Saturday, January 25, 2025

Affirmative to Negative and vice versa Transformation of Sentence - Simple Formulas - Easy Understanding

Transformation of sentences - Affirmative to Negative

Affirmative to Negative Sentences with Examples and Simple Rules. 

Rule 1:

Affirmative Sentence -এ "Only" বা "Alone" এর পরিবর্তে Negative Sentence-এ "None but" বসে আর কোন পরিবর্তন হয়না। যা আছে তাই বসে যায়। 


Affirmative: Only Ranji can play good cricket.

Negative: None but Ranji can play good cricket.

Affirmative: Only they can do the work.

Negative: None but they can do the work.

Note: বস্তুর ক্ষেত্রে only এর পরিবর্তে nothing but বসে। তবে বয়সের ক্ষেত্রে বা সংখ্যার ক্ষেত্রে only এর পরিবর্তে not more than বসে।


Affirmative: Only an opener can be used to open the bottle.

Negative: Nothing but an opener can be used to open the bottle.

Affirmative: He is only five.

Negative: He is not more than five.

Affirmative: They have only two pens.

Negative: They have not more than two pens.

Rule 2:

Affirmative sentence এ must থাকলে negative করার সময় must এর পরিবর্তে can not but/ can not help বসে। তবে can not help এর পরে যে verb থাকে তার সাথে -ing যুক্ত করতে হয়।

[must - can not but verb / can not help verb+ing]


Affirmative: You must accept your destiny.

Negative: You can not but accept your destiny.

Affirmative: We must respect our elders.

Negative: We can not but respect our elders.

Affirmative: You must care the saplings.

Negative: You can not help caring the saplings.

Rule 3:

Affirmative Sentence- এর "Every" কে Negative করতে হলে "Every" এর পরিবর্তে "There is no" বসে । 

সম্পূর্ণ sentence হয় : There is no + every এর পরের শব্দটি + but + তারপর sentence এর বাকী অংশ।


Affirmative: Everyone hates a liar.

Negative: There is no one but hates a liar.

Affirmative: Everybody fears a dinosaurs.

Negative: There is no body but fears a dinosaurs.

Rule 4:

As soon as যুক্ত sentence কে Negative করতে হলে- No sooner আনতে হয় as soon as এর জায়গায় - যেটা হল sentence-এর প্রথমে। 

সম্পূর্ণ sentence হয় : As soon as এর জায়গায় no sooner had + Subject + Sentence এর main verb এর past participle form + sentence বাকী অংশ বসে + than + comma তুলে দিয়ে দ্বিতীয় বাক্য।


Affirmative: As soon as he saw the lion, he ran away.

Negative: No sooner had he seen the lion than he ran away.

Negative: No sooner had the thief saw the police than he ran away.

Affirmative:  As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.

Rule 5: যুক্ত sentence কে Negative করতে হলে – so....that ব্যবহার করতে হয়। 

"Too" এর জায়গায় "so" বসে + তারপর adjective/adverb বসে + "to" এর জায়গায় "that" বসে + আবার  subject বসে + tense অনুযায়ী can not/could not + তারপর sentence-এর বাকি অংশ বসে।


Affirmative: The old man is too weak to walk.

Negative: The old man is so weak that he can not walk.

Affirmative: The sum was too difficult to be worked out.

Negative: The sum was so difficult that it could not be worked out.

Affirmative: The kid was too short to climb the tree.

Negative: The kid was so short that he could not climb the tree.

Rule 6:

Affirmative sentence কে Negative করার সময় সেই sentence এর Affirmative শব্দটির Negative রূপ বসাতে হয় আর তার আগে not বসাতে হয়। অথবা, negative-এ দুটো না বাচক শব্দ ব্যবহার করতে হয়, affirmative-এ not তুলে দিয়ে negative শব্দটির opposite বা antonym বসাতে হয়। 


not good > bad / average / so-so

honest > not dishonest

Affirmative: He is a good man.

Negative: He is not a bad man.

Affirmative: Rajib is an honest boy.

Negative: Rajib is not a dishonest boy.

Rule 6.1:

Always যুক্ত Affirmative sentence কে Negative করতে হলে Always এর পরিবর্তে never বসে। Affirmative শব্দটির Negative রূপ বসাতে হয়।


Affirmative: I am always punctual.

Negative: I am never late.

Affirmative: He always tells the truth.

Negative: He never tells a lie.

Rule 7 : 

যদি Negative Sentence-এ if....not থাকে, তাহলে Affirmative করতে হলে "unless" আনতে হবে। "Unless" শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ হল "যদিনা" । একইভাবে Affirmative এ unless থাকলে Negative এ if....not আসবে। 


If you do not study, you will fail. (Negative)

Unless you study, you will fail. (Affirmative)

Rule 8:

একইভাবে Affirmative থেকে Negative বা উল্টোটা করতে গেলে, একটাকে Interrogative sentence বানিয়ে নিলেও হয়। এই জাতীয় question গুলোকে বলে rhetorical questions, অর্থাৎ যে question-এর মধ্যেই উত্তর টা থাকে।

মজার ব্যাপার এই যে, এই নিয়মে Assertive Sentence থেকে Interrogative Sentence ও transformation করা হয়ে যায়। 


Everybody knows  Netaji. (Affirmative)

Who does not know Netaji? (Negative)

Who wants to be a thief anyway? (Affirmative)

Nobody wants to be a thief anyway. (Negative)

When did I say that? (Affirmative)

I never said that. (Negative)

Did I ever say that? (Affirmative)

I never said that. (Negative)

Rule 9 :

Adjective-এর degree change করেও Affirmative থেকে Negative বা উল্টোটা সম্ভব। 

Here Check for Degree Change Easy Rules : Degree Change


Negative: Atif is not the tallest boy in the class. (Superlative)

Affirmative: Some boys are at least as tall as Atif. (Positive)

Affirmative: He is the best batsman in the team. (Superlative)

Negative: No other batsman in the team is as good as him. (Positive)

Affirmative: You are the best boy in the class. (Superlative)

Negative: No other boy in the class is as good as you. (Positive)

◘ Less...than যুক্ত sentence কে Negative করতে হলে –

Less এর জায়গায় not as বসবে এবং than এর জায়গায় as বসবে।


Affirmative: He is less ugly than you said. (Comparative)

Negative: He is not as ugly as you said. (Positive)

Affirmative: You are less good than he said. (Comparative)

Negative: You are not as good as he said. (Positive)

◘ Than any other/than all other যুক্ত comparative degree কে Negative করতে হলে –

No other + any other/all other এর পরের অংশ বসে + verb + so/as বসে + comparative degree এর positive form + as + প্রদত্ত sentence এর subject.


Affirmative: He is better than any other boy in the class. (Comparative)

Negative: No other boy in the class is as good as him. (Positive)

Affirmative: Dhaka is bigger than all other cities in Bangladesh. (Comparative)

Negative: No other city in Bangladesh is as big as Dhaka. (Positive)

◘ Than যুক্ত comparative degree কে Negative করতে হলে –

Than এর শেষের অংশ প্রথমে বসে + verb (tense ও person অনুযায়ী) + not + so/as + comparative degree এর positive form + as + প্রদত্ত sentence এর subject.


Affirmative: He is stronger than you. (Comparative)

Negative: You are not as/so strong as him. (Positive)

Affirmative: I am taller than you. (Comparative)

Negative: You are not as tall as me. (Positive)

◘ যুক্ত positive degree কে Negative করতে হলে – প্রথম as এর পরিবর্তে not less শেষ as এর পরিবর্তে than বসে।


Affirmative: Robi and Rahat were as strong as Rakib.

Negative: Robi and Rahat were not less strong than Rakib.

Affirmative: He is as good as you.

Negative: He is not less good than you.

যদি এতো গুলো rules দেখে কঠিন মনে হয়, তাহলে চিন্তার কিছু নেই। এটা ভীষণ সহজ করে লেখা : check 

Rule 10:

Negative Sentence এ "not only.....but also" থাকলে "Besides" দিয়ে Sentence শুরু করে  Affirmative Sentence এ transform করা যায়। 


Negative: He not only produced the film but also directed it.

Affirmative: Besides producing the film, he directed it.

Negative: Not only does he play the guitar, but also sings beautifully.

Affirmative: Besides playing the guitar, he sings beautifully.

Rule 11:

না বাচক phrase-র বদলে হ্যাঁ-বাচক single word / বা opposite word / antonym / বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ ব্যবহার করে Negative থেকে Affirmative করা যায়। 


Negative: Do not take this book.

Affirmative: You are forbade (/forbidden) to take the book.

Negative: The knife is not sharp.

Affirmative: The knife is blunt.

Affirmative: Man is mortal.

Negative: Man is not immortal

Affirmative: He finished everything.

Negative: He left nothing unfinished.

◘ কিছু কিছু এমনও হয় : এখানে দুটো না-বাচক, দুটো হ্যাঁ-বাচক শব্দের পরিবর্তন হয়। 

All is well that ends well.
Nothing is well if it ends badly.

Every cloud has a silver lining.
There is no cloud without a silver lining.

Everyone will admit that he is honest.
None will deny that he is honest.

Affirmative to Negative Sentence Worksheet :

Here is some exercise to change affirmative to negative sentence without changing the meaning worksheet or vice versa for practice : 

  1. Manasi's father discouraged her. 
  2. I was doubtful if you would turn up. 
  3. This is the best book I have ever read. 
  4. Everyone will admit that he is honest. 
  5. I hope that I shall succeed this year. 
  6. He is not stronger than Asim. 
  7. There is none but wishes to be happy. 
  8. You must be truthful. 
  9. Shylock did not accept the money. 
  10. He disbelieves my story. 
  11. Who hasn't heard the name of Sachin? 
  12. This is the last time we will have class together. 
  13. You are not attentive in the class. 
  14. He is aware of the fact. 
  15. He loved rainy season. 
  16. The water is not pure enough for drinking. 
  17. Ajit is as strong as Sankar. 
  18. We did not find the journey pleasant. 
  19. I will go if he sends a car. 
  20. His sole income is that from business. 
  21. I saw nobody in the hall. 
  22. She alone believed him. 
  23. All men are mortal. 
  24. It is unlikely for him to come. 
  25. Tut-en-Khamen did not live long. 
  26. I believe in your honesty. 
  27. They all started late.
  28. He tried every plan.
  29. Never tell a lie.
  30. He is too weak to walk.
  31. Satish is the best student in the Class. 
  32. There is no mystery as great as misery. 
  33. The Sunderban is the largest delta in the world. 
  34. Ashok was greater than most other kings of India.
  35. A horse is more intelligent than an ass.
  36. Mumbai is the best sea-port in India.
  37. A bird in hand is better than two in the bush.
  38. He knows you better than I.
  39. I cannot run as fast as he. 
  40. Darjeeling is the most beautiful hill station.
  41. Pathan bowls faster than Jahir.
  42. No other gas is as light as hydrogen.
  43. December is the coldest month.
  44. Lead is heavier than any other metal.
  45. I cannot but shed tears (Use help) 
  46. He can't help wondering what he should do next (Use but)
  47. I couldn't help overhearing what you said. (Use but) 
  48. They cannot but wonder what's going to happen to us all. (Use help) 
  49. The Giant could not help shouting when he saw the children in his garden. (Use but)
  50. No sooner had he gone than it started raining.

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