shouting Bravo, Bravo" 

   a. Who is everyone?

    Answer: "Everyone" refers to the crowd, courtiers and subjects in the king's procession, all of whom are pretending to admire the king’s non-existent clothes.

   b. What reasons prompt them to shout?

     Answer: They shout to show their obedience and avoid being seen as foolish. They fear the consequences of speaking the truth because they are cowards, opportunists, and flatter the king to gain favours.

   c. Explain the lines: Some who have pawned their own wits to others;/ Some are parasites... 

     Answer: The poet suggests that some people have given up their own ability to think to question against the king's nakedness and some others are dependent on the king for their livelihood, often serving those in power without question.

   d. What do some people really think?

     Answer: Some people really think that the king is draped in some extremely fine garment. 

   e. What can everyone see and yet why do they applaud? 

     Answer: Everyone can see that the king is naked, but they applaud out of fear, conformity, and the desire to avoid being seen as foolish.

2. "There wasn't only the flattering crew"

   a. Explain what the poet says in the given line. 

     Answer: The poet says that the crowd not only includes opportunists and fools but also a child who sees the truth and is not afraid to speak it.

   b. What was the role of the child in the group of people?

    Answer:  The child's role is to point out the truth that the king is naked, unlike the adults who are pretending to see the invisible clothes.

   c. What is the difference between the child and the adults who come to see the king's procession?

     Answer: The child is honest and fearless, while the adults who come to see the king's procession are fools, coward, and opportunists who pretending to admire the king.

  d. Explain the phrase: Upon the highroad of reality.

    Answer: This phrase refers to the highroad as the real world, the place where the king should be and from where he observes his subjects.

   e. What difference does the poet find between the last time the king stepped out and now?  

     Answer: The difference that the poet found is that the child who once fearlessly spoke the truth and boldly asked the king, "King, where are your clothes?" the last time the king came out naked, is no longer present now.

3. "Where is he gone?"

   a. What questions arise in the poet's mind about the child?

   Answer: The poet wonders where the child is now, asking why such truthfulness and courage seem to be absent in today’s world.

   b. Why does the poet attribute this question to the child?  

   Answer: The poet attributes this question to the child because the child symbolizes innocence and truth, and the poet longs for such purity in the present world, someone who can bring the truth to the surface.

   c. Why does the poet ask the reader to find him no matter how?

   Answer:  The poet asks the reader to find the child because he represents the honesty and courage that are missing in society today.

   d. Which particular quality of the child has attracted the poet? Why? 

   Answer: The poet is attracted to the child’s "honesty" and "fearlessness," as these qualities enable the child to speak the truth without fear, where other adults did not dare to do so.

   e. Indirectly, what characteristics of man does the poet regret? Why?

   Answer:  The poet regrets mankind’s "hypocrisy" and "fear of truth", as people are more focused on maintaining appearances than being honest and courageous.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Writing skill - Notice Writing Topics

 Notice Writing Worksheet

Master the Art of Notice Writing: Worksheets & Practice Topics 

Notice writing is a vital skill for students and professionals alike, helping communicate essential information concisely and effectively. Whether you're preparing for exams or looking to improve your formal writing abilities, this blog offers you a complete guide with curated worksheets and practical topics. Dive into structured practice sessions, learn key tips, and enhance your ability to craft clear, engaging notices that leave a lasting impression. Perfect for beginners and those looking to refine their writing skills!

Notice Writing Topics:

1. Suppose your school authority has decided to organize a free "Health Check up' programme for the students of your school. You are the Secretary of the Health Club of your school. Write a notice for the school notice -board informing students of it, mentioning the date, time and venue of the health-camp. Ask all of them to be present at school on that day and make the Programme successful Get the notice counter signed by the Head of your Institution.

2. Suppose you are the captain of your school. Write a notice (in about 80 words) for the students of your school requesting them to participate in a cleaning programme entitled 'Nirmal Bangla Abhijan'.

You may use the following points [Reason for organizing such a programme - date and time - necessary materials to be used - planning for the success of the programme] 

3. You are the secretary of the 'Debate Society' of your School. You are going to organise a debate involving the students of Class IX and X. The motion of the debate will be "Social Networking Sites are harmful for the society itself." Now write a notice, inviting the students to participate in the debate. Mention the date, place and time of the event.

4. Suppose you are the secretary of a local club. Write a notice to your club members informing how you propose to organise a Flood Relief Camp with the following points.

Spot of the flood - affected area how you like to form a flood relief party - how to collect dry food, clothes and money -how long to stay there when and how you propose to start

5. Suppose you are the monitor of your class. Write a notice asking your classmates to contribute their writing to the school magazine, which is likely to be published very soon. You may use the following hints:

(Hints: The word limit of the writing - ups the write - must be original - only one side of the page should be used for writing - original painting and photographs can also be given - last date of submission.)

6. Your school is going to host the Inter School District Music Competition. Suppose you are the secretary of the Cultural Committee of your school. Write a notice (within 100 words) Calling students to participate in the competition. Your notice should be counter signed by the Headmistress of your school. 

7. Write a notice informing the members of the club that a picnic has been arranged by the club. mention the date, place, time etc.

8. Imagine that you are the secretary of the Tour Committee of your school. The committee has decided to go to Darjeeling on an excursion. Write a notice informing the students of the programme and request them to participate.

[Points: a. Time and place of assembly (b) thing the participants should have in their kits c. date and time of return d. inoculation certificate needed and the consent letter from the guardian also the amount to be deposited.]

9. Suppose you are the Secretary of your local club. Write a notice informing members about opening a library in club.

10. Suppose a student of class V of your school is suffering from a complicated heart diseases. He needs financial help for proper treatment. As a secretary of the 'Students Welfare Committee of your school draft a notice.

11. Suppose you are the cultural secretary of your school. Your school is going to conduct the inner house group song competition. Write a notice informing all the students about it.

12. A quiz contest will be held in your school. As the secretary of the cultural Sub-Committee. Write a notice announcing the following

Date and time of the programme (ii) Last date of making entries (iii) Certificate and attractive prizes

13. During the school hours, some students are seen loitering outside the school premises in school uniform which denounces the prestige of the school, you being the school captain write a notice in about 100 words forbidden them to do so.

14. Suppose you are the School Captain of your school. Write a notice for the students on "keeping. clean and healthy atmosphere in school" to make them aware of the school environment. Use the following points.

[Hints a great need-importance of healthy life Connected with study-fame of school-Advice of great man.]

15. Recently Mirik in West Bengal has been badly affected by the devastating landslide. All the students have a duty to stand by the victims. As the secretary of the Relief Fund of your school. Write a notice (in about 100 words) for the students to this effect.

16. Suppose you are the student secretary of the students' welfare Committee of your school. Now write A notice informing students of class VIII to X that a work shop on Mathematics will be held at BITM for three days. Provide other necessary details.

18. Your school is going to observe Teachers Day on the 5th September this year. As the secretary of the students' cultural committee write a notice for the school notice board to all the students mentioning the importance of the day. 

19. Write a notice (in about 100 words) for the students of your school requesting them to donate as much as they can for the people who lost almost everything in earthquake in Nepal.

20. Write a notice (in about 100 words) as the secretary of your school informing the students of an educational tour to Murshidabad. Get the notice countersigned by the Head of the Institution. 

21. As the captain of the Educational Tour Team of your school, write a notice for the students for the next tour to Digha. [Hints time and place of assembly-things to take in their kits-date and time of return consent of parents]

22. Suppose you are the school captain of your school. Now write a notice (in 100 words) for the students on 'safe drinking water' to make them conscious about the problems of drinking water. Use the following points.

Water: a great need-source and substance of life - vital basic need-safe water for drinking - unsafe water - cause of disease like diarrhoea, typhoid - unsafe water - UNICEF programme taken for safe drinking water for all.

23. As the captain of the school write a notice for the students from class V to VIII on how to behave while having mid-day meal with the following points.

i. Starting and finishing time of mid-day meal 

ii. Standing in query 

iii. Standing in query 

iii. Waiting for turn without shouting 

iv, eating in dining hall 

v. Washing hand properly

24. Your club has decided to distribute text reference books to poor but meritorious students free of cost. Now, as the secretary of the club, Write a notice for the concerned students to enjoy the facility. 

25. Write a notice inviting the students to contribute liberally for the flood victims of your neighbouring district. Sign yourself as school captain. 

26. As a secretary of the science club of your school write a notice for the students to celebrate the World Environmental Day of 5 June. 

27. On the Golden Jubilee of your school is going to organise a Grand Rally. Write a notice to the students inviting them to join the Rally and the details of the rally, the route it will cover, the date when it is going to be held and other details. You will write the notice as a school captain and countersigned by the head of the institution.

28. As the school monitor, write a notice for the students from class V to Viii to maintain discipline and cleanliness at the time of eating midday meal.

29. Suppose malaria has broken out in your area and your school is going to organise a Malaria prevention camp. Now, as the student secretary of your school draft a notice (in about 100 words) informing the students of your school and inviting them to participate.

30. As a secretary of Welfare Committee of your school write a notice asking for students participation in a tree plantation programme organized by your committee. 

31. Write a notice as an editor of the school magazine, asking students to submit manuscripts written legibly on one side of paper (Points: Last date, topics, no. of words, whom to submit etc.)


* Inter Sched District Sports Competition

* Inter School Quiz/Music Competition.

* Opening a library in your locality.

* Blood Donation Camp

* Garbage Cleaning Operation in School

* Write a notice informing the students about a historical tour from school.

* Thee plantation Programme in School.

* Distribution of free Text Books

* Distribution of Mark and Sanitizer

* What to do and not to do after re-opening school.


Story Writing Topics - Worksheet for Students

Story Writing Topics to Workout

Story writing is such a fun way for you, students to get creative, improve your writing skills, and let your imagination run wild! This blog has tons of exciting story writing worksheets and topics, all collected from test papers from over the years. Whether you’re just starting out or already love writing stories, these resources will help you write amazing ones step by step. So, let’s jump in and start bringing your ideas to life!

1. Write a story on the following points, add a title and a moral. 

Woman lost her vision - approached a doctor to treat her at home -doctor demanded high fees - doctor treated the woman and removed furniture from her home - woman get her vision back and noticed the disappearance of her furniture - woman refused to pay the doctor - the Judge in the court questioned both - the woman refused to pay the doctor saying she could not get back her vision yet as the failed to see the furniture in her room -  doctor handed her back all the furniture. 

2. Write a story on the basis of the following points 

A night guard had a dream that he had caught a thief - in the morning he told the story to his master - rewarded for his dream and dismissed.

3. Write a story on the basis of the following hints. 

A lion's sleep disturbed by a mouse - Lion caught the mouse and about to kill him - the mouse begged for mercy - lion freed him - lion caught in a trap and roared - the mouse heard - cut the mate into pieces saved by the mouse.

4. Write a story on the basis of the following hints. Give a title and add a moral to it: 

Boys playing beside a pond - frogs in the pond - boys throwing stones - a frog died - an old frog sked - for fun - fun to one, death to others.

5. Write a story on the basis of the following points and add a suitable title and a moral to it: 

Robert Bruce, king of Scotland - was defeated six times - hid himself in a cave - saw a spider trying to climb the ceiling - failed six times - succeed at last - Robert Bruce learnt an important lesson.

6. Write a story using the following points: 

A blind rich man lived alone-  helped a poor neighbour to buy a rickshaw to earn livelihood - rickshaw puller wanted to repay his debt - rich man refused - rickshaw puller dies in an accident - had gifted his eyes to the eye-bank for the rich man before death - rich man got back his sight. 

7. On the basis of the following points write a story and add a suitable title to it:

A man left his iron safe with his neighbour - on return he was told that the safe had been eaten by rats - be said nothing but took the neighbour's son to the river for a bath - on return he sand the child had been carried off by kite - the neighbour returned safe - got back his son. 

8. Develop the following outlines into a story:

A soldier killed in a battle field - his body carried home his wife stunned with grief neither cries nor speaker - other maidens try various means to make her weep - unsuccessful - an old nurse sets her child on her lap - the lady bunt into tears.

9. Develop the following outlines into a story. Give appropriate title to your story:

Rider on a horse on a dark, stormy night - the horse refuses to go further - rider whips the horse mercilessly - the horse still refuses - in the morning rider finds the bridge collapsed in front - regrets

10. Develop the following outlines into a story in about 100 words:

English soldier - prisoner of war for many years - returns home - one day meet a bird seller - buys all the birds in the cages - release them.

11. Develop the following cutlines into a story in about 100 words and give a suitable title.

Subjects complain against the king's dishonesty - the king plans a milk-pond in the capital - workers dig up a pond - each subject is asked to pour a jar of milk at night - the chosen day arrives - everyone pours a jar of of water thinks his one jar water make no difference - pond of water - king proved his point.

12. Develop the following outlines into a story and add a suitable title for it: 

Outline: A sailor-lost way in storm-struggle in water-thrown on an island at day break-bungry Da thirty-sees coconut trees-unable to climb-finds monkeys on tree-tops-throws stones-monkey imituse-throw.cocomt at him-gets both food and drink.

13. Develop the outlines into a story. Give your story a title and a moral.

Outlines: A poor man - bought a goose from the market - it laid a golden egg everyday in the morning - the man's wife very greedy -she wanted all the eggs at a time-she cut the goose - lost the goose as well as the eggs. 

14. Write a story with the help of the following outline and suggest a title and a moral: 

Once a widow came to Lord Buddha with her dead child - lamenting bitterly - requested Buddha to revive her dead child - He consoled her - but she was inconsolable - asked her to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house not visited by death - went from door to door - failed to procure mustard seeds from a house not visited by death - returned sadly - Buddha pacified her told her death is inevitable. 

15. Build up a story within 100 words from the following outline. Add a suitable title to it: 

Sons quarrel among themselves-father worried-asked them to bring some sticks-sons can break them one-but cannot break the sticks when they are bundled together-father explains the reason

16. Frame a story from the outline: 

The limbs of the body quarrelled with the belly - they worked, but the belly only received - they all struck work - belly starved - all the limbs weak and lost strength - they learnt the lesson of co-operation

17. Frame a story from the following outline: 

A crow lived on a tree - a snake lived in a hole at the foot - it ate up the crow's young ones - crow stole a necklace of the prince - dropped it into the snake's hole - the king's men traced it - dug into the hole snake killed.

18. Develop the following outlines into a well-organized story:

A poor woodcutter's axe slips and falls into a river - water-god brings a gold axe for him - the woodcutter refuses to take it - the water - god brings a silver axe - the woodcutter again refuses to accept it - the water - god brings the woodcutter's axe - the woodcutter smilingly takes it - the water - god gives him the other two axes also

19. Write a story based on the following points:

A damaged railway bridge a passenger train towards the bridge a cowboy noticed it -feared an accident-put off his shirt-waved the driver stopped the train-many lives saved- the cowboy rewarded.

How to write story - the easiest way : GO HERE


[PART 3] How to excel in English Writing when you are weak in Writing Skill - বাংলায়


How to Improve Writing Skills in English?

Part 3 - Writing Story

অনেকেরই English Writing Skill করতে গেলে একটু সমস্যায় পড়তে হয়। অনেকে English-এ ভালো, বা English-এ কথা বলতে বা text/chat করতে ভালো পারে, কিন্তু বড়ো Writing ভেবে লিখতে অসুবিধা হয়। কিন্তু Writing Skill-এ অনেক নম্বর থাকে, তাই বাদ দিলে মুশকিলে পড়তে হবে। তো, কী করা যায় ? Here, Simple Tips to improve your written English.

Part 1 - এ general paragraph লেখা শিখেছি।

Part 2 - তে Process Writing শিখেছি। 

Part 3 - তে শিখব Story Writing. 

Story লিখতে হয় past tense-এ। বেশিরভাগ ক্ষেত্রেই Story শুরু করা যায় "Once upon a time" দিয়ে, যার মানে হল : "একদা কোনও এক সময়..." . Story তে একটা title অবশ্যই দিতে হয়। আর যদি প্রশ্নে বলা থাকে তাহলে Moral অবশ্যই লিখতে হবে। 

Story Writing-এ hints বা points দেওয়া থাকবেই। সবার প্রথম কাজ হল, সব কটা points পর পর পড়ে গল্পটার মানে বা কী ঘটনা বোঝাতে চাইছে সেটা বোঝা। 

একটা করে দেখা যাক :

Write a story within hundred words based on the following points:

a crow lived on a tree - snake lived in a hole at the foot of the same tree - the snake ate up the crow's young ones - crow stole a necklace of the prince - dropped it onto the snake's hole - the King's men traced it - dug into the hole - snake killed

এবারে points গুলোর মানে বোঝার চেষ্টা করা যাক। 

a crow lived on a tree - একটা গাছে একটা কাক বাস করত 

snake lived in a hole at the foot of the same tree - একটা সাপ ওই একই গাছের তোলার এক কোটরে বাস করত 

the snake ate up the crow's young ones - সেই সাপ কাকটার সব শাবকদের খেয়ে ফেলত 

crow stole a necklace of the prince - কাক এক রাজকুমারের গলার হার চুরি করে আনলো 

dropped it onto the snake's hole - সাপের গর্তে ফেলে দিল 

the King's men traced it - রাজার লোকেরা সেটা খুঁজতে খুঁজতে এসে পৌঁছাল 

dug into the hole - গর্তটা খুঁড়ল 

snake killed - সাপটা মারা পড়ল 

এতেই আমাদের কাছে গল্পটা পরিষ্কার, যে কী আসলে ঘটেছে। এবার এই টুকরো গুলোকে সঠিকভাবে sentence বানিয়ে বসাতে হবে যাতে পুরো মানেটা বেরিয়ে আসে। 

এখানে blue তে লেখা অংশটা বানানো বা বাইরে থেকে add করা, কারণ সেটুকু না করলেই নয়। আর black অংশ গুলো একদম points গুলোই বসানো। 

Once upon a time, a crow lived on a tree. A snake lived in a hole at the foot of the same tree. One day, the snake ate up the crow's young ones. The crow was very sad and thought of taking revenge. So, the crow stole a necklace of the prince and dropped it onto the snake's hole. The King's men traced it and found the necklace in the whole of the snake. They dug into the hole to get the necklace. They also killed the snake inside. The crow got his revenge on the snake for eating his young ones. 

(102 words)

সোজা নয় কি? 

অবশ্যই story অনেক ভালো করে লেখা যায়। কিছু সহজভাবে এটাই। 

Develop the following outline into a story in about 100 words and add a title to your story. 

A sailor - lost way in storm - struggles in water - reaches an island - hungry and thirsty - sees coconut trees - unable to climb - finds monkeys on tree tops - throws stones at them - monkey imitate - threw coconuts at the sailor - flood and drink.

A sailor - একজন নাবিক 

lost way in storm - ঝড়ে পথ হারিয়ে ফেলে 

struggles in water - জলের মধ্যে বাঁচার চেষ্টা করতে থাকে 

reaches an island - একটা দ্বীপে এসে পৌঁছায়।

hungry and thirsty - ক্ষুধার্ত আর তৃষ্ঞার্ত 

sees coconut trees - দেখতে পায় নারকেল গাছ 

unable to climb - গাছে উঠতে পারে না 

finds monkeys on tree tops - দেখতে পেল গাছের মাথায় রয়েছে কিছু হনুমান/বাঁদর 

throws stones at them - তাদের দিকে পাথর ছুঁড়ল 

monkey imitate - বাঁদরগুলো তাকে নকল করল 

threw coconuts at the sailor - নাবিকের দিকে নারকেল ছুঁড়ল 

flood and drink - নাবিক খাবার আর পানীয় পেল 

Once a sailor went to sea and lost his way in a big storm. His ship broke and he fell into the water. He struggled hard in the water and then somehow reached to an island. He became very hungry and thirsty. He got nothing to eat or drink with him. Then he saw big coconut trees near the shore but, he could not climb the trees. He noticed some monkeys on tree tops. The sailor got an idea and threw stones at them. The monkeys imitated the sailor and threw coconuts at him. The sailor drank and ate the coconut. (102 words)

সবথেকে সোজা ভাবে লিখিয়ে দেওয়া এই story. এতটুকু তো যে কেউ লিখতে পারবে, তাই না ? তাহলে এইটুকু থেকে শুরু করা যাক আস্তে আস্তে আরও ভালো লেখাই যায় ! পুরোপুরি ছেড়ে চলে আসার দরকার নেই পরীক্ষায়। 

Hope this will help. 

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How to write process writing : THIS

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