Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Paragraph Writing Topics For All Classes

Writing Paragraphs Exercises

Looking to improve your writing skills? Whether you're a student preparing for exams or just someone who loves to write, practicing with the right topics is key. This post brings you a curated list of essay and paragraph writing topics suitable for all ages—perfect for school assignments, competitive exams, or creative practice. From thought-provoking social issues to fun and imaginative themes, these topics will help you develop clear, structured, and engaging writing. Keep reading to find the perfect topic to sharpen your skills! Writing Good Paragraphs needs to practice these Paragraph Writing Worksheets

> List of Essay Writing Topics and Ideas For Practice: 

Write a paragraph describing yours experience of the first norwester in summer. 

(Intense heat-your feelings-deserted road in the afternoon-thirsty-load shedding-deserted road in the afternoon-cold wind-large rain drops-joy of the people. 

Write a paragraph within 100 words on the benefits of early morning exercises using the following points:

Good for health-fresh air-keeps one active throughout the day-helps in concentrating on studies and work.

Write a paragraph on 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' based on the following points.

Points: Scheme of making India clean-launched on 2nd October, 2014 to make respect to the father of the Nation-Government of India organised the scheme dignitaries from all fields participated-national level campaign Prime Minister himself participated-employees and students participated conclusion.

Write a paragraph on the celebration of 'Spring Festival' or 'Bosontovtsav' on your school.

Write a paragraph on the Plastic Pollution'.

Points: Wonderful invention but not burnt or buried clogs the arteries of plastic emits toxic elements causes cancer and congenital problem-damages nervous system, kidneys and immunity system a threat to eco-system.

Write a paragraph in about 120 words on "The value of Early Rising". Use the following points.

Introduction gives energy gives change to enjoy natural beauty-early morning good for studies

Write a paragraph within 120 words on" Pleasures and value of writing Diary", using the following hints.

Hints : Records of events -call up old memorise-diary of great person- importance, and emotion.

Write a paragraph in about 120 words on 'Solar Energy'

Hints: The sun, an endless source of energy-light and heat-how this energy can be put to other uses heating water, cooking lighting, operating mechanical devices -how to make more easily available and usable a possible solution of power.

With the help of the following points write a paragraph on A book you have recently read and enjoyed.

Points: Introduction-name of the book and its writer-type of the book-theme of the story in brief-specific reason of your enjoyment-its impact upon you. 

Write a paragraph in about 110 words on holidays based on the points given. 

Meaning of holiday-its necessity-rust, not idleness-various kinds of holidays -various ways of spending holidays: visit places! campaign against illiteracy: tree plantation, games and sports.

Write a paragraph on 'Recollection of Childhood' with the help of the following hints. 

Home and parents and other people-place of attraction-events painful and pleasant-conclusion. 

Gardening is a hobby. Write a paragraph cum set of instructions for your friend who likes gardening.

Hints: Selecting a plot of land in front of your house-seeds bought from a nearby nursery making the soil soft with water application of manure and sowing seeds protection of sprouting plants

Write a paragraph in about 120 words on 'Some Recollection of Early Childhood Day's. You may use the following points.

[Points: Introduction-pleasure of recollection some memorable events -effects on you-conclusion]

Write a paragraph (in about 120 words) on 'Friendship' based on the following points:

[Points importance of friends can share personal matters-help in time of need a relation beyond selfish motives.]

Write a paragraph (in about 120 words) on a sports person you admire most. You may use the following points:

[Points Name of the sportsperson the game he/she is associated with his/her achievements the

reason for your admiration.]

Write a paragraph (in about 100 words) on the usefulness of 'Morning walk' based on the

following points:

[Morning walk-getting up early-exercise of whole body-body and mind refreshed-more time and

energy for whole day-good for health.]

Write a paragraph (in about 100 words) on Your Favourite Teacher. You may use the following points: (i) Name of the teacher (ii) Subject he/she teaches (iii) Qualities of the teacher that you admire (iv) How has he/she inspired you.

Write a paragraph in about 120 words on a book you have recently read. Use the following Title of the book-its author its subject-story-your impression of the book-its effect on your mind.

Write a paragraph in about 120 words on your parents. You may use the following points: Your love and respect for your parents-their love and affection for you their qualities you admire -what you propose to do for them when you grow up.

Describe in about 120 words a visit the following points:

Write in about 100 words a paragraph on: 'A Short Trip to a place' on the basis of the points given below:

Introduction-date of visit-spot visited-your companion(s) mode of transport-sight seeing- your impressions-conclusion.

Write a paragraph (in about 150 words) about the person you like most. You may use the following points:

(i) Name and identity of the person.

(ii) Your relationship with him/her.

(1) His/Her qualities that impress you.

(iv) His/Her differences from other people.

(v) His/Her influence, if any, on your mind.

Write a paragraph (in about 120 words) about a visit to a place of historical interest. You may use the following points:

(1)Date and Time of departure (ii) Place of visit (ii) Details of the journey (iv) Date of visit (v) Friends and relations with you (vi) interesting sights and scenes.

Write a paragraph (in about 150 words) about the Advantages of Morning walk. You may use the following points: Introduction-a healthy habit-a good start for the whole day's work-greater and closer contact with nature-independent exercise-conclusion

Write a paragraph (in about 150 words) how your school organised a 'Campaign against Crackers during Diwali this year. You may use the following information: Date participation of students, teachers and guardians-procession with colourful posters, slogan

write-ups etc. talk organized on health problems caused by crackers-people made aware of the wastage of money decrease of pollution level recorded by pollution control official-conclusion

Describe in about 120 words a visit to a place of interest in any state of India. You may use the following points: (1) Date of visit (ii) Place of visit (iii) Your companions. (iv) Mode of transport (v) Worth seeing place/places. (vi) Your impression.

Write in about 125 words a paragraph on the Importance of growing more trees in our country. You have to use the following points:

Importance of trees in our everyday life.  creating pollution-free atmosphere ---preventing soil erosion and floods --- steps taken by the West Bengal Government in this regard --- advantages to be gained by the urban and rural people.

Write a paragraph in ten lines about 'Our National Flag'

Write a paragraph on 'Your Favourite Game'

Write a short paragraph on "What do you want to be'. Give reasons for your choice.

Write four sentences about 'Begum Rokeya'

Suppose you went to a zoo with your parents and saw many interesting things there. Write five sentences to describe your experience. 

[Hints: Name of the zoo-time of visit-animals and birds seen eating habits-conclusion.

Write a paragraph about the Taj Mahal in about ten sentences:

[Hints: Introduction, situated on the southern bank of the Yamuna River in Agra- built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan-took 22 years to complete- 20,000 laborers and artisans engaged - why it is so magnificent, precious stones, change colour with the light - one of the wonders.]

Write a paragraph about your recent visit to the zoo.

Write a paragraph on the following topics: (i) A butterfly or, (ii) Your school.

Write five sentences about a famous sportsperson who has brought glory to our country.

Write a paragraph on 'A Visit to the Zoo'.

Write a paragraph about 'Durga Puja

Write a short paragraph on your experience of seeing the night sky using the following hints: 

[Hints: Time of seeing - place from where you looked - how it looked - other things you saw - sounds of the night - your feelings.]

Write a paragraph on your 'Village' or 'Town'

Write a paragraph in ten sentences on a picnic you enjoyed recently.

Write a paragraph about "Yourself 

(Points. Your name and age, the place you live in, your aim in life, the name of your school, your hobby)

Write a paragraph on The Cow.

Write a short paragraph on Your Class Room You may use the following points.

(Points: Description of the classroom doors, windows airy and well-lit many pictures on the wall, a big blackboard, decoration during a programme.)

Write a paragraph on 'A Railway Station. You may use the following points:

(Points: Name, location, busy or not, description, the activities of hawkers and coolies-passengers.)

Write a paragraph on 'Our Motherland'.

Write a paragraph on The Parrot', You may use the following points:

(Points: Small bird beautiful-green in colour etc, tongue is thick, an expert in mimicry, red beak, eats mangoes, fruits, seeds, leaves)

Write a paragraph on 'Your Pet. You may use the following points:

(Points: Name of the pet - age - it likes - its activities throughout the day - love for the family members - live as a family member.)

Write a short paragraph on 'Your Parents'.

Write a paragraph about 'Early Rising' by using the following hints:

[Hints: A good habit enjoy the beauty of nature-effect on body and mind-benefits- enough time to work little exercise gives energy.]

Write a paragraph on the 'Independence Day Celebration' in your school. You may use the following points:

[Points: Started from 7:30 am. - students gathered with flowers and paper flags - the national flag hoisted at 7:40 a.m. - national anthem - speeches by different teachers - songs -recitation sweets given to all - end.]

Write a paragraph on a 'Magic Show' with the help of the following points:

(Points: Place - the atmosphere - dress of the magician - his performance - how you liked the show -conclusion.) 

Write a paragraph on 'Your Hobby. You may use the following points:

[Points: Your hobby - why do you like it - your description - its effect.]

Write a paragraph on 'Your Favourite Subject' using the following points:

[Points: Name of the subject how the interest grew-plans for future study]

Write a paragraph on The National Flag of India'. You may use the following points.

(Points: Introduction - significance - different colours and their meanings - wheel in the centre - symbolizes our freedom.)

Write a paragraph on "Your School" with the help of the following points: 

[Points: Name of the school - its location - description - about the teachers - conclusion]

Write a paragraph on 'Your Favourite Season' You may use the following points

[Points: Name of the season - description - why it is favourite - the main thing about the season - weather - festivals of the season.]

Your First Day at School

Write a paragraph about your experience of 'seeing a beautiful morning.'

Write ten sentences about 'Your Daily Routine' with the given hints:

[Hints: Get up - wash and breakfast - study - bath - lunch - school - home - homework - supper - bed.] 

Write a paragraph on 'School Library':

[Hints: A room full of books- library class - duration of reading - system of taking books - enjoy the library class.]

Write a paragraph on The Farmer' using the following points:

[Points: An important member of society - the backbone of the nation - his work - living on poverty - cultivate price of the crop.] 

Write a paragraph on 'Your Home'. You may use the following points:

[Points: Description - location - life at home - its surroundings - about neighbour.]

Write a paragraph about The Crow' by the help of the following points:

[Points: Introduction - colour - body - food - sweeper bird - harsh voice - nobody loves it]

Write a few sentences about 'Your Journey from Your Home to School'. Use the following points:

[Points: Distance between home and school - mode of travelling - important landmarks - things you see on your journey - the most exciting part of your journey.]

Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics (in 100 words):

(i) Your Visit to a Fair; (ii) Our Motherland.

Write a few sentences on what you usually do on the day of Saraswati Puja.

Write a paragraph on The Mango on the basis of the following points:

[Description: A fruit - different size and colour - beauty of ripe mangoes - called the "King of Indian Fruits' - Where found: Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Bengal, U.P. and Assam - Kinds : Lengra, Fazli, Golap Khas, Himsagar, Chausa etc - Seasons Put forth blossoms in January green mangoes in March - ripe mangoes available from May to September.]

Witte a few sentences about A Rainy Day' with the help of the following points

[Very refreshing in summer-dark clouds in the sky-thunder lightning and storm-heart rain and water logging - hotchpotch and egg fry - school break - paper boat and indoor games - a joyful day]

Write about an actor whom you like most.

How to Write Paragraph, easy way learn how to write essay:  https://bloggercatsanswer.blogspot.com/2024/10/how-to-excel-in-english-writing-when.html

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Paragraph Writing Topics For All Classes

Writing Paragraphs Exercises Looking to improve your writing skills? Whether you're a student preparing for exams or just someone who lo...