Transformation of sentences - Affirmative to Negative
Affirmative to Negative Sentences with Examples and Simple Rules.
Rule 1:
Affirmative Sentence -এ "Only" বা "Alone" এর পরিবর্তে Negative Sentence-এ "None but" বসে আর কোন পরিবর্তন হয়না। যা আছে তাই বসে যায়।
Affirmative: Only Ranji can play good cricket.
Negative: None but Ranji can play good cricket.
Affirmative: Only they can do the work.
Negative: None but they can do the work.
Note: বস্তুর ক্ষেত্রে only এর পরিবর্তে nothing but বসে। তবে বয়সের ক্ষেত্রে বা সংখ্যার ক্ষেত্রে only এর পরিবর্তে not more than বসে।
Affirmative: Only an opener can be used to open the bottle.
Negative: Nothing but an opener can be used to open the bottle.
Affirmative: He is only five.
Negative: He is not more than five.
Affirmative: They have only two pens.
Negative: They have not more than two pens.
Rule 2:
Affirmative sentence এ must থাকলে negative করার সময় must এর পরিবর্তে can not but/ can not help বসে। তবে can not help এর পরে যে verb থাকে তার সাথে -ing যুক্ত করতে হয়।
[must - can not but verb / can not help verb+ing]
Affirmative: You must accept your destiny.
Negative: You can not but accept your destiny.
Affirmative: We must respect our elders.
Negative: We can not but respect our elders.
Affirmative: You must care the saplings.
Negative: You can not help caring the saplings.
Rule 3:
Affirmative Sentence- এর "Every" কে Negative করতে হলে "Every" এর পরিবর্তে "There is no" বসে ।
সম্পূর্ণ sentence হয় : There is no + every এর পরের শব্দটি + but + তারপর sentence এর বাকী অংশ।
Affirmative: Everyone hates a liar.
Negative: There is no one but hates a liar.
Affirmative: Everybody fears a dinosaurs.
Negative: There is no body but fears a dinosaurs.
Rule 4:
As soon as যুক্ত sentence কে Negative করতে হলে- No sooner আনতে হয় as soon as এর জায়গায় - যেটা হল sentence-এর প্রথমে।
সম্পূর্ণ sentence হয় : As soon as এর জায়গায় no sooner had + Subject + Sentence এর main verb এর past participle form + sentence বাকী অংশ বসে + than + comma তুলে দিয়ে দ্বিতীয় বাক্য।
Affirmative: As soon as he saw the lion, he ran away.
Negative: No sooner had he seen the lion than he ran away.
Negative: No sooner had the thief saw the police than he ran away.
Affirmative: As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.
Rule 5: যুক্ত sentence কে Negative করতে হলে – so....that ব্যবহার করতে হয়।
"Too" এর জায়গায় "so" বসে + তারপর adjective/adverb বসে + "to" এর জায়গায় "that" বসে + আবার subject বসে + tense অনুযায়ী can not/could not + তারপর sentence-এর বাকি অংশ বসে।
Affirmative: The old man is too weak to walk.
Negative: The old man is so weak that he can not walk.
Affirmative: The sum was too difficult to be worked out.
Negative: The sum was so difficult that it could not be worked out.
Affirmative: The kid was too short to climb the tree.
Negative: The kid was so short that he could not climb the tree.
Rule 6:
Affirmative sentence কে Negative করার সময় সেই sentence এর Affirmative শব্দটির Negative রূপ বসাতে হয় আর তার আগে not বসাতে হয়। অথবা, negative-এ দুটো না বাচক শব্দ ব্যবহার করতে হয়, affirmative-এ not তুলে দিয়ে negative শব্দটির opposite বা antonym বসাতে হয়।
not good > bad / average / so-so
honest > not dishonest
Affirmative: He is a good man.
Negative: He is not a bad man.
Affirmative: Rajib is an honest boy.
Negative: Rajib is not a dishonest boy.
Rule 6.1:
Always যুক্ত Affirmative sentence কে Negative করতে হলে Always এর পরিবর্তে never বসে। Affirmative শব্দটির Negative রূপ বসাতে হয়।
Affirmative: I am always punctual.
Negative: I am never late.
Affirmative: He always tells the truth.
Negative: He never tells a lie.
Rule 7 :
যদি Negative Sentence-এ if....not থাকে, তাহলে Affirmative করতে হলে "unless" আনতে হবে। "Unless" শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ হল "যদিনা" । একইভাবে Affirmative এ unless থাকলে Negative এ if....not আসবে।
If you do not study, you will fail. (Negative)
Unless you study, you will fail. (Affirmative)
Rule 8:
একইভাবে Affirmative থেকে Negative বা উল্টোটা করতে গেলে, একটাকে Interrogative sentence বানিয়ে নিলেও হয়। এই জাতীয় question গুলোকে বলে rhetorical questions, অর্থাৎ যে question-এর মধ্যেই উত্তর টা থাকে।
মজার ব্যাপার এই যে, এই নিয়মে Assertive Sentence থেকে Interrogative Sentence ও transformation করা হয়ে যায়।
Everybody knows Netaji. (Affirmative)
Who does not know Netaji? (Negative)
Who wants to be a thief anyway? (Affirmative)
Nobody wants to be a thief anyway. (Negative)
When did I say that? (Affirmative)
I never said that. (Negative)
Did I ever say that? (Affirmative)
I never said that. (Negative)
Rule 9 :
Adjective-এর degree change করেও Affirmative থেকে Negative বা উল্টোটা সম্ভব।
Here Check for Degree Change Easy Rules : Degree Change
Negative: Atif is not the tallest boy in the class. (Superlative)
Affirmative: Some boys are at least as tall as Atif. (Positive)
Affirmative: He is the best batsman in the team. (Superlative)
Negative: No other batsman in the team is as good as him. (Positive)
Affirmative: You are the best boy in the class. (Superlative)
Negative: No other boy in the class is as good as you. (Positive)
◘ Less...than যুক্ত sentence কে Negative করতে হলে –
Less এর জায়গায় not as বসবে এবং than এর জায়গায় as বসবে।
Affirmative: He is less ugly than you said. (Comparative)
Negative: He is not as ugly as you said. (Positive)
Affirmative: You are less good than he said. (Comparative)
Negative: You are not as good as he said. (Positive)
◘ Than any other/than all other যুক্ত comparative degree কে Negative করতে হলে –
No other + any other/all other এর পরের অংশ বসে + verb + so/as বসে + comparative degree এর positive form + as + প্রদত্ত sentence এর subject.
Affirmative: He is better than any other boy in the class. (Comparative)
Negative: No other boy in the class is as good as him. (Positive)
Affirmative: Dhaka is bigger than all other cities in Bangladesh. (Comparative)
Negative: No other city in Bangladesh is as big as Dhaka. (Positive)
◘ Than যুক্ত comparative degree কে Negative করতে হলে –
Than এর শেষের অংশ প্রথমে বসে + verb (tense ও person অনুযায়ী) + not + so/as + comparative degree এর positive form + as + প্রদত্ত sentence এর subject.
Affirmative: He is stronger than you. (Comparative)
Negative: You are not as/so strong as him. (Positive)
Affirmative: I am taller than you. (Comparative)
Negative: You are not as tall as me. (Positive)
◘ যুক্ত positive degree কে Negative করতে হলে – প্রথম as এর পরিবর্তে not less শেষ as এর পরিবর্তে than বসে।
Affirmative: Robi and Rahat were as strong as Rakib.
Negative: Robi and Rahat were not less strong than Rakib.
Affirmative: He is as good as you.
Negative: He is not less good than you.
যদি এতো গুলো rules দেখে কঠিন মনে হয়, তাহলে চিন্তার কিছু নেই। এটা ভীষণ সহজ করে লেখা : check
Rule 10:
Negative Sentence এ "not only.....but also" থাকলে "Besides" দিয়ে Sentence শুরু করে Affirmative Sentence এ transform করা যায়।
Negative: He not only produced the film but also directed it.
Affirmative: Besides producing the film, he directed it.
Negative: Not only does he play the guitar, but also sings beautifully.
Affirmative: Besides playing the guitar, he sings beautifully.
Rule 11:
না বাচক phrase-র বদলে হ্যাঁ-বাচক single word / বা opposite word / antonym / বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ ব্যবহার করে Negative থেকে Affirmative করা যায়।
Negative: Do not take this book.
Affirmative: You are forbade (/forbidden) to take the book.
Affirmative: Man is mortal.
Affirmative: He finished everything.
Affirmative to Negative Sentence Worksheet :
- Manasi's father discouraged her.
- I was doubtful if you would turn up.
- This is the best book I have ever read.
- Everyone will admit that he is honest.
- I hope that I shall succeed this year.
- He is not stronger than Asim.
- There is none but wishes to be happy.
- You must be truthful.
- Shylock did not accept the money.
- He disbelieves my story.
- Who hasn't heard the name of Sachin?
- This is the last time we will have class together.
- You are not attentive in the class.
- He is aware of the fact.
- He loved rainy season.
- The water is not pure enough for drinking.
- Ajit is as strong as Sankar.
- We did not find the journey pleasant.
- I will go if he sends a car.
- His sole income is that from business.
- I saw nobody in the hall.
- She alone believed him.
- All men are mortal.
- It is unlikely for him to come.
- Tut-en-Khamen did not live long.
- I believe in your honesty.
- They all started late.
- He tried every plan.
- Never tell a lie.
- He is too weak to walk.
- Satish is the best student in the Class.
- There is no mystery as great as misery.
- The Sunderban is the largest delta in the world.
- Ashok was greater than most other kings of India.
- A horse is more intelligent than an ass.
- Mumbai is the best sea-port in India.
- A bird in hand is better than two in the bush.
- He knows you better than I.
- I cannot run as fast as he.
- Darjeeling is the most beautiful hill station.
- Pathan bowls faster than Jahir.
- No other gas is as light as hydrogen.
- December is the coldest month.
- Lead is heavier than any other metal.
- I cannot but shed tears (Use help)
- He can't help wondering what he should do next (Use but)
- I couldn't help overhearing what you said. (Use but)
- They cannot but wonder what's going to happen to us all. (Use help)
- The Giant could not help shouting when he saw the children in his garden. (Use but)
- No sooner had he gone than it started raining.
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