Thursday, August 22, 2024

Tense Exercise That Won't Make You Feel Bored

English Grammar Tense Exercises For All Classes

Welcome to the most epic collection of tense exercises ever assembled which won't make you bore ever! Just kidding, but seriously, mastering verb tenses can be a challenge, and practice is key. This collection of exercises is designed to help you conquer the world of verb tenses and this is totally endless. Ahem! no joke this time. With a dash of fun and a pinch of clarity, it'll guide you through the twists and turns of English grammar, so you can become a tense master in no time! Have Fun!

  1.  I ___________ can do the homework all by myself. (THINK)
  2. She always ___________ to be a nice girl. (APPEAR)
  3. I _____________ for a NGO at the moment. (WORK)
  4. Ila ______________ a shower at the moment. Could you call back later ? (TAKE)
  5. Joy ______________ in a few minutes. You have to hurry. (LEAVE)
  6. They ___________ to go swimming during the hot summer. (LOVE)
  7. That book ____________ to me. Then I gave it to my sister. (BELONG)
  8. I ____________ what you are saying, but I __________ it. (UNDERSTAND, NOT BELIEVE)
  9. My father _______________ a day off during puja holiday. (NOT GET)
  10. What ____________ your uncle _______ for a living ?  DO)
  11. I usually ___________ the bus to school but today my sister ____________ me. (TAKE, DRIVE)
  12. What __________ ? - I __________- a glass of wine. Would you care to join me? (YOU DRINK, HAVE)
  13. Raja  ________ to get up very early. (LIKE)
  14. I can see her. She __________ at the railway platform. (WAIT).
  15. Ram ________________ me because I speak too quickly. (NOT UNDERSTAND)
  16. Everybody _____________ to class at nine o'clock (COME).
  17. He ___________ a letter to his boss at the moment (TYPE).
  18. Not many people ______________ in the street. It's Sunday (DRIVE)
  19. He ____________ a wink last night. (NOT SLEEP)
  20. My brother ___________ smoke. He says it's bad for you (NOT SMOKE)
  21. Look! Some students ____________ cards in the lounge (PLAY)
  22. He hardly ever ___________ to me (TALK)
  23. I always ___________ the meaning of this word. (FORGET)
  24. I can see fifty of the birds ______________ in the sky. (FLY)
  25. He _____________ himself nearly every day (HURT)
  26. Look ! The sun _____________. (RISE)
  27. How do you usually start work on a film ? – First, I  _____ (read) the script and ________ (make) notes .
  28. What languages ___________  (you, speak) ? - English, French and Russian.
  29. I’m glad we ____________ (do) this interview in English , because my Hindi _______ (be) poor.
  30. Who ________  (play) that guitar ? - My son, when he has time.
  31. Who ___________  (play) the guitar upstairs ? - My sister. She’s got a concert tomorrow. - What ________ (she, play) ? - I think it’s a piece by Mozart.  __________ (She, play) anything else ? - Yes, the piano. She ______ (be) also a part of an opera.
  32. Your brother is very keen on sports, isn’t he ? - Yes, he ________-  (play) football. - Where is he now ? - He __________ (play) football, as usual.
  33. What’s that delicious smell ? - My mother ________  (cook). 
  34. What a lovely clock ! - It __________  (not work) I’m afraid - It _______ for years. (Break)
  35. Could I use your phone ? - I’m afraid it _________ (not work) at the moment.
  36. The girls __________ (NOT ARGUE) now. They ________ (WATCH) a film together.
  37. Look ! Mary _________ (SING) again. She often __________ (SING) this song on her birthday last year.
  38. Please go to the supermarket and ___________ (BUY) me some food.
  39. Emma ____________ (SPEAK) English and French but her sister __________ (NOT).
  40. He usually _____________ (LEAVE) home at 9.00 o'clock but today he __________ (LEAVE) later.
  41. I ________________ (VISIT) my grandmother every Friday. My sister often _________ (VISIT) her as well.
  42. She __________ (WRITE) to her pen friend at the moment.
  43. They sometimes ____________ (HAVE) lunch at work, but today they ___________ (GO) to a restaurant.
  44. She can't talk to you. She _____________ (HAVE) a shower.
  45. Moly _____________ (GIVE) a party today because it _____________ (BE) her birthday.
  46. The lesson ________________ (START) at 9 every morning.
  47. What _____________ (YOU USUALLY DO) at the weekends ?
  48. After school I always ___________ (CHECK) my Facebook posts before I do my homework.
  49. Pay attention ! The teacher ______________ (WRITE) some examples on the blackboard.
  50. He ______________ (LIKE) watching TV but he _______________ (NOT WATCH) at the moment because he is asleep.
  51. My brother can't play tennis because he ________________ (LOSS) a racket.
  52. Last night I _______ (GO) to my favourite restaurant in Jackson Street. I ________ (LEAVE) the restaurant at about 10 o'clock. It __________ (BE) a very warm evening and I __________ (DECIDE) to take a walk along the beach.
  53. Suddenly I ______ (HEAR) a noise. I _________ (TURN) around and _________ (SEE) three teenage boys. One boy ______ (COME) up to me and _________ (ASK) me what time it _______ (BE) . When I _________ (LOOK) down at my watch, he ________ (HIT) me and I _______ (FALL) to the ground . Another boy _________ (TAKE) my wallet. I ______ (SHOUT) for help but nobody ______ (HEAR) me. Then they _____ (RUN) away.
  54. Do you realize that you ____________ on my toe right now? (STAND)
  55. When we _________ to see them last night they _________ cards. (GO, PLAY)
  56. I am sorry that I ________ to leave the party so early last night, because I _________ myself. (HAVE, ENJOY)
  57. The boys ________ cards when they __________ their father’s steps. They quickly __________ the cards and __________ out their lesson books. (PLAY, HEAR, HIDE, TAKE)
  58. The train just started when the door suddenly ____________ and two passengers __________ in. (OPEN, LEAP)
  59. These workers are never satisfied. They always ____________ (COMPLAIN)
  60. This book is about a man who ________ his family during the war and _________ to live on a Pacific island. (LEAVE, GO)
  61. While I _________ for my passport I __________ this old photograph. (LOOK, FIND) ___________ everything that the newspapers say ? - No, I ___________ any of it. (YOU BELIEVE, NOT BELIEVE)
  62. My friend __________ the answers to all the questions. He's a genius. (KNOW)
  63. I finally found my wallet. I __________ for it for over a week. (LOOK)
  64. By the time Monica leaves university, she _________ for 8 years. (STUDY)
  65. I'm starting a job with my dad's company after I __________ college. (FINISH)
  66. Mary _______ around to see me later on. (COME)
  67. I'm so tired. I ____________ for miles and the village isn't anywhere to be seen. (WALK)
  68. I __________ in my rocking chair when the phone ________. It _________ after a few rings. (SIT, RING, STOP)
  69. When we _________ home from the party yesterday evening, we ____________ a strange object in the sky. (DRIVE, SEE)
  70. __________ my brother yesterday ? (YOU MEET)
  71. We ____________ here since February 21st. (LIVE)
  72. Sayani ___________ out twenty minutes ago . (GO)
  73. Look ! I ____________ a new dress (BUY)
  74. When she _____________the restaurant she _________ Peter (ENTER, SEE)
  75. I ______________ the book many times before (READ).
  76. I ___________ the book before dinner (READ).
  77. When _______________ ? (THE BROADCAST , START)
  78. I think I ___________ buy theses shoes. They fit perfectly. (BUY)
  79. The last train to Manchester __________ at 10 minutes to midnight. (LEAVE)
  80. Mom ___________ the book she ___________ reading a few days ago. (NOT FINISH, START)
  81. Three people __________- in a fire a few days ago. Three days before, there ___________ an explosion in the same neighbourhood. (DIE, BE)
  82. What ____________ you __________ of the new song by Adele ?
  83. ___________ you ___________ what I mean ?
  84. I __________ fish and chips before, but I don't like them.
  85. I __________ never _________ Snow Patrol perform live, although I'd love to.
  86. The ice cream __________ fantastic.
  87. I _________ to see if I can find my coat, but it's nowhere around.
  88. I ___________ on the computer to see if I can find the ticket prices.
  89. I ___________ of getting tickets for the band performance, but they are too expensive.
  90. I _________ this sauce to see if it's too hot.
  91. I ____________ the film twice this year. It's really good.
  92. He ____________ carry your bag if you prepare dinner for him.
  93. I don't know what time it is; my watch __________ (STOP).
  94. How long ___________ (YOU BE) a fire-fighter ?
  95. He looked outside but it ____________. (STILL RAIN)
  96. This time last year we _____________ to Sundarbans. (TRAVEL)
  97. Jyoita ____________ a tray of glasses when she slipped (CARRY)
  98. You __________ a shower when Biswa called. (HAVE)
  99. It was a lovely day. The sun _____________ and the birds ____________ (SHINE, SING)
  100. Your hands are dirty ! – What ___________- (YOU DO) ? – I ___________ (WORK) in the garden all afternoon.
  101. How long ________________ ( YOU SIT) there watching TV ?
  102. What _________________  ( YOU DO) since I saw you last time ?
  103. After the storm _________________ we could finally leave the house. (STOP)
  104. The football fans _____________ trouble for some time before the police arrived. (MAKE)
  105. When the teacher finally came in the boys __________ for ten minutes (FIGHT)
  106. When Tommy finally came the girls ________________ for a few hours (SING)
  107. After they ____________ the good news they burst into laughter. (HEAR)
  108. When the policeman rushed into the street, the thieves _____________ (ALREADY DISAPPEAR)

Simple Present Tense / Present Indefinite Tense 

He ——- (live) with his parents at the moment.
Some areas of Rajasthan ——– (become) drier.
He ——– (work) as a vice captain of the football team. 
She ——– (plan) to study for a degree.
I —— (have got) two sisters and two brothers.
This month they ——– (work) on a new project.
I ________ (live) in New York.
She ________ (study) English every day.
They ________ (play) soccer on Sundays.
He ________ (work) as a doctor.
We ________ (travel) to Paris every year.
The company ____ (produce) high-quality software.
She ____ (speak) three languages fluently.
They ____ (live) in a small apartment in the city.
He ____ (work) as a freelance writer.
We ____ (exercise) regularly to stay healthy.

 Present Continuous Tense

 I ____ (to study) for my exam right now.
 They ____ (to build) a new house on the corner.
 She ____ (to learn) how to play the guitar.
 He ____ (to work) on a project at the moment.
 We ____ (to prepare) for our trip to Japan.
 The company ____ (to develop) a new software.
 She ____ (to write) a novel in her free time.
 They ____ (to attend) a conference in New York.
 He ____ (to practice) his presentation.
 We ____ (to enjoy) our vacation.

 Present Perfect Tense

I ____ (to learn) a lot of new things since I started this course.
They ____ (to travel) to many countries in the past few years.
She ____ (to write) three books since she graduated from college.
He ____ (to work) at the company for five years now.
We ____ (to live) in this city for ten years already.
We ____ (to make) a lot of progress since we started the project.
They ____ (to have) several meetings to discuss the proposal.
I ____ (to read) several books on the topic since I became interested.
She ____ (to teach) English for several years now.
He ____ (to learn) a lot of new skills since he changed careers.

Present Tense: ~

Q) Jazz musicians _______ (to perform) at the club every weekend, and people _______ (to come) from all over the city to listen to them.

(Answer: perform, come)

Q) The company _______ (produce) high-quality products, and customers _______ (appreciate) their attention to detail.

(Answer: produces, appreciate)

Q) The teacher _______ (write) on the blackboard, and the students _______ (take) notes.

(Answer: writes, take)

Q) The company's headquarters _______ (locate) in Tokyo, and the employees _______ (commute) from all over the city.

(Answer: is located, commute)

Q) The weather forecast _______ (predict) rain for tomorrow, and the farmers _______ (prepare) for the storm.

(Answer: predicts, prepare)

Q) The new employee _______ (learn) the ropes, and his colleagues _______ (help) him.

(Answer: is learning, help)

Simple Past Tense / Past Indefinite Tense 

I ________ (go) to the movies last night.
They ________ (play) soccer yesterday.
She ________ (study) for three hours last night.
He ________ (work) at a restaurant last summer.
We ________ (travel) to Paris last year.
I ____ (spend) my summer vacation at the beach.
They ____ (win) the championship last year.
She ____ (graduate) from college in 2019.
He ____ (break) his leg in an accident.
We ____ (move) to a new house last month.
I ____ (attend) a concert last weekend.
They ____ (visit) their grandparents last month.
She ____ (take) a break from work last year.
He ____ (participate) in a marathon last summer.
We ____ (celebrate) our anniversary last week.

Past Continuous Tense

 I ____ (to listen) to music when my friend called.
 They ____ (to have) dinner at 7pm last night.
 She ____ (to study) for three hours yesterday.
 He ____ (to work) on his project all day.
 We ____ (to travel) through Europe last summer.
 I ____ (to watch) TV at 8pm last night.
 They ____ (to play) soccer at 3pm yesterday.
 She ____ (to take) a bath when the phone rang.
 He ____ (to read) a book when I saw him.
 We ____ (to drive) to the beach when it started raining.

Past Perfect Tense

She ____ (to finish) her homework before she went to bed.
They ____ (to live) in Paris for five years before they moved to London.
I ____ (to study) English for three years before I traveled to the US.
He ____ (to work) at a restaurant for two years before he became a chef.
We ____ (to know) each other for ten years before we got married.
The company ____ (to launch) several successful products before it went bankrupt.
They ____ (to discuss) the issue for hours before they reached a decision.
I ____ (to try) several different solutions before I found one that worked.
She ____ (to study) for months before she passed the exam.
He ____ (to work) on the project for weeks before he finally finished it.

Past Tense: ~

Q) Clowning _______ (to be) a popular form of entertainment at children's birthday parties in the 1980s, and many kids _______ (to laugh) at their antics.

(Answer: was, laughed)

Q) The ancient city _______ (to be) hidden deep in the jungle for centuries, and archaeologists _______ (to discover) it last year.

(Answer: was, discovered)

Q) The company's sales _______ (to increase) significantly after they _______ (to launch) their new marketing campaign.

(Answer: increased, launched)

Q) The tourists _______ (to get) lost in the city because they _______ (to forget) their map.

(Answer: got, forgot)

Q) The teacher _______ (to give) the students a lot of homework, and they _______ (to complain) about it.

(Answer: gave, complained)

Q) The company _______ (to launch) a new product last quarter, and it _______ (to receive) great reviews.

(Answer: launched, received)

Q) The students _______ (to take) a difficult exam last week, and they _______ (to feel) relieved when it was over.

(Answer: took, felt)

Q) I —- (think) I —– (look) very smart. I —– (wear) a suit and my best shoes. I —- (walk) to the bus stop and —- (wait) for the bus. While I —- (wait), I —– (notice) that people —– (look) at me in a strange way. I —- (try) to ignore them, and when my bus —- (arrive) I —- (get) on and —- (find) a seat. 30 minutes later, I —- (arrive) at my office. Just as I —- (get) off the bus, I —- (look) down and —- (realise) that I —- (wear) shoes of different colours.

Simple Future Tense / Future Indefinite Tense 

I ____ (to attend) a conference next week.
They ____ (to launch) a new product next month.
She ____ (to start) her new job tomorrow.
He ____ (to travel) to Europe next year.
We ____ (to celebrate) our 10th anniversary next year.
The company ____ (to expand) its operations next quarter.
She ____ (to finish) her degree next year.
They ____ (to move) to a new office next month.
He ____ (to participate) in a marathon next year.
We ____ (to visit) our family next summer.

Future Continuous Tense

I ____ (to study) for my exam at 8pm tomorrow.
They ____ (to build) a new skyscraper in the city center next year.
She ____ (to attend) a conference in New York next month.
He ____ (to work) on a project at 10am tomorrow.
We ____ (to travel) through Europe next summer.
The company ____ (to expand) its operations into Asia next year.
She ____ (to write) a novel for the next six months.
They ____ (to attend) a music festival next weekend.
He ____ (to practice) his speech for the next hour.
We ____ (to enjoy) our vacation in Hawaii next week.

Future Perfect Tense

I ____ (to graduate) from college by the time I am 25.
They ____ (to complete) the project by next Friday.
She ____ (to learn) three languages by the end of the year.
He ____ (to work) at the company for ten years by next June.
We ____ (to travel) to every continent by the time we retire.
I ____ (to finish) my degree by the time I am 30.
They ____ (to have) three children by the time they are 40.
She ____ (to have) traveled to 20 countries by the end of the decade.
He ____ (to have) worked at the company for 20 years by next year.
We ____ (to have) lived in this house for 15 years by next summer.

Simple Present vs Present Continuous ~

When children become teenagers, they ---- more time with their friends.
Rick admires those girls who ---- red dresses.
I agree that Jane is a good person to be with, but she ---- to be aggressive now and again.
Mary ---- going to parties and she herself often gives one as well.
Susan ---- waiting, so don't keep her waiting no matter what the reason is.
What I really like about Mellisa is that she ---- amazing cakes.
Tracy has just been to the hairdresser's, but her hair ---- as if it hasn't been done.
I don't know what or who she ---- at. I don't think there is anything funny.
I ___ (to read) a book every night, but I ___ (to watch) TV right now.
They ___ (to work) at a restaurant, but they ___ (to take) a break now.
She ___ (to study) for her exam, and she ___ (to make) good progress.
He ___ (to play) soccer every weekend, but he ___ (to practice) his serves now.
We ___ (to travel) a lot, and we ___ (to plan) our next trip now.
I ___ (to attend) classes every day, but I ___ (to work) on a project right now.
They ___ (to live) in Tokyo for three years, and they ___ (to learn) Japanese.
She ___ (to teach) English to foreign students, but she ___ (to prepare) a lesson plan now.
He ___ (to play) basketball every week, but he ___ (to practice) his free throws now.
We ___ (to explore) new cities every summer, and we ___ (to research) destinations for our next trip.
I ___ (to read) books every month, but I ___ (to watch) a movie tonight.
They ___ (to work) on a project for weeks, and they ___ (to make) good progress.
She ___ (to study) for her exam, but she ___ (to take) a break now.
He ___ (to travel) to many countries, and he ___ (to plan) his next trip.
We ___ (to learn) a new language every year, and we ___ (to practice) our conversation skills.

Simple Present vs Present Continuous :~

Here are some exercises to practice the difference between the Simple Present and Present Continuous tenses:
  1. When children become teenagers, they ---- more time with their friends.
  2. Rick admires those girls who ---- red dresses.
  3. I agree that Jane is a good person to be with, but she ---- to be aggressive now and again.
  4. Mary ---- going to parties and she herself often gives one as well.
  5. Susan ---- waiting, so don't keep her waiting no matter what the reason is.
  6. What I really like about Mellisa is that she ---- amazing cakes.
  7. Tracy has just been to the hairdresser's, but her hair ---- as if it hasn't been done.
  8. I don't know what or who she ---- at. I don't think there is anything funny.
  9. I ___ (to read) a book every night, but I ___ (to watch) TV right now.
  10. They ___ (to work) at a restaurant, but they ___ (to take) a break now.
  11. She ___ (to study) for her exam, and she ___ (to make) good progress.
  12. He ___ (to play) soccer every weekend, but he ___ (to practice) his serves now.
  13. We ___ (to travel) a lot, and we ___ (to plan) our next trip now.
  14. I ___ (to attend) classes every day, but I ___ (to work) on a project right now.
  15. They ___ (to live) in Tokyo for three years, and they ___ (to learn) Japanese.
  16. She ___ (to teach) English to foreign students, but she ___ (to prepare) a lesson plan now.
  17. He ___ (to play) basketball every week, but he ___ (to practice) his free throws now.
  18. We ___ (to explore) new cities every summer, and we ___ (to research) destinations for our next trip.
  19. I ___ (to read) books every month, but I ___ (to watch) a movie tonight.
  20. They ___ (to work) on a project for weeks, and they ___ (to make) good progress.
  21. She ___ (to study) for her exam, but she ___ (to take) a break now.
  22. He ___ (to travel) to many countries, and he ___ (to plan) his next trip.
  23. We ___ (to learn) a new language every year, and we ___ (to practice) our conversation skills.

  1. spend
  2. wear
  3. tends
  4. enjoys
  5. hates
  6. bakes
  7. looks
  8. is looking
  9. read, am watching
  10. work, are taking
  11. is studying, is making
  12. plays, is practicing
  13. travel, are planning
  14. attend, am working
  15. have lived, are learning
  16. teaches, is preparing
  17. plays, is practicing
  18. explore, are researching
  19. read, am watching
  20. have worked, are making
  21. is studying, is taking
  22. has traveled, is planning
  23. learn, are practicing

Present Perfect vs Simple Past ~

Here are some mixed exercises to practice the difference between the Present Perfect and Simple Past tenses:

  1. When I was young, I ____ (to play) football every day.
  2. She ____ (to study) English for three years, but she still can't speak fluently.
  3. They ____ (to live) in Paris for five years before they moved to London.
  4. I ____ (to try) to learn French, but it's very difficult.
  5. He ____ (to work) at a restaurant since he was 18.
  6. We ____ (to go) to the gym every day for the past month.
  7. She ____ (to write) several books, but none of them have been published.
  8. I ____ (to love) reading books since I was a child.
  9. I ___ (to visit) Paris three times, but I ___ (to go) there last year.
  10. They ___ (to live) in New York for five years, but they ___ (to move) to Los Angeles last month.
  11. She ___ (to study) English for ten years, and she ___ (to pass) the exam last week.
  12. He ___ (to work) at a restaurant for three years, but he ___ (to quit) his job last summer.
  13. We ___ (to travel) to many countries, but we ___ (to visit) Japan last year.
  14. I ___ (to learn) how to play the guitar, but I ___ (to practice) for weeks.
  15. They ___ (to have) many pets, but they ___ (to adopt) a dog last month.
  16. She ___ (to write) several books, and she ___ (to publish) one last year.
  17. He ___ (to work) on many projects, but he ___ (to finish) one last week.
  18. We ___ (to attend) many concerts, but we ___ (to see) our favourite band last summer.

  1. played
  2. has studied
  3. lived
  4. have tried
  5. has worked
  6. have gone
  7. has written
  8. have loved
  9. have visited, went
  10. have lived, moved
  11. has studied, passed
  12. has worked, quit
  13. have traveled, visited
  14. have learned, haven't practiced
  15. have had, adopted
  16. has written, published
  17. has worked, finished
  18. have attended, saw

NOW TRY THESE :--------
  1. Amal ___________ to be an artist. (wants, wanting, is wanting)
  2. The food ________ good. (taste, tastes, is tasting)    
  3. My grandmother ______ TV most evening. (watches, is watch, is watching)
  4. My father _______ out five minutes ago. (has gone, had gone, went)
  5. When he lived in Kolkata, he _______ to the movie once a month. (goes, went, was going)
  6. The baby _______ all afternoon. (cries, has been crying)
  7. I _______ Rina at the zoo. (saw, have seen, had seen)
  8. He ______ Kunal last week. (haven't seen, didn't see, am not seeing)
  9. This paper _____ daily. (is appearing, appearing, appears)
  10. Alok fell off the ladder when he ________ the roof. (is mending, was mending, mended)
  11. I _________ something burning. (smell, am smelling, have been smelling)
  12. Look, the sun ______ over the hills. (rises, is rise, is rising)
  13. She ______ unconscious since four o'clock. (is, was, has been)
  14. My uncle used to visit us every Sunday, but he _______ now. (rarely comes, is rarely coming, has rarely come)
  15. I ______ him since we met a year ago. (didn't see, haven't seen, hadn't seen)
  16. We ______ our breakfast half an hour ago. (finished, have finished, had finished)
  17. She jumped off the train while it _______ . (already started, had already started, would already start)
  18. I ______ for half an hour when it suddenly started to rain. (have walked, have been walking, had been walking)
  19. Did you think you ______ me somewhere before?. (have seen, had seen, were seeing)
  20. The town _________ its appearance completely since 2012. (is changing, changed, has changed)

Let's Stop here, for now. THANK YOU ~


I Learn to Talk by Helen Keller Full Q-A - The Story of My Life

'I Learn to Talk' by Helen Keller: Question Answers

This article is about the class 7 text I Learn to Talk by Helen Keller Full Question Answers. Unlock the secrets of Helen Keller's inspiring story with our comprehensive guide to 'I Learn to Talk' for Class 7 students. This ultimate resource pack includes:

- Short answer type questions (1 mark each)

- 2-3 marks questions for in-depth understanding

- RTC (Reference to the Context) exercises

- Complete the sentences activities

Get ready to ace your exams with our full pack of question answers, carefully crafted to help you grasp the key concepts and themes of this iconic text. 

Class VII - 'I Learn to Talk' by Helen Keller - Short Answer Type Question - 1 Marks

Class VII - 'I Learn to Talk' by Helen Keller - Descriptive Answer Type Questions

Class VII - 'I Learn to Talk' by Helen Keller - RTC (Reference To The Context)

Class VII - 'I Learn to Talk' by Helen Keller - Complete The Sentences - 1 Marks


Helen Keller's autobiographical context 'I Learn to Talk' - SHORT Questions' Answers:

Helen Keller's 'I Learn to Talk' - Answer for descriptive types: 

'I Learn to Talk' RTC exercises are for self-discovery - try them on your own and comment if you need help. 

Answer of Complete the Sentences:

This is the end of the lesson 'I Learn to Talk' by Helen Keller.
Thank You !! Fun Learning and Practicing! Smash the exam paper! 

Monday, August 19, 2024

The Swami And Mother-Worship by Sister Nivedita ALL MCQ Q&A

The Swami And Mother-Worship MCQ Workouts

WBCHSE Class 11 English context 'The Swami And Mother-Worship' by Sister Nivedita Questions And Answers

In this blog post, you will find MCQ style question-answers tailored specifically for the Class XI WBCHSE New Syllabus context of "The Swami and Mother-worship" by Sister Nivedita. Here are the full and correct answers to every question in the text, carefully curated to ensure you grasp the key concepts and excel in your tests.

Thank you. We end The Swami And Mother-Worship by Sister Nivedita ALL MCQ Q&A here. Good Luck with the examination! 

find line by line explanation : line by line explanation.

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