Writing Paragraphs Exercises
> List of Essay Writing Topics and Ideas For Practice:
Write a paragraph describing yours experience of the first norwester in summer.
(Intense heat-your feelings-deserted road in the afternoon-thirsty-load shedding-deserted road in the afternoon-cold wind-large rain drops-joy of the people.
Write a paragraph within 100 words on the benefits of early morning exercises using the following points:
Good for health-fresh air-keeps one active throughout the day-helps in concentrating on studies and work.
Write a paragraph on 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' based on the following points.
Points: Scheme of making India clean-launched on 2nd October, 2014 to make respect to the father of the Nation-Government of India organised the scheme dignitaries from all fields participated-national level campaign Prime Minister himself participated-employees and students participated conclusion.
Write a paragraph on the celebration of 'Spring Festival' or 'Bosontovtsav' on your school.
Write a paragraph on the Plastic Pollution'.
Points: Wonderful invention but not burnt or buried clogs the arteries of plastic emits toxic elements causes cancer and congenital problem-damages nervous system, kidneys and immunity system a threat to eco-system.
Write a paragraph in about 120 words on "The value of Early Rising". Use the following points.
Introduction gives energy gives change to enjoy natural beauty-early morning good for studies
Write a paragraph within 120 words on" Pleasures and value of writing Diary", using the following hints.
Hints : Records of events -call up old memorise-diary of great person- importance, and emotion.
Write a paragraph in about 120 words on 'Solar Energy'
Hints: The sun, an endless source of energy-light and heat-how this energy can be put to other uses heating water, cooking lighting, operating mechanical devices -how to make more easily available and usable a possible solution of power.
With the help of the following points write a paragraph on A book you have recently read and enjoyed.
Points: Introduction-name of the book and its writer-type of the book-theme of the story in brief-specific reason of your enjoyment-its impact upon you.
Write a paragraph in about 110 words on holidays based on the points given.
Meaning of holiday-its necessity-rust, not idleness-various kinds of holidays -various ways of spending holidays: visit places! campaign against illiteracy: tree plantation, games and sports.
Write a paragraph on 'Recollection of Childhood' with the help of the following hints.
Home and parents and other people-place of attraction-events painful and pleasant-conclusion.
Gardening is a hobby. Write a paragraph cum set of instructions for your friend who likes gardening.
Hints: Selecting a plot of land in front of your house-seeds bought from a nearby nursery making the soil soft with water application of manure and sowing seeds protection of sprouting plants
Write a paragraph in about 120 words on 'Some Recollection of Early Childhood Day's. You may use the following points.
[Points: Introduction-pleasure of recollection some memorable events -effects on you-conclusion]
Write a paragraph (in about 120 words) on 'Friendship' based on the following points:
[Points importance of friends can share personal matters-help in time of need a relation beyond selfish motives.]
Write a paragraph (in about 120 words) on a sports person you admire most. You may use the following points:
[Points Name of the sportsperson the game he/she is associated with his/her achievements the
reason for your admiration.]
Write a paragraph (in about 100 words) on the usefulness of 'Morning walk' based on the
following points:
[Morning walk-getting up early-exercise of whole body-body and mind refreshed-more time and
energy for whole day-good for health.]
Write a paragraph (in about 100 words) on Your Favourite Teacher. You may use the following points: (i) Name of the teacher (ii) Subject he/she teaches (iii) Qualities of the teacher that you admire (iv) How has he/she inspired you.
Write a paragraph in about 120 words on a book you have recently read. Use the following Title of the book-its author its subject-story-your impression of the book-its effect on your mind.
Write a paragraph in about 120 words on your parents. You may use the following points: Your love and respect for your parents-their love and affection for you their qualities you admire -what you propose to do for them when you grow up.
Describe in about 120 words a visit the following points:
Write in about 100 words a paragraph on: 'A Short Trip to a place' on the basis of the points given below:
Introduction-date of visit-spot visited-your companion(s) mode of transport-sight seeing- your impressions-conclusion.
Write a paragraph (in about 150 words) about the person you like most. You may use the following points:
(i) Name and identity of the person.
(ii) Your relationship with him/her.
(1) His/Her qualities that impress you.
(iv) His/Her differences from other people.
(v) His/Her influence, if any, on your mind.
Write a paragraph (in about 120 words) about a visit to a place of historical interest. You may use the following points:
(1)Date and Time of departure (ii) Place of visit (ii) Details of the journey (iv) Date of visit (v) Friends and relations with you (vi) interesting sights and scenes.
Write a paragraph (in about 150 words) about the Advantages of Morning walk. You may use the following points: Introduction-a healthy habit-a good start for the whole day's work-greater and closer contact with nature-independent exercise-conclusion
Write a paragraph (in about 150 words) how your school organised a 'Campaign against Crackers during Diwali this year. You may use the following information: Date participation of students, teachers and guardians-procession with colourful posters, slogan
write-ups etc. talk organized on health problems caused by crackers-people made aware of the wastage of money decrease of pollution level recorded by pollution control official-conclusion
Describe in about 120 words a visit to a place of interest in any state of India. You may use the following points: (1) Date of visit (ii) Place of visit (iii) Your companions. (iv) Mode of transport (v) Worth seeing place/places. (vi) Your impression.
Write in about 125 words a paragraph on the Importance of growing more trees in our country. You have to use the following points:
Importance of trees in our everyday life. creating pollution-free atmosphere ---preventing soil erosion and floods --- steps taken by the West Bengal Government in this regard --- advantages to be gained by the urban and rural people.
Write a paragraph in ten lines about 'Our National Flag'
Write a paragraph on 'Your Favourite Game'
Write a short paragraph on "What do you want to be'. Give reasons for your choice.
Write four sentences about 'Begum Rokeya'
Suppose you went to a zoo with your parents and saw many interesting things there. Write five sentences to describe your experience.
[Hints: Name of the zoo-time of visit-animals and birds seen eating habits-conclusion.
Write a paragraph about the Taj Mahal in about ten sentences:
[Hints: Introduction, situated on the southern bank of the Yamuna River in Agra- built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan-took 22 years to complete- 20,000 laborers and artisans engaged - why it is so magnificent, precious stones, change colour with the light - one of the wonders.]
Write a paragraph about your recent visit to the zoo.
Write a paragraph on the following topics: (i) A butterfly or, (ii) Your school.
Write five sentences about a famous sportsperson who has brought glory to our country.
Write a paragraph on 'A Visit to the Zoo'.
Write a paragraph about 'Durga Puja
Write a short paragraph on your experience of seeing the night sky using the following hints:
[Hints: Time of seeing - place from where you looked - how it looked - other things you saw - sounds of the night - your feelings.]
Write a paragraph on your 'Village' or 'Town'
Write a paragraph in ten sentences on a picnic you enjoyed recently.
Write a paragraph about "Yourself
(Points. Your name and age, the place you live in, your aim in life, the name of your school, your hobby)
Write a paragraph on The Cow.
Write a short paragraph on Your Class Room You may use the following points.
(Points: Description of the classroom doors, windows airy and well-lit many pictures on the wall, a big blackboard, decoration during a programme.)
Write a paragraph on 'A Railway Station. You may use the following points:
(Points: Name, location, busy or not, description, the activities of hawkers and coolies-passengers.)
Write a paragraph on 'Our Motherland'.
Write a paragraph on The Parrot', You may use the following points:
(Points: Small bird beautiful-green in colour etc, tongue is thick, an expert in mimicry, red beak, eats mangoes, fruits, seeds, leaves)
Write a paragraph on 'Your Pet. You may use the following points:
(Points: Name of the pet - age - it likes - its activities throughout the day - love for the family members - live as a family member.)
Write a short paragraph on 'Your Parents'.
Write a paragraph about 'Early Rising' by using the following hints:
[Hints: A good habit enjoy the beauty of nature-effect on body and mind-benefits- enough time to work little exercise gives energy.]
Write a paragraph on the 'Independence Day Celebration' in your school. You may use the following points:
[Points: Started from 7:30 am. - students gathered with flowers and paper flags - the national flag hoisted at 7:40 a.m. - national anthem - speeches by different teachers - songs -recitation sweets given to all - end.]
Write a paragraph on a 'Magic Show' with the help of the following points:
(Points: Place - the atmosphere - dress of the magician - his performance - how you liked the show -conclusion.)
Write a paragraph on 'Your Hobby. You may use the following points:
[Points: Your hobby - why do you like it - your description - its effect.]
Write a paragraph on 'Your Favourite Subject' using the following points:
[Points: Name of the subject how the interest grew-plans for future study]
Write a paragraph on The National Flag of India'. You may use the following points.
(Points: Introduction - significance - different colours and their meanings - wheel in the centre - symbolizes our freedom.)
Write a paragraph on "Your School" with the help of the following points:
[Points: Name of the school - its location - description - about the teachers - conclusion]
Write a paragraph on 'Your Favourite Season' You may use the following points
[Points: Name of the season - description - why it is favourite - the main thing about the season - weather - festivals of the season.]
Your First Day at School
Write a paragraph about your experience of 'seeing a beautiful morning.'
Write ten sentences about 'Your Daily Routine' with the given hints:
[Hints: Get up - wash and breakfast - study - bath - lunch - school - home - homework - supper - bed.]
Write a paragraph on 'School Library':
[Hints: A room full of books- library class - duration of reading - system of taking books - enjoy the library class.]
Write a paragraph on The Farmer' using the following points:
[Points: An important member of society - the backbone of the nation - his work - living on poverty - cultivate price of the crop.]
Write a paragraph on 'Your Home'. You may use the following points:
[Points: Description - location - life at home - its surroundings - about neighbour.]
Write a paragraph about The Crow' by the help of the following points:
[Points: Introduction - colour - body - food - sweeper bird - harsh voice - nobody loves it]
Write a few sentences about 'Your Journey from Your Home to School'. Use the following points:
[Points: Distance between home and school - mode of travelling - important landmarks - things you see on your journey - the most exciting part of your journey.]
Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics (in 100 words):
(i) Your Visit to a Fair; (ii) Our Motherland.
Write a few sentences on what you usually do on the day of Saraswati Puja.
Write a paragraph on The Mango on the basis of the following points:
[Description: A fruit - different size and colour - beauty of ripe mangoes - called the "King of Indian Fruits' - Where found: Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Bengal, U.P. and Assam - Kinds : Lengra, Fazli, Golap Khas, Himsagar, Chausa etc - Seasons Put forth blossoms in January green mangoes in March - ripe mangoes available from May to September.]
Witte a few sentences about A Rainy Day' with the help of the following points
[Very refreshing in summer-dark clouds in the sky-thunder lightning and storm-heart rain and water logging - hotchpotch and egg fry - school break - paper boat and indoor games - a joyful day]
Write about an actor whom you like most.