Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle MCQ


The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle - Sherlock Holmes

- Arthur Conan Doyle. 

MCQ from The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle - Class VII

In "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle", Dr. Watson was amazed when Sherlock Holmes was able to deduce several facts about a man by examining which item?
 a) An envelope
 b) A snow globe
 c) The man's hat
 d) The man's dentures

What had caused Henry Baker to lose his goose in "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle"?
 a) He had accidentally left it on the train.
 b) He had it in a bag that was mixed up with another commuter's bag.
 c) It was stolen from him on the bus.
 d) He had dropped it after being attacked by a group of hoodlums.

In "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle", Commissionaire Peterson's wife found the blue carbuncle in a goose. What was the blue carbuncle?
 a) A gemstone
 b) A rare stamp
 c) name of a goose
 d) A costly hat

In "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle", who had been arrested for the theft of the blue carbuncle?
a)  A bicycle repairman
b) A poultry salesman
c) A plumber
d) A maid

How did Henry Baker obtain the goose in "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle"?
a) He stole it.
b) He bought it at a market.
c) He had captured it after it escaped from a farm and was allowed to keep it.
d) He had made monthly contributions to a Christmas goose club.

In "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle", Sherlock Holmes met another man who had been inquiring about a goose at Mr. Breckinridge's shop. Who was he?
a) A hotel employee
b) A surgeon
c) A tailor
d) A priest

In "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle", Sherlock Holmes discovers that Mr. Breckinridge had received the geese from a poultry. To whom it belong to? (Mrs. Oakshott of Brixton Road. Who was she?)
a) James Ryder's sister
b) The plumber's wife
c) Henry Baker's daughter
d) The commissionaire's wife

In "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle", how did the blue carbuncle end up inside the goose?
a) It had been surgically implanted in the goose.
b) Mr Ryder's was using the geese to smuggle stolen property.
c) James Ryder had pushed it down the goose's throat to hide it.
d) The goose ate it when Henry Baker dropped it.

After Sherlock Holmes solved "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle", what happened to the thief?
a) He hit Holmes over the head and escaped.
b) Holmes let him go.
c) Holmes took him to the police station.
d) He was hit by a carriage and died.

What was one of the themes of the "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle?"
a) Love
b) Forgiveness
c) Fear
d) Technology

Who is the real thief of the Blue Carbuncle?
a) Henry Baker
b) James Ryder
c) Horner
d) Holmes

Henry Baker bought a goose from-
a) Sherlock Holmes.
b) the butcher.
c) Alpha Inn
d) the grocery store.

The policeman brought the jewel to Sherlock Holmes and asked him to
a) sell the jewel.
b) find out who the goose belonged to.
c) hide the jewel.
d) get him another goose.

When Sherlock spoke to Henry Baker, he realized that Henry
a) stole the stone.
b) stole the goose.
c) was lying.
d) didn't know anything about the jewel in the goose.

James Ryder was - 
a) a clerk at the hotel where the jewel was stolen.
b) the owner of the jewel.
c) Sherlock's best friend.
d) the policeman.

When James Ryder hid the jewel in the goose,
a) he knew Henry Baker would buy the goose.
b) he didn't know the goose was going to be sold.
c) he knew the policeman would cook the goose.
d) he knew the goose would fly away.

In Arthur Conan Doyle's The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, which of the following does Holmes ask Watson to do?
a) Examine the hat and offer a few observations
b) Use the hat as bait by setting it out on the street at midnight
c) Hide the hat before the owner comes looking for
d) Try the hat on to determine that it does not belong to him

Who brings Sherlock a goose and a hat?
a) Dr Watson
b) Peterson, the police officer
c) Mr Henry Baker
d) Peterson, the commissioner

How did Peterson got both objects?
a) He found them on the street
b) After a fight on the street
c) A man gave them to him
d) Under the Christmas tree

What was printed upon a small card tied to the goose?
a) H.B.
b) Peterson
c) Merry Christmas
d) For Mrs Henry Baker

Peterson was left with the goose and the hat because 
a) everyone had run away from the scene.
b) no one wanted the goose.
c) many police gathered there
d) none of these

“I must be very stupid, Holmes, for I’m quite unable to follow you.” - it implies that -
a) Watson couldn’t understand what Holms said.
b) couldn’t follow Holms because he was too fast.
c) didn’t understand how Holmes came to his conclusions.
d) realized that Holmes was very clever

Ryder had stolen the gem and __________________.
a) then got scared.
b) run to the goose seller.
c) then blamed the plumber.
d) chased Mr Baker to get the goose.

Where was the goose bought from?
A. Covent Garden Market
B. The Alpha Inn
C. The Baker Street Market
D. The Blue Carbuncle Shop

Who is the owner of the lost hat and goose?
A. John Horner
B. Henry Baker
C. James Ryder
D. Mrs. Oakshott

Who is accused of stealing the blue carbuncle?
A. John Horner
B. James Ryder
C. Henry Baker
D. Peterson

What did Henry Baker do after losing his hat and goose?
A. He went to the police.
B. He placed an advertisement in the newspaper.
C. He did nothing.
D. He asked Sherlock Holmes for help.

Why does Holmes decide to let the thief go?
A. He believes the thief is innocent.
B. He feels the thief has learned his lesson.
C. He wants to track the thief to a bigger crime ring.
D. He is paid off by the thief.

What was the name of the hotel where the Countess of Morcar was staying?
A) The Northumberland Hotel
B) Alpha Inn
C) Hotel Cosmopolitan
D) The Langham Hotel

Whom did the blue carbuncle belong to?
a) The King of Prussia
b) The Countess of Morcar
c) Sherlock Holmes
d) Henry Baker

When did Watson visit Holmes?
a) Christmas morning
b) 31st morning
c) one morning before Christmas
d) one morning after Christmas

Holmes deducted the man is intellectual because:
a) The hat was of the best quality
b) the hat was old but still usable
c) The size of the hat
d) he has recently cut his hair

Where did Holmes put the advertisement?
a) evening newspapers
b) weekly magazine
c) morning newspaper
d) police bulletin board

When did Peterson find the goose?
a) one morning before Christmas
b) one morning after Christmas
c) 24th December morning
d) Christmas evening

What was written on the lining of the hat?
a) Henry Baker
b) Mr Henry Baker
c) HB
d) Mrs Henry Baker

The man's hair is
a) recently cut grizzled hair
b) oily hair
c) long and curly
d) recently cut brown hair

How did Holmes deduce that the man's wife ceased to love him?
a) His wife sent him to buy the goose
b) Holmes knew his wife
c) Peterson told Holmes
d) hat has not been brushed for weeks.

The reward offered for the lost blue carbuncle was-
a) 1000 pounds 
b) 12000 pounds
c) pounds
d) 100 pounds

From where the gem was lost?
a) Hotel Cosmopolitan
b) Alpha Inn
c) Convent Garden Market
d) open market

Alpha Inn located near-
a) the police station
b) baker street
c) poultry
d) museum

Who gave testify against John Horner?
a) Peterson
b) James Ryder
c) Countess
d) the maid

Who was James Ryder?
a) Friend of Henry Baker
b) works at Breckinridge
c) attendant of the hotel Cosmopolitan
d) attendant of the alpha inn

Who was John Horner?
a) attendant of the hotel Cosmopolitan
b) attendant of the Alpha Inn
c) Friend of Henry Baker
d) Plumber of  the hotel Cosmopolitan

From where Henry Baker brought his goose?
a) Alpha Inn
b) Breckinridge's shop
c) Convent Garden Market
d) Hotel Cosmopolitan

From whom Alpha Inn brought the goose?
a) a salesman in Covent Garden
b) John Horner
c) Henry Baker
d) attendant of the hotel Cosmopolitan

What was the name of the salesman in Covent Garden from whom Alpha Inn brought the geese?
a) John Horner
b) Henry Baker
c) Breckinridge
d) Peterson

What name James Rider said to Holmes when he asked his name?
a) John Robinson
b) David Peterson
c) Robinson Crusoe
d) James Horner

Who told James Ryder about the gem?
a) Catherine Cusack 
b) John Horner
c) Henry Baker
d) Holms

Who was Catherine Cusack?
a) James Ryder's sister
b) attendant of the hotel Cosmopolitan
c) worker in a poultry
d) Her ladyship's waiting-maid

What is the name of James Ryder's friend who knows about getting rid of stolen items?
a) Horner
b) Maudsley
c) Henry
d) Robinson

Who promised to give a goose as Christmas present to James Ryder?
a) Countess
b) Catherine Cusack
c) his sister
d) Mrs Henry Baker

How was the goose look like?
a) white colour with the barred tail, right in the middle of the flock
b) grey colour with the barred tail
c) totally white colour
d) none of these

Who was the dealer to whom James Rider's sister sent her goose to?
a) Breckinridge, of Hotel Cosmopolitan
b) James Horner, of Hotel Cosmopolitan
c) Breckinridge, of Alpha Inn
d) Breckinridge, of Covent Garden

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Poem 'On a Bicycle' MCQ for Class 8

On a Bicycle Poem by Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko 


Poem On a Bicycle MCQ for Class VIII

1. In the poem, what does the poet mean by "two-wheel friend"?

a) his friend who has a cycle

b) his own cycle

c) his friend with whom he rides bicycle

d) the friend who sits behind the poet on his bicycle

2. When the poet gets out with his two-wheel friend?

a) in the morning

b) in the evening

c) at dawn

d) at dusk

3. How poet's mother warns him?

a) shouting

b) shaking

c) scared

d) whispering

4. Where is poet's mother when he goes out?

a) on the kitchen

b) in bed

c) in the bathroom

d) in the garden

5. When the poet pat on the bicycle, it

a) will bounce back

b) flatten

c) will move fast

d) the tyres will drop

6. What was poet's mother's instruction for the poet?

a) do not go out

b) do not go out so early

c) do not ride cycle

d) do not make clattering sound

7. Who leans out and yells out when the poet mounts his cycle?

a) the passer-by

b) his mother

c) his friends

d) the lorry drivers

8. The word "swoop" means -

a) sound of eating

b) sound of bicycle

c) to move rapidly

d) to ride bicycle

9. "uphill" means -

a) towards the top of a hill

b) towards the bottom of a hill

c) upwards  of a road

d) none

10. The drivers are mad at him because -

a) he threw slangs at them

b) He overtakes them

c) he rides so slowly

d) he doesn't let them pass

11. Poet rides his friend in -

a) a good way

b) less dangerous way

c) in terrible fashion

d) uncomfortable manner

12. The rider overtakes a lorry in -

a) stunt

b) single swoop

c) riding on one wheel

d) none of these

  1. b) his own cycle
  2. c) at dawn
  3. a) shouting
  4. b) in bed
  5. a) will bounce back
  6. d) do not make clattering sound
  7. d) the lorry drivers
  8. c) to move rapidly
  9. a) towards the top of a hill
  10. b) He overtakes them
  11. c) in terrible fashion
  12. b) single swoop

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