★ Process Writing এর প্রথমে লিখতে হয় Introduction. অর্থাৎ যেটা সম্পর্কে বলা হচ্ছে, তাই নিয়ে কয়েকটা বাক্য। তারপর গোটা paragraph-টা। আর সেটা লিখতে হয় passive voice-এ। আর কিচ্ছু না। তাই Process Writing ভীষণ সোজা ধরণের Writing. আর Process Writing-এ points অবশ্যই দেওয়া থাকবে।
★ Subject বোঝার জন্য, point থেকে verb টাকে খুঁজে নিয়ে তাকে "কী" দিয়ে প্রশ্ন করব। যেটা পাওয়া যাবে সেটাই linker এর পরে বসবে।
Question এ যদি লেখা তাকে - flow chart / how to prepare / preparation of ..... তাহলে সেটা Process Writing লিখতে বলেছে।
তাহলে একটা করে দেখা যাক :
Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph within 100 words on how to prepare orange juice at home.
Oranges brought from the market —sorted — rotten ones removed — cleaned— peeled — put in juicer — juice extracted— sugar and preservatives added —poured in bottles — sealed — ready to be sold
Orange Juice is very tasty. Most of the people like orange juice. Orange juice is sold in bottles and people mostly buy them in the summer. The following process shows how orange juice is prepared.
(The following process shows how orange juice is prepared. যে কোনো processing এর ক্ষেত্রে এই line টা লেখা যেতে পারে, শুধু orange juice এর জায়াগায় সেই বস্তুটা লিখতে হবে যেটা বানাতে বলা হয়েছে। )
First point, Oranges brought from the market (বাজার থেকে কমলালেবু কিনে আনা হল)
Linker - At first
Subject - Oranges
helping verb (plural) - are
3rd form verb - brought
extra - from market
First line: At first oranges are brought from market.
Second point : sorted (বাছাই)
Linker - there after
subject - oranges
helping verb (plural) - are
3rd form verb - sorted
extra - from them.
Second Line: There after oranges are sorted from them.
Third point: rotten ones removed (পচা গুলো বাদ দেওয়া হল)
Linker - Now
Subject - Rotten oranges
helping verb (plural) - are
3rd form verb - removed
extra - from sorted oranges. (আগের sentence থেকে নেওয়া হল)
Third Line: Now rotten oranges are removed from sorted oranges.
Forth Point: cleaned (পরিষ্কার)
Linker - Next
Subject - Fresh oranges
helping verb (plural) - are
3rd form verb - cleaned
extra- with the water.
Forth Line: Next fresh oranges are cleaned with the water.
Fifth Point: peeled
Linker - After that
Subject - Good oranges
helping verb (plural) - are
3rd form verb - peeled
Fifth Line: After that good oranges are peeled.
Sixth point : put in juicer (জুসার-এ দিয়ে দাও)
Linker- Then
Subject - Peeled oranges
helping verb (plural) - are
3rd form verb - put
extra - in juicer
Sixth line - Then peeled oranges are put in juicer.
Seventh point: juice extracted (জুস বা রস বের করা হল)
Linker - After this
Subject - Juice
helping verb (singular) - is
3rd form verb - extracted
extra - from the oranges
Seventh Line: After this juice is extracted from the oranges.
Eighth point: sugar and preservatives added (চিনি আর প্রিজারভেটিভস দেওয়া হল)
Linker - There after
Subject - sugar and preservatives
helping verb (plural) - are
3rd form verb - added
extra - in the juice
Eighth Line: There after sugar and preservatives are added in the juice.
Ninth point: poured in bottles (বোতলে ঢালা হল)
Linker - Now
Subject - orange juice
helping verb (singular) - is
3rd form verb - poured
extra - in bottles
Ninth Line : Now orange juice is poured in bottles.
Tenth Point: sealed (সীল করা হল)
Linker - After that
Subject - bottled orange juice
helping verb (singular) - is
3rd form verb - sealed
Tenth Line: After that bottled orange juice is sealed.
Final Point : ready to be sold (বিক্রির জন্য তৈরী)
Linker - At last
Subject - orange juice
helping verb (singular) - is
3rd form verb - ready to be sold
Last line: At last orange juice is ready to be sold.
শেষে paragraph-টা দাঁড়ালো :
Preparation of Orange Juice
Orange Juice is very tasty. Most of the people like orange juice. Orange juice is sold in bottles and people mostly buy them in the summer. The following process shows how orange juice is prepared. At first oranges are brought from market. There after oranges are sorted from them. Now rotten oranges are removed from sorted oranges. Next fresh oranges are cleaned with the water. After that good oranges are peeled. Then peeled oranges are put in juicer. After this juice is extracted from the oranges. There after sugar and preservatives are added in the juice. Now orange juice is poured in bottles. After that bottled orange juice is sealed. At last orange juice is ready to be sold.
Easy right?
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