Wednesday, July 3, 2024

'The Luncheon' MCQ

'The Luncheon' story Questions and Answers

Here is 

The Luncheon Class 8 - Summary & Extra Questions : 

Summary of "The Luncheon" by William Somerset Maugham

"The Luncheon" is a short story by William Somerset Maugham about a humorous and ironic encounter between the narrator and a woman who invites him to lunch. The narrator, a young writer, reluctantly agrees to meet her at an expensive restaurant despite his limited means. Throughout the meal, the woman orders the most costly items on the menu, including salmon, caviar, and champagne, while claiming she only eats a light lunch. The narrator, who can only afford a modest meal, watches helplessly as the bill grows larger. Years later, the narrator sees the woman again and notes that she has gained a significant amount of weight, highlighting the irony of her claim to eat lightly. The story humorously explores themes of deception, irony, and social pretences.

'The Luncheon' story MCQ questions and answers class 8

1. The story 'The Luncheon' is a semi autobiographical narration of _____

(i) William Shakespeare

(ii) William Somerset Maugham

(iii) Oscar Wilde

(iv) D. H. Laurence

2. The Luncheon is a satire on

(i) love

(ii) romance

(iii) shrewdness

(iv) gluttony

3. The Luncheon offers a satirical presentation of

(i) salon-socialite culture

(ii) high breed culture

(iii) higher love culture

(iv) fashionable culture

4. Where did the writer met her again?

(i) Opera

(ii) Theatre 

(iii) Dance program 

(iv) Movie

5. When did he sit down beside her?

(i) Interval

(ii) At the beginning 

(iii) At the end

(iv) None of these

6. The writer lived in

(i) a Latin Quarter

(ii) a mansion

(iii) his own apartment

(iv) a rent house

7. According to the writer, how much a decent luncheon should cost?

(i) Fifteen 

(ii) Not more than fifteen

(iii) Less than fifteen

(iv) Fifteen to twenty

8. "I should be sorry to leave Paris without having some of them." - what is "them"?

(i) mutton chop

(ii) white wine

(iii) caviar

(iv) asparagus

9. The writer cannot decline her request because

(i) he was young and didn't know how to say no to a lady

(ii) he was too eager to meet his fan

(iii) she forced him to

(iv) he was in love with her

10. The word 'beckon' in the story means

(i) Talk politely to a group of people

(ii) walk in a graceful manner

(iii) call someone using hand or head gesture

(iv) none of these

11. The writer had only ______ with him when he planned to take the lady for the luncheon.

(i) 80 francs

(ii) 1000 francs

(iii) 50 francs

(iv) 100 francs

12. The lady want to meet narrator at...........

(i) Fayot's

(ii) Foyot's

(iii) Fyot's 

(iv) Fatyoot's

13. The lady was ........

(i) Imposing

(ii) Beautiful

(iii) Attractive

(iv) Stubborn

14. The author had met the lady ------------ years ago.

(i) 20 years

(ii) 10 years

(iii) 12 years

(iv) 22 years

15. The writer will meet the lady at Foyot's on

(i) Monday at half-past twelve

(ii) Tuesday at half-past twelve

(iii) Wednesday at half-past twelve

(iv) Thursday at half-past twelve

16. The lady whom he meets is

(i) Talkative

(ii) silent

(iii) proud

(iv) none of these

17. The name of the lady in The Luncheon is

(i) Betty

(ii) Mary

(iii) not-mentioned

(iv) none of these

18. The writer lives in Paris in

(i) a big apartment

(ii) a big place

(iii) a tiny apartment

(iv) none of these

19. Foyot is a restaurant where

(i) the French senators go to eat

(ii) the Roman senators go to eat

(iii) the British senators go to eat

(iv) the American senators go to eat

20. The narrator is ------------- by profession.

(i) a writer.

(ii) a musician.

(iii) an artist.

(iv) a theatre person

21. He had never been to Foyot’s before because:

(i) it was meant only for the French senators.

(ii) it was very expensive.

(iii) he had not heard of it.

(iv) he got no one to go with

22. 'Did I remember?’ The narrator means that:

(i) he did not remember.

(ii) he could not forget.

(iii) he was not sure.

(iv) he was confused

23. What was the patent line used by the lady every time when the waiter had come to take the order?

(i) I love to eat heavy luncheon

(ii) I never eat anything for the luncheon, just one thing

(iii) I will not anything

(iv) I will pay for the dish

24. What was the cheapest dish in the menu, that the author ordered?

(i) Asparagus

(ii) Mutton Chop

(iii) Biryani

(iv) Fried Chicken Sticks

25. What were the dishes ordered by the lady?

(i) Salmon fish and Caviar

(ii) Asparagus and Champagne

(iii) Ice-cream and coffee

(iv)  All of the above

26. Why did the lady wanted to meet the man?

(i) She wanted to know him better.

(ii) She fell in love with him.

(iii) She admired his stories

(iv) She wanted to discuss art with him

27. Why did the man opted for only coffee?

(i) He didn't have enough money to cover the expense.

(ii) He was not hungry

(iii) He was in a hurry and coffee was the only thing he could have

(iv) None of the above

28. What bad qualities the woman had?

(i) She was talkative

(ii) She was unattractive

(iii) She was ill-mannered

(iv) All of the above

29. What is the first thing that she asks for?

(i) Fish particularly caviar

(ii) Fish particularly salmon

(iii) fish

(iv) none of these

30. Salmon is not in

(i) menu

(ii) market

(iii) world

(iv) river

31. After salmon, she orders for

(i) Caviar

(ii) a mutton chop

(iii) peach

(iv) champagne

32. In drink, the lady asks for

(i) white wine

(ii) white berries

(iii) white juice

(iv) none of these

33. French white wines are light and good for

(i) the health

(ii) the eyes

(iii) the head

(iv) the digestion

34. After this, the lady asks for

(i) champagne

(ii) again a fish

(iii) peach

(iv) none of these

35. The writer orders champagne

(i) quarter a bottle

(ii) half a bottle

(iii) full bottle

(iv) none of these

36. What does the writer order for himself when he orders champagne for the lady?

(i) water

(ii) wine

(iii) champagne

(iv) none of these

37. After Champagne, the lady asks for

(i) asparagus

(ii) coffee

(iii) ice-cream

(iv) none of these

38. After asparagus, the lady asks for

(i) coffee with ice-cream

(ii) champagne

(iii) water

(iv) white wine

39. They were big, delicious and appetizing. - what was he talked about?

(i) caviar

(ii) salmon

(iii) mutton chop

(iv) asparagus

40. the shameless woman thrust asparagus down her throat and the smell of the ................ hit my nose.

(i) asparagus

(ii) melted butter

(iii) fish

(iv) coffee

41. The headwaiter delivered them

(i) a small fruit basket

(ii) a large basket of peaches

(iii) a small basket of peaches

(iv) none of these

42. The last thing that the writer takes

(i) coffee

(ii) ice-cream

(iii) sweet

(iv) peaches

43. What her doctor forbid her from?

(i) drinking champagne

(ii) eat nothing in luncheon

(iii) eat only one thing in luncheon

(iv) drink nothing but champagne

44. "My heart sank" why did the writer's heart sink?

(i) she wanted to eat asparagus

(ii) she wanted more food

(iii) she eat only one thing in luncheon

(iv) writer got no money

45. What was writer's plan if he was out of money for the bill?

(i) He will borrow money from her

(ii) he will run away

(iii) he will leave his watch and pay later

(iv) none of these

46. How many francs are left for the waiter?

(i) three

(ii) four

(iii) five

(iv) six

47. How many francs are last in the writer pocket when he comes out of the restaurant?

(i) one

(ii) two

(iii) three

(iv) nothing

48. The lady asks the writer to follow her example of not eating more than one thing for luncheon. The writer retorts saying that he will take nothing for 

(i) the breakfast

(ii) the lunch

(iii) the dinner

(iv) none of these

49. What does the lady call the writer?

(i) a humorist

(ii) a cynic

(iii) a talkative person

(iv) none of these

50. What is the weight of the lady?

(i) one hundred and thirty kilograms

(ii) one hundred kilograms

(iii) one hundred and thirty-three kilograms

(iv) one hundred and three kilograms

51. He did not give an adequate tip to the waiter because:

(i) he was mean.

(ii) he was miserly.

(iii) he had no more money.

(iv) he was shy

52. I don’t believe in overloading my stomach - the speaker is

(i) the lady

(ii) the writer

(iii) the waiter

(iv) none of them


1. (ii) William Somerset Maugham

2. (iv) gluttony

3. (i) salon-socialite culture

4. (ii) Theatre 

5. (i) Interval

6. (i) a Latin Quarter

7. (i) Fifteen 

8. (iv) asparagus

9. (i) he was young and didn't know how to say no to a lady

10. (iii) call someone using hand or head gesture

11. (i) 80 francs

12. (ii) Foyot's

13. (iv) Stubborn

14. (i) 20 years

15. (iv) Thursday at half-past twelve

16. (i) Talkative

17. (iii) not-mentioned

18. (iii) a tiny apartment

19. (i) the French senators go to eat

20. (i) a writer.

21. (ii) it was very expensive.

22. (ii) he could not forget.

23. (ii) I never eat anything for the luncheon, just one thing

24. (ii) Mutton Chop

25. (iv)  All of the above

26. (iii) She admired his stories

27. (i) He didn't have enough money to cover the expense.

28. (iv) All of the above

29. (ii) Fish particularly salmon

30. (i) menu

31. (i) Caviar

32. (i) white wine

33. (iv) the digestion

34. (i) champagne

35. (ii) half a bottle

36. (i) water

37. (i) asparagus

38. (i) coffee with ice-cream

39. (iv) asparagus

40. (ii) melted butter

41. (ii) a large basket of peaches

42. (iv) peaches

43. (iv) drink nothing but champagne

44. (i) she wanted to eat asparagus

45. (iii) he will leave his watch and pay later

46. (i) three

47. (iv) nothing

48. (iii) the dinner

49. (i) a humorist

50. (iii) one hundred and thirty-three kilograms

51. (iii) he had no more money.

52. (i) the lady

Monday, July 1, 2024

Swami Vivekananda Essay for Kids and Students

 Swami Vivekananda Essay in English for Kids and Students of Class 1 to 12

Let's talk about Swami Vivekananda. He was one of the acclaimed social reformers and spiritual leaders. In this article, you will learn how to write a paragraph about Swami Vivekananda in English. We've included 5 paragraphs on Swami Vivekananda (10 lines, 100, 150, 200, and 250 words) that will be helpful for students of all classes (from class 1 to class 12). Let's get started!

Essay on Swami Vivekananda in 10 Lines

  • Swami Vivekananda was an Indian philosopher, Hindu monk, and spiritual leader of India.
  • His birth name was Narendranath Datta.
  • He was born on 12 January 1863 in Kolkata.
  • His father’s name was Vishwanath Datta and his mother’s name was Bhubaneswari Devi.
  • In 1893, he represented India and Hinduism at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago.
  • He was a disciple of the spiritual leader, Sri Ramakrishna.
  • He spread the teachings of Hindu Philosophy all over the world.
  • He is the founder of the Ramakrishna Mission. 
  • Swami Vivekananda’s birthday is celebrated as National Youth Day in India.
  • He died on 4 July 1902 in Belur Math while meditating.

A Paragraph On Swami Vivekananda For Kids in 100 words

Swami Vivekananda was one of the acclaimed social reformers and spiritual leaders. He was born on 12 January 1863, in  Kolkata. His birth name was Narendranath Dutta. His father was Biswanath Dutta and his mother was Bhuvaneswari Devi. Vivekananda became a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. He dedicated his life to the welfare of humanity. He attended the World Religious Conference in Chicago and gave a historic lecture on the unity of all religions.
Swamiji set up Ramakrishna Mission, a place for all the destitute and needy people. He taught the principles of Hinduism and Vedanta not only to the people of his country but also to people living abroad. He was a microcosm of courage and strength. This great man passed away on July 4, 1902. Even after his death, he remains in our hearts as an inspiration. (138)

A Paragraph On Swami Vivekananda For Kids in 150 words

Swami Vivekananda was born on January 12, 1863, in Kolkata, India. His real name was Narendranath Datta. He was a bright student and loved to learn about different subjects. From a young age, he was very curious about spirituality and religion. Swami Vivekananda became a disciple of the famous saint, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. He learned deep spiritual teachings from him. In 1893, he went to the Parliament of Religions in Chicago and gave a famous speech. This speech made him very popular and respected worldwide. He traveled across India and other countries, spreading the message of peace, unity, and the importance of serving humanity. He founded the Ramakrishna Mission, which works to help the poor and needy. The birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda is celebrated as the National Youth Day in India. Swami Vivekananda passed away on July 4, 1902. His teachings continue to inspire people to lead lives of truth, strength, and compassion.
(153 words)

A Paragraph On Swami Vivekananda For Kids in 200 words

Swami Vivekananda was born on 12 January 1863 in Kolkata. He was a renowned philosopher, Hindu monk, and spiritual leader. His father was Biswanath Dutta and his mother was Bhuvaneswari Devi. Swami Vivekananda was well-versed in all Hindu scriptures such as Ramayana, Geeta, Mahabharata, Vedas, and Upanishads. He did his schooling at Metropolitan School and graduated from Scottish Church College. Swami Vivekananda had a profound knowledge of multiple subjects including History, Bengali literature, and Sanskrit. Inspired by Sri Ramakrishna, he embraced him as his guru and embarked on his spiritual and philosophical journey to enlighten the world. He established the Ramakrishna Mission to provide aid to the poor and distressed. Swami Vivekananda introduced Western people to Indian culture, spirituality, philosophy, the practice of meditation, and Hindu religion. He dedicated his life to the welfare of humanity, and taught the principles of Hinduism and Vedanta not only to the people of his country, but also to people living abroad. He attended the World Religious Conference in Chicago and gave a historic lecture on the unity of all religions. Swami Vivekananda passed away on July 4, 1902, but even after his death, he remains in our hearts as an inspiration. 
(198 words)

Swami Vivekananda Biography Writing in 250 words

Swami Vivekananda was a great religious reformer of our country. He was born in Calcutta on 12th January 1863. His childhood name was Narendranath Dutta. His father Biswanath Dutta was a renowned lawyer and his mother Bhubaneswari Devi was a pious lady. As a boy, he was very intelligent and extraordinary. He had a deep interest in spiritual thoughts. He passed the entrance examination from Metropolitan Institution. In 1884, he completed his B.A. degree with Honours in Philosophy from the Scottish Church College. Meeting with Shree Ramakrishna was the turning point of this life. He became a disciple of Ramkrishna and travelled all over India on foot. He came to be known as Swami Vivekananda. Swamiji introduced the Indian philosophy of Hinduism in Western countries. He firmly opposed the caste system and untouchability. His address at the Parliament of Religion in Chicago was a memorable event. After his return to India, he continued his religious task. He founded Ramkrishna Mission and Ramkrishna Math at Belur. He also established many hospitals, libraries, and schools in various places in India. Swami Vivekananda’s teaching not only motivated the youth of India but also the whole world. The birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda is celebrated as the National Youth Day in India. Vivekananda's legacy continues to inspire millions. Swamiji breathed his last on the 4th of July 1902 at the age of 39, but his ideas and vision for a strong, united India live on.
(254 words)


Swami Vivekananda: A Beacon of Spirituality and Inspiration

Swami Vivekananda, born Narendranath Datta on January 12, 1863, in Kolkata, India, was a prominent spiritual leader and reformer. He played a key role in introducing Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world.

From a young age, Narendranath was inclined towards spirituality. His meeting with the mystic Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in 1881 transformed his life. Under Ramakrishna's guidance, he embraced a life of renunciation and spiritual pursuit, taking the name Swami Vivekananda after Ramakrishna's death in 1886.

In 1893, Vivekananda represented India at the Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago. His opening words, "Sisters and Brothers of America," received a standing ovation. His speeches emphasized the universality of religion and the importance of tolerance and acceptance, earning him widespread admiration.

Vivekananda traveled extensively in the West, spreading the teachings of Vedanta and encouraging the idea of a universal religion. He founded the Vedanta Society in America, which continues to promote his teachings.

Upon returning to India, Vivekananda established the Ramakrishna Mission in 1897, a charitable organization dedicated to social service and education. He believed in the upliftment of the masses through education and spiritual enlightenment. His teachings emphasized the importance of selflessness, service to humanity, and the realization of the divine within oneself.

Swami Vivekananda's life was a blend of deep spirituality and dynamic action. His writings, including "Raja Yoga," "Bhakti Yoga," and "Jnana Yoga," continue to inspire people worldwide. He passed away on July 4, 1902, but his legacy lives on, inspiring millions to pursue a path of self-realization and service to humanity.

Swami Vivekananda's vision of a united world, driven by spiritual values and social responsibility, remains relevant today. His life and teachings continue to guide and inspire people across the globe.

(294 words - standard writing graduate level) 


Aim in My Life - Paragraph Writing For Students [Easy & Best]

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