Friday, January 10, 2025

[PART 2] How to excel in English Writing when you are weak in Writing Skill - বাংলায়

How to Improve Writing Skills in English?

Part 2 - Writing Process

অনেকেরই English Writing Skill করতে গেলে একটু সমস্যায় পড়তে হয়। অনেকে English-এ ভালো, বা English-এ কথা বলতে বা text/chat করতে ভালো পারে, কিন্তু বড়ো Writing ভেবে লিখতে অসুবিধা হয়। কিন্তু Writing Skill-এ অনেক নম্বর থাকে, তাই বাদ দিলে মুশকিলে পড়তে হবে। তো, কী করা যায় ? Here, Simple Tips to improve your written English.

Part 1 - এ general paragraph লেখা শিখেছি। এবার আসছি অন্যতম সহজ writing skill নিয়ে। Process Writing. এর থেকে সহজ আর কী বা হয়? 

Process Writing Tutorial : How to Write a Process -

★ Process Writing এর প্রথমে লিখতে হয় Introduction. অর্থাৎ যেটা সম্পর্কে বলা হচ্ছে, তাই নিয়ে কয়েকটা বাক্য। তারপর গোটা paragraph-টা। আর সেটা লিখতে হয় passive voice-এ। আর কিচ্ছু না। তাই Process Writing ভীষণ সোজা ধরণের Writing. আর Process Writing-এ points অবশ্যই দেওয়া থাকবে। 

★ Process Writing-এর introduction-এর পর sentence structure হয় : Linker + Subject (noun) + is (singular or uncountable এর ক্ষেত্রে) / are (plural-এর ক্ষেত্রে) + extra part. 

Linker কী কী হয় ?

একদম শুরুতে হয় ; At First 
আর শেষে - At Last অথবা Finally 

মাঝে বসে - after that, after this, there after, next, later, now, then

★ মাঝের linker repeat করা যেতে পারে, কিন্তু পর পর যেন না হয়। 

★ Subject বোঝার জন্য, point থেকে verb টাকে খুঁজে নিয়ে তাকে "কী" দিয়ে প্রশ্ন করব। যেটা পাওয়া যাবে সেটাই linker এর পরে বসবে।

★ Paragraph এর একটা Heading অবশ্যই থাকবে। আর সেটা question-এই লেখা থাকবে। 

★ Process Writing লিখতে দিলে চিনব কী ভাবে?
Question এ যদি লেখা তাকে - flow chart / how to prepare / preparation of ..... তাহলে সেটা Process Writing লিখতে বলেছে। 

তাহলে একটা করে দেখা যাক : 

Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph within 100 words on how to prepare orange juice at home.
Oranges brought from the market —sorted — rotten ones removed — cleaned— peeled — put in juicer — juice extracted— sugar and preservatives added —poured in bottles — sealed — ready to be sold

Orange Juice is very tasty. Most of the people like orange juice. Orange juice is sold in bottles and people mostly buy them in the summer. The following process shows how orange juice is prepared.

(The following process shows how orange juice is prepared. যে কোনো processing এর ক্ষেত্রে এই line টা লেখা যেতে পারে, শুধু orange juice এর জায়াগায় সেই বস্তুটা লিখতে হবে যেটা বানাতে বলা হয়েছে। )

First point, Oranges brought from the market (বাজার থেকে কমলালেবু কিনে আনা হল)
Linker - At first 
Subject - Oranges
helping verb (plural) - are
3rd form verb - brought
extra - from market

First line: At first oranges are brought from market.

Second point : sorted (বাছাই)
Linker - there after
subject - oranges
helping verb (plural) - are
3rd form verb - sorted
extra - from them.

Second Line: There after oranges are sorted from them.

Third point: rotten ones removed (পচা গুলো বাদ দেওয়া হল)
Linker - Now
Subject - Rotten oranges
helping verb (plural) - are
3rd form verb - removed
extra - from sorted oranges. (আগের sentence থেকে নেওয়া হল)

Third Line: Now rotten oranges are removed from sorted oranges. 

Forth Point: cleaned (পরিষ্কার)
Linker - Next
Subject - Fresh oranges
helping verb (plural) - are
3rd form verb - cleaned
extra-  with the water.

Forth Line: Next fresh oranges are cleaned with the water.

Fifth Point: peeled
Linker - After that
Subject - Good oranges
helping verb (plural) - are
3rd form verb - peeled

Fifth Line: After that good oranges are peeled.

Sixth point :  put in juicer (জুসার-এ দিয়ে দাও)
Linker- Then
Subject - Peeled oranges 
helping verb (plural) - are
3rd form verb - put
extra - in juicer

Sixth line - Then peeled oranges are put in juicer.

Seventh point: juice extracted (জুস বা রস বের করা হল)
Linker - After this
Subject - Juice
helping verb (singular) - is
3rd form verb - extracted
extra - from the oranges

Seventh Line: After this juice is extracted from the oranges.

Eighth point: sugar and preservatives added (চিনি আর প্রিজারভেটিভস দেওয়া হল)
Linker - There after
Subject -  sugar and preservatives
helping verb (plural) - are
3rd form verb - added
extra - in the juice

Eighth Line: There after sugar and preservatives are added in the juice.

Ninth point: poured in bottles (বোতলে ঢালা হল)
Linker - Now
Subject -  orange juice
helping verb (singular) - is
3rd form verb - poured 
extra - in bottles 

Ninth Line : Now orange juice is poured in bottles.

Tenth Point: sealed (সীল করা হল)
Linker - After that
Subject -  bottled orange juice
helping verb (singular) - is
3rd form verb - sealed

Tenth Line: After that bottled orange juice is sealed.

Final Point : ready to be sold (বিক্রির জন্য তৈরী)
Linker - At last
Subject - orange juice
helping verb (singular) - is
3rd form verb - ready to be sold

Last line: At last orange juice is ready to be sold.

শেষে paragraph-টা দাঁড়ালো : 

Preparation of Orange Juice

Orange Juice is very tasty. Most of the people like orange juice. Orange juice is sold in bottles and people mostly buy them in the summer. The following process shows how orange juice is prepared. At first oranges are brought from market. There after oranges are sorted from them. Now rotten oranges are removed from sorted oranges. Next fresh oranges are cleaned with the water. After that good oranges are peeled. Then peeled oranges are put in juicer. After this juice is extracted from the oranges. There after sugar and preservatives are added in the juice. Now orange juice is poured in bottles. After that bottled orange juice is sealed. At last orange juice is ready to be sold. 

Easy right?
Any Question? Let me know in the comment. 

Check These too: -

Practice Process Writing : Process Writing Worksheet

How to excel in English Writing when you are weak in Writing Skill : PART 1

Processing - Writing Skill Worksheet




Process writing is an important skill for students to learn. It helps them explain the steps of doing something in a clear and simple way. Whether it’s writing how to make tea, describing how to plant a tree, or explaining how a machine works, process writing improves their writing and thinking skills.

In this blog, you will find many process writing questions that are perfect for practice. These questions will help students learn how to organize their ideas step by step and write clearly. Practice these questions to get better at process writing and score well in exams!

This is one of the easiest form of writing so sleeve up and start. 


Sentence Structure for the processing : Linker + Obj + is/are + verb 3rd form + extra

Paragraph structure :

Introduction + Body (in passive voice as mentioned above)

check full process - here

1 . Read the points and write the process for preparation of omelette. 

egg taken - chilli, onion cut into pieces - salt egg yolk in cup-mixture - saucepan with oil - slightly heated mixture poured - turned upside down - rolled over-served with sauce.

2. Write a passage on how pure drinking water is being supplied by the municipality of your town.

Lifting of water from rivers-storing in the reservoirs-filtering-purifying-supplying through pipelines. 

3. Write down the process for the preparation of lemon juice based on the following points.

Lemons purchased from market-salt pepper-sugar mixed-mint leaves sorted and washed lemons crushed-mixture stirred thoroughly-poured in bottles a pinch of citric acid added-mixture poured-passed through a strainer-bottles filled-sealed after preservation -serve chilled. 

4. Study the following flow-chart and write how the drinking water is supplied. 

Extraction of raw Ganga water-Purification by mixing alum-reservation in a big tank-filtration in filter beds-Super purification in filter hours-Chlorine Charged-testing-taken into pressure-house-delivery/Supply 

5. Write a paragraph on how general election is held in India.

Election commissioner announces date-electoral rolls containing voter's names prepared-presiding and polling officers recruited, trained -sent to polling booths -School/College building requisite as polling booths-voters line up to vote Stamp on the symbol of their choice in ballot paper-folded and dropped into ballot box-counting done under strict security result announced amid great excitement 

6. Write the full process of the publication of newspaper using the following points. 

Press reporters collect news - press photographers take pictures - sorted and edited - types set in machine --paper rolls inserted - news printed folded and cut newspaper ready for distribution - delivered home. 


Write a paragraph on how newspapers are published. 

Flow Chart: Press reporters collect news-press photographers take pictures—news sorted and edited -types set in machines—paper rolls inserted—news printed—folded and cut-newspaper ready for distribution.


Reporting News and made of Publication

news items collected by reporters - Photographs snapped by staff photographers - Reported account edited and revised by editor - news item made ready for page & space allotted to it - News item composed on computer Screen - Composed-matter laser printed - Print-outs and paste on board - Printed matter filmed and off-set plates ready - insert into printing machine - newspaper printed, cut, folded and delivered.

7. Study the following flow chart and describe how the rehydration mixture is prepared.

Cleaned hands, pots, teaspoon, tablespoon, and a cup - boiled one litre water - add two table spoons full of sugar or honey 1/4 teaspoonful of common salt, 1/2 cup of orange juice - mixed well. 

8. Using the following hints describe how 'Salad' is made:

[Hints: Cucumber, onion, carrot, chilly, tomatoes etc. buying - sorting washing - cutting - salt, lemon adding mixing ready for use.]

9 . Use the following chart and describe the process how lemon pickle is prepared. 

Ripe lemons bought - good ones sorted - washed - salt and oil added - chilli and ginger added - kept in sun.

10. Use the following flow-chart to describe how tea is prepared. Make use of linkers to tie up your sentences.

Pour cold water in a kettle-boil until vapour comes out-put tea-leaf in a tea-pot-pour boiled water in the tea-pot and leave it for 2 minutes add sugar and milk and stir with a teaspoon-pour it in cups serve it hot. 

11. Study the following outlines and describe how mango-pickle is prepared:

Buying mangoes-sorting-removing rotten ones-cleaning-cutting into pieces-drying-spices, salt, mustard oil and chilli mixing-keeping in a big flat pot in the sun-pouring into jar.

12. The flow-chart below is about the preparation of mustard oil. Use the flow-chart and describe the process.

Seeds collected - dried - crushed in a machine - a little water added-oil extracted-oil cakes separated oil kept in containers-sealed-ready for use and sale.

13. Read the following information and write a paragraph on how 'Kaju Barfee' is made.

Ingredients: Condensed milk: 1/2 tin, flour: 50 gm, Kaju: 150 gm, Milk: 1/2 cup. Khoa: 150 gm.

Method: Crushing kaju to fine powder-putting all the ingredients together-grinding to a smooth paste cooking on a slow fire till the mixture thickens-putting the dough in a tray-rolling out thin-cooling and cutting into diamond shapes-ready.

14. Follow the hints and write a paragraph on how chilly chicken is prepared at home.

Buying boneless chicken - washing - soaking them in lemon juice and salt - adding corn flower, baking powder, egg, soya sauce with chicken - frying the chicken pieces - heating white oil - frying onion slices till white and soft- adding capsicum slices - mixing fried chickens balls - adding soya sauce chilly sauce and tomato sauce - sprinkling ajina motto and green chilly - serving hot to the guests.

15. The flow-chart below is about the preparation of mustard oil. Use the flow-chart and describe the process in about 100 words. Tie up your sentences with proper linking words.

Seeds collected-dried crushed in a machine-a little water added-oil extracted-oil cakes separated-oil kept in containers-sealed-ready for use and sale.

16. Study the following flow-chart and describe how bread is made. Write the answer in about words, using linkers.

Flour, Salt, Yeast, Water - Weight -mixed up - dough prepared - cut into one-pound pieces - rolled and shaped - backed 20-30 minutes sliced    → wrapped in paper - ready for the market.

19. Use the flow chart to write donation camp: paragraph on organising a blood donation camp.

Flow chart: campus set up - names of blood doners enlisted - blood group tested - made to lie on bed - veins compressed - cleaned with ether - needle inserted - blood collected in sterilised bottle or polythene bag - level properly - kept in refrigerator used when needed.

20. Study the following flow-chart and describe 'How to score higher marks'.

Hints: understand the syllabus - attend all class regularly - prepare your own notes - explore your weak areas appeal for remedial classes - study further, making a plan practise from Test Papers - get the answer rectified from the subject teachers!

21. Write a paragraph on how chilli chicken is prepared.

Flow chart: Wash chicken pieces thoroughly—marinate—make batter—dip marinated chicken pieces in batter—deep fry—dice vegetables and fry in pan—prepare gravy—add fried chicken to gravy and stir well—chilli chicken ready.

22. Write a paragraph on how vegetable pulao is prepared.

Flow Chart: Wash rice, peas, carrots and beans-cut carrots and beans into small pieces—place open cooker on optimum heat-add ghee, ingredients and sugar-fry till ghee separates—add water and salt-stir-place lid on cooker-steam released—remove cooker from oven—allowed to cool for two minutes-remove lid— serve hot.

23. Write a paragraph on how soap is made. 

Flow Chart: Coconut oil, caustic soda and water - heated for half an hour common salt added—allowed to cool—left for 12 hours—cut into pieces—ready for use.

24. Write a paragraph on how rubber is produced.

Flow Chart: Rubber trees tapped-latex collected - sent to factory–treated with chemicals - getting rubber slabs - pressed with rollers-treated in smoke house-sheet packed sent to market. 

25. Write a paragraph on how a message is sent from a mobile phone.

Flow chart: ‘Menu’ button pressed-message option selected—’create new message’ option selected mobile no. or name of the recipient inserted—’send’ option used—’message sent displayed—charge deduction informed with a beep sound.

26. Write a paragraph on how rain is formed.

Flow chart: Water from waterbodies sucked by sun rays—water vapour formed-vapour rises high in the sky-becomes cool-condenses—forms tiny particles of water-floats in the air as clouds large and heavy particles-clouds fall on earth as rain.

27. Write a paragraph on how phenyl is prepared

Flow chart: Mixing crushed resin with boiled castor oil-cooling-caustic soda solution added and stirred frequently-pouring creosote oil-leaving for ten minutes-adding carbolic acid and potassium permanganate-pouring water-constant stirring kept for 24 hours and poured into bottles.

28. Snapping picture with a camera developing and developing

A roll of negative film inserted into a camera - Pic snapped pressing shutter - exposed film takes out in a dark room - Film developed by washing in a basin of chemically treated water - dry up phots paper and printed on.

29. Write a paragraph on how a school magazine is published 

Flow Chart: Manuscripts are collected from students and teachers-screened with additions, alterations and omissions-manuscripts sent to the press-proof correction-sent for final printing—bound in book form and distributed

30. Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph on how greeting cards are made

Flow chart : Buying a blank card—drawing a design - painting it-decoration with paper, ribbons and beads—writing greetings on it-put inside an envelope-ready to be sent.

31. Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph on how to wash clothes at home.

Flow chart : Take water-add washing powder in water—dip dirty clothes in the mixture—leave for 30 minutes-scrub gently-rinse properly-dry-iron for use.

32. Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph on how mixed salad is prepared

Flow chart : Cucumbers peeled and sliced-kept in pot-onions peeled and sliced-tomatoes washed and sliced-mint or coriander leaves chopped-green chillies chopped and mixed lemon juice added-salt, pepper added—salad oil poured—ready to serve.

33. Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph on how to prepare chow mein at home.

Flow chart : Buying chow-breaking into pieces - boiling-draining water-cutting beans, cabbage, carrot, capsicum, onion, etc.—frying in pan with a little oil-placing on plate–sauce spread on it—serving hot with fork.

34. Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph on how to prepare potato chips.

Flow Chart : Potatoes collected—sorted—cleaned-cut into round pieces—added salt and spices—fried ready to sell in the market.

35. Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph on how omelette is made.

Flow chart : Cutting onion, chilli and ginger into pieces—breaking an egg in a bowl-mixing onion, ginger and chilli in the egg-adding salt-stirring - pouring oil into a frying pan—pouring the mixture and spreading in pan—frying both sides and rolling, serving hot with black pepper.

36. Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph on how steel is prepared.

Flow chart : Collecting iron-ore-mixing with coke and lime-taken to blast furnace-melting under high temperature-pig iron-melting for purification by adding carbon-steel.

37. Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph on how to borrow a book from a library.

Flow chart : Locate book books in the library catalogue-note the catalogue no. of the book-fill in requisition form mentioning library card no.-place requisition form in appropriate box—allow time for book to be brought—take book together with the card—book checked, card retained-last date of return stamped—book/books handed over to the borrower.

38. Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph (100 Words) on how jute is cultivated.

Flow chart : Seeds sown with a gap of 30 cm—dead seedlings cleared at regular interval—flourish in wet—moist heat of the monsoon—once reaped, the stalks are left in a ditch for retting—loose strands collected from the stalks—sun dried—collected into bundles— sent to market in sacks. 

39. Use the following flow chart to write out a paragraph on the preparation of coffee.

water boiled - coffee powder taken in a pot - boiling water - poured in a pot - liquor obtained - cups placed on a tray - liquor poured in cups - sugar and milk added - ready and served

40. Chocolate milk shake is tasty, healthy and full of calcium. Write a process of preparing a milk-shake.

  • In a blender add milk and churn it.
  • Then add sugar and two scoops of chocolate powder
  • Then add some Oreo
  • Churn the blender for two minutes.
  • Take out the milk
  • Shake in a glass and top it up with chocolate ice - Cream

41. Write down the process of preparing noodles 

Wash and Boil noodles - in a pan heat oil- add chopped vegetables - add spices- add soy sause → add ketchup Toss - ready to serve

42. Write in about 100 words the preparation of 'Luchis' from the following chart.

Points: Flours and ghee and salt → add water- make dough - make balls - roll out round - heat ghee in a pan - fry - serve hot

43. Describe how a book-list is prepared for academic session in school.

44. Study the flow chant and write in about 100 word describing a paragraph the preparation of a book.

A subject is selected - the writer concerned reads books on this-  gets ready to write - makes a chart -  select headings - start writing on one side of white paper - the complete writing is sent to the press for printing.

45. Given below is a set of instructions for making strawberry smoothie. 

StepsTake strawberry pulp & sugar - Mix them nicely using a mixer-grinder - Add a cup of smooth yogurt and ice-cubes into this mixture - Blend all the ingredients well - Pour the smoothie into tall glasses - Arrange a straw with a strawberry fan and serve immediately

46. Read the instruction for preparing Maggi 2 noodles.

Steps: Boil 500 ml of water in a container - Add noodles and taste makers - Mix finely chopped vegetables - Cook the noodles for only two minutes - Finally, serve them hot.

47. How to make banana shake.

Steps : take six bananas - Crush them into pulp → Boil half litre of milk → Add banana pulp and sugar  - Stir for two minutes- Remove from heat - cool it for few minutes - mix well in a blender

48. How to make chapatties: - 

Take half a pound of coarse flour - form soft dough using cold water - cover the dough and leave it for an hour → Knead the dough and divide into balls →Roll each ball to make a flat cake - Heat griddle on griddle on slow fire - Place chapatti griddle - Turn occasionally until slightly brown.

How to do process writing? Check This - Writing Process easy


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Impacts of mobile phone on student life - Essay, Informal Letter

Impacts of Mobile Phone on Student Life

Mobile phones have a significant impact on student life, making it a common topic in exams. To help students prepare, this post includes a simple paragraph and an informal letter on the subject. Both are written in an easy-to-understand manner, highlighting the positive and negative effects of mobile phones. Whether it’s accessing information and improving communication or dealing with distractions and addiction, this post covers all key points. Perfect for students, it provides a quick and effective way to understand and write about this important topic in exams.

Write a paragraph on "Impacts of mobile phone on student life". You may use the following points: (Write within 100 words) 

[Hints: positive impacts-convenience, access to information, easy communication, negative effects distraction, mental and physical risks, access to important content, addiction , wrong educational resources]

Mobile phones have both positive and negative impacts on student life. On the positive side, they provide easy access to information, making learning convenient and helping students stay updated. Communication with teachers, classmates, and family becomes quicker and easier. However, mobile phones also have negative effects. They can distract students from studies with games and social media, leading to poor concentration. Overuse can cause mental stress, eye strain, and reduced physical activity. Students might also access misleading or inappropriate content. Mobile phone addiction is another issue, as it affects time management and focus. Balanced use is key to their effective use.

Paragraph Writing Topics For All Classes

Writing Paragraphs Exercises Looking to improve your writing skills? Whether you're a student preparing for exams or just someone who lo...