Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Story Writing Topics - Worksheet for Students

Story Writing Topics to Workout

Story writing is such a fun way for you, students to get creative, improve your writing skills, and let your imagination run wild! This blog has tons of exciting story writing worksheets and topics, all collected from test papers from over the years. Whether you’re just starting out or already love writing stories, these resources will help you write amazing ones step by step. So, let’s jump in and start bringing your ideas to life!

1. Write a story on the following points, add a title and a moral. 

Woman lost her vision - approached a doctor to treat her at home -doctor demanded high fees - doctor treated the woman and removed furniture from her home - woman get her vision back and noticed the disappearance of her furniture - woman refused to pay the doctor - the Judge in the court questioned both - the woman refused to pay the doctor saying she could not get back her vision yet as the failed to see the furniture in her room -  doctor handed her back all the furniture. 

2. Write a story on the basis of the following points 

A night guard had a dream that he had caught a thief - in the morning he told the story to his master - rewarded for his dream and dismissed.

3. Write a story on the basis of the following hints. 

A lion's sleep disturbed by a mouse - Lion caught the mouse and about to kill him - the mouse begged for mercy - lion freed him - lion caught in a trap and roared - the mouse heard - cut the mate into pieces saved by the mouse.

4. Write a story on the basis of the following hints. Give a title and add a moral to it: 

Boys playing beside a pond - frogs in the pond - boys throwing stones - a frog died - an old frog sked - for fun - fun to one, death to others.

5. Write a story on the basis of the following points and add a suitable title and a moral to it: 

Robert Bruce, king of Scotland - was defeated six times - hid himself in a cave - saw a spider trying to climb the ceiling - failed six times - succeed at last - Robert Bruce learnt an important lesson.

6. Write a story using the following points: 

A blind rich man lived alone-  helped a poor neighbour to buy a rickshaw to earn livelihood - rickshaw puller wanted to repay his debt - rich man refused - rickshaw puller dies in an accident - had gifted his eyes to the eye-bank for the rich man before death - rich man got back his sight. 

7. On the basis of the following points write a story and add a suitable title to it:

A man left his iron safe with his neighbour - on return he was told that the safe had been eaten by rats - be said nothing but took the neighbour's son to the river for a bath - on return he sand the child had been carried off by kite - the neighbour returned safe - got back his son. 

8. Develop the following outlines into a story:

A soldier killed in a battle field - his body carried home his wife stunned with grief neither cries nor speaker - other maidens try various means to make her weep - unsuccessful - an old nurse sets her child on her lap - the lady bunt into tears.

9. Develop the following outlines into a story. Give appropriate title to your story:

Rider on a horse on a dark, stormy night - the horse refuses to go further - rider whips the horse mercilessly - the horse still refuses - in the morning rider finds the bridge collapsed in front - regrets

10. Develop the following outlines into a story in about 100 words:

English soldier - prisoner of war for many years - returns home - one day meet a bird seller - buys all the birds in the cages - release them.

11. Develop the following cutlines into a story in about 100 words and give a suitable title.

Subjects complain against the king's dishonesty - the king plans a milk-pond in the capital - workers dig up a pond - each subject is asked to pour a jar of milk at night - the chosen day arrives - everyone pours a jar of of water thinks his one jar water make no difference - pond of water - king proved his point.

12. Develop the following outlines into a story and add a suitable title for it: 

Outline: A sailor-lost way in storm-struggle in water-thrown on an island at day break-bungry Da thirty-sees coconut trees-unable to climb-finds monkeys on tree-tops-throws stones-monkey imituse-throw.cocomt at him-gets both food and drink.

13. Develop the outlines into a story. Give your story a title and a moral.

Outlines: A poor man - bought a goose from the market - it laid a golden egg everyday in the morning - the man's wife very greedy -she wanted all the eggs at a time-she cut the goose - lost the goose as well as the eggs. 

14. Write a story with the help of the following outline and suggest a title and a moral: 

Once a widow came to Lord Buddha with her dead child - lamenting bitterly - requested Buddha to revive her dead child - He consoled her - but she was inconsolable - asked her to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house not visited by death - went from door to door - failed to procure mustard seeds from a house not visited by death - returned sadly - Buddha pacified her told her death is inevitable. 

15. Build up a story within 100 words from the following outline. Add a suitable title to it: 

Sons quarrel among themselves-father worried-asked them to bring some sticks-sons can break them one-but cannot break the sticks when they are bundled together-father explains the reason

16. Frame a story from the outline: 

The limbs of the body quarrelled with the belly - they worked, but the belly only received - they all struck work - belly starved - all the limbs weak and lost strength - they learnt the lesson of co-operation

17. Frame a story from the following outline: 

A crow lived on a tree - a snake lived in a hole at the foot - it ate up the crow's young ones - crow stole a necklace of the prince - dropped it into the snake's hole - the king's men traced it - dug into the hole snake killed.

18. Develop the following outlines into a well-organized story:

A poor woodcutter's axe slips and falls into a river - water-god brings a gold axe for him - the woodcutter refuses to take it - the water - god brings a silver axe - the woodcutter again refuses to accept it - the water - god brings the woodcutter's axe - the woodcutter smilingly takes it - the water - god gives him the other two axes also

19. Write a story based on the following points:

A damaged railway bridge a passenger train towards the bridge a cowboy noticed it -feared an accident-put off his shirt-waved the driver stopped the train-many lives saved- the cowboy rewarded.

How to write story - the easiest way : GO HERE


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