Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Paragraph Writing Topics For All Classes

Writing Paragraphs Exercises

Looking to improve your writing skills? Whether you're a student preparing for exams or just someone who loves to write, practicing with the right topics is key. This post brings you a curated list of essay and paragraph writing topics suitable for all ages—perfect for school assignments, competitive exams, or creative practice. From thought-provoking social issues to fun and imaginative themes, these topics will help you develop clear, structured, and engaging writing. Keep reading to find the perfect topic to sharpen your skills! Writing Good Paragraphs needs to practice these Paragraph Writing Worksheets

> List of Essay Writing Topics and Ideas For Practice: 

Write a paragraph describing yours experience of the first norwester in summer. 

(Intense heat-your feelings-deserted road in the afternoon-thirsty-load shedding-deserted road in the afternoon-cold wind-large rain drops-joy of the people. 

Write a paragraph within 100 words on the benefits of early morning exercises using the following points:

Good for health-fresh air-keeps one active throughout the day-helps in concentrating on studies and work.

Write a paragraph on 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' based on the following points.

Points: Scheme of making India clean-launched on 2nd October, 2014 to make respect to the father of the Nation-Government of India organised the scheme dignitaries from all fields participated-national level campaign Prime Minister himself participated-employees and students participated conclusion.

Write a paragraph on the celebration of 'Spring Festival' or 'Bosontovtsav' on your school.

Write a paragraph on the Plastic Pollution'.

Points: Wonderful invention but not burnt or buried clogs the arteries of plastic emits toxic elements causes cancer and congenital problem-damages nervous system, kidneys and immunity system a threat to eco-system.

Write a paragraph in about 120 words on "The value of Early Rising". Use the following points.

Introduction gives energy gives change to enjoy natural beauty-early morning good for studies

Write a paragraph within 120 words on" Pleasures and value of writing Diary", using the following hints.

Hints : Records of events -call up old memorise-diary of great person- importance, and emotion.

Write a paragraph in about 120 words on 'Solar Energy'

Hints: The sun, an endless source of energy-light and heat-how this energy can be put to other uses heating water, cooking lighting, operating mechanical devices -how to make more easily available and usable a possible solution of power.

With the help of the following points write a paragraph on A book you have recently read and enjoyed.

Points: Introduction-name of the book and its writer-type of the book-theme of the story in brief-specific reason of your enjoyment-its impact upon you. 

Write a paragraph in about 110 words on holidays based on the points given. 

Meaning of holiday-its necessity-rust, not idleness-various kinds of holidays -various ways of spending holidays: visit places! campaign against illiteracy: tree plantation, games and sports.

Write a paragraph on 'Recollection of Childhood' with the help of the following hints. 

Home and parents and other people-place of attraction-events painful and pleasant-conclusion. 

Gardening is a hobby. Write a paragraph cum set of instructions for your friend who likes gardening.

Hints: Selecting a plot of land in front of your house-seeds bought from a nearby nursery making the soil soft with water application of manure and sowing seeds protection of sprouting plants

Write a paragraph in about 120 words on 'Some Recollection of Early Childhood Day's. You may use the following points.

[Points: Introduction-pleasure of recollection some memorable events -effects on you-conclusion]

Write a paragraph (in about 120 words) on 'Friendship' based on the following points:

[Points importance of friends can share personal matters-help in time of need a relation beyond selfish motives.]

Write a paragraph (in about 120 words) on a sports person you admire most. You may use the following points:

[Points Name of the sportsperson the game he/she is associated with his/her achievements the

reason for your admiration.]

Write a paragraph (in about 100 words) on the usefulness of 'Morning walk' based on the

following points:

[Morning walk-getting up early-exercise of whole body-body and mind refreshed-more time and

energy for whole day-good for health.]

Write a paragraph (in about 100 words) on Your Favourite Teacher. You may use the following points: (i) Name of the teacher (ii) Subject he/she teaches (iii) Qualities of the teacher that you admire (iv) How has he/she inspired you.

Write a paragraph in about 120 words on a book you have recently read. Use the following Title of the book-its author its subject-story-your impression of the book-its effect on your mind.

Write a paragraph in about 120 words on your parents. You may use the following points: Your love and respect for your parents-their love and affection for you their qualities you admire -what you propose to do for them when you grow up.

Describe in about 120 words a visit the following points:

Write in about 100 words a paragraph on: 'A Short Trip to a place' on the basis of the points given below:

Introduction-date of visit-spot visited-your companion(s) mode of transport-sight seeing- your impressions-conclusion.

Write a paragraph (in about 150 words) about the person you like most. You may use the following points:

(i) Name and identity of the person.

(ii) Your relationship with him/her.

(1) His/Her qualities that impress you.

(iv) His/Her differences from other people.

(v) His/Her influence, if any, on your mind.

Write a paragraph (in about 120 words) about a visit to a place of historical interest. You may use the following points:

(1)Date and Time of departure (ii) Place of visit (ii) Details of the journey (iv) Date of visit (v) Friends and relations with you (vi) interesting sights and scenes.

Write a paragraph (in about 150 words) about the Advantages of Morning walk. You may use the following points: Introduction-a healthy habit-a good start for the whole day's work-greater and closer contact with nature-independent exercise-conclusion

Write a paragraph (in about 150 words) how your school organised a 'Campaign against Crackers during Diwali this year. You may use the following information: Date participation of students, teachers and guardians-procession with colourful posters, slogan

write-ups etc. talk organized on health problems caused by crackers-people made aware of the wastage of money decrease of pollution level recorded by pollution control official-conclusion

Describe in about 120 words a visit to a place of interest in any state of India. You may use the following points: (1) Date of visit (ii) Place of visit (iii) Your companions. (iv) Mode of transport (v) Worth seeing place/places. (vi) Your impression.

Write in about 125 words a paragraph on the Importance of growing more trees in our country. You have to use the following points:

Importance of trees in our everyday life.  creating pollution-free atmosphere ---preventing soil erosion and floods --- steps taken by the West Bengal Government in this regard --- advantages to be gained by the urban and rural people.

Write a paragraph in ten lines about 'Our National Flag'

Write a paragraph on 'Your Favourite Game'

Write a short paragraph on "What do you want to be'. Give reasons for your choice.

Write four sentences about 'Begum Rokeya'

Suppose you went to a zoo with your parents and saw many interesting things there. Write five sentences to describe your experience. 

[Hints: Name of the zoo-time of visit-animals and birds seen eating habits-conclusion.

Write a paragraph about the Taj Mahal in about ten sentences:

[Hints: Introduction, situated on the southern bank of the Yamuna River in Agra- built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan-took 22 years to complete- 20,000 laborers and artisans engaged - why it is so magnificent, precious stones, change colour with the light - one of the wonders.]

Write a paragraph about your recent visit to the zoo.

Write a paragraph on the following topics: (i) A butterfly or, (ii) Your school.

Write five sentences about a famous sportsperson who has brought glory to our country.

Write a paragraph on 'A Visit to the Zoo'.

Write a paragraph about 'Durga Puja

Write a short paragraph on your experience of seeing the night sky using the following hints: 

[Hints: Time of seeing - place from where you looked - how it looked - other things you saw - sounds of the night - your feelings.]

Write a paragraph on your 'Village' or 'Town'

Write a paragraph in ten sentences on a picnic you enjoyed recently.

Write a paragraph about "Yourself 

(Points. Your name and age, the place you live in, your aim in life, the name of your school, your hobby)

Write a paragraph on The Cow.

Write a short paragraph on Your Class Room You may use the following points.

(Points: Description of the classroom doors, windows airy and well-lit many pictures on the wall, a big blackboard, decoration during a programme.)

Write a paragraph on 'A Railway Station. You may use the following points:

(Points: Name, location, busy or not, description, the activities of hawkers and coolies-passengers.)

Write a paragraph on 'Our Motherland'.

Write a paragraph on The Parrot', You may use the following points:

(Points: Small bird beautiful-green in colour etc, tongue is thick, an expert in mimicry, red beak, eats mangoes, fruits, seeds, leaves)

Write a paragraph on 'Your Pet. You may use the following points:

(Points: Name of the pet - age - it likes - its activities throughout the day - love for the family members - live as a family member.)

Write a short paragraph on 'Your Parents'.

Write a paragraph about 'Early Rising' by using the following hints:

[Hints: A good habit enjoy the beauty of nature-effect on body and mind-benefits- enough time to work little exercise gives energy.]

Write a paragraph on the 'Independence Day Celebration' in your school. You may use the following points:

[Points: Started from 7:30 am. - students gathered with flowers and paper flags - the national flag hoisted at 7:40 a.m. - national anthem - speeches by different teachers - songs -recitation sweets given to all - end.]

Write a paragraph on a 'Magic Show' with the help of the following points:

(Points: Place - the atmosphere - dress of the magician - his performance - how you liked the show -conclusion.) 

Write a paragraph on 'Your Hobby. You may use the following points:

[Points: Your hobby - why do you like it - your description - its effect.]

Write a paragraph on 'Your Favourite Subject' using the following points:

[Points: Name of the subject how the interest grew-plans for future study]

Write a paragraph on The National Flag of India'. You may use the following points.

(Points: Introduction - significance - different colours and their meanings - wheel in the centre - symbolizes our freedom.)

Write a paragraph on "Your School" with the help of the following points: 

[Points: Name of the school - its location - description - about the teachers - conclusion]

Write a paragraph on 'Your Favourite Season' You may use the following points

[Points: Name of the season - description - why it is favourite - the main thing about the season - weather - festivals of the season.]

Your First Day at School

Write a paragraph about your experience of 'seeing a beautiful morning.'

Write ten sentences about 'Your Daily Routine' with the given hints:

[Hints: Get up - wash and breakfast - study - bath - lunch - school - home - homework - supper - bed.] 

Write a paragraph on 'School Library':

[Hints: A room full of books- library class - duration of reading - system of taking books - enjoy the library class.]

Write a paragraph on The Farmer' using the following points:

[Points: An important member of society - the backbone of the nation - his work - living on poverty - cultivate price of the crop.] 

Write a paragraph on 'Your Home'. You may use the following points:

[Points: Description - location - life at home - its surroundings - about neighbour.]

Write a paragraph about The Crow' by the help of the following points:

[Points: Introduction - colour - body - food - sweeper bird - harsh voice - nobody loves it]

Write a few sentences about 'Your Journey from Your Home to School'. Use the following points:

[Points: Distance between home and school - mode of travelling - important landmarks - things you see on your journey - the most exciting part of your journey.]

Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics (in 100 words):

(i) Your Visit to a Fair; (ii) Our Motherland.

Write a few sentences on what you usually do on the day of Saraswati Puja.

Write a paragraph on The Mango on the basis of the following points:

[Description: A fruit - different size and colour - beauty of ripe mangoes - called the "King of Indian Fruits' - Where found: Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Bengal, U.P. and Assam - Kinds : Lengra, Fazli, Golap Khas, Himsagar, Chausa etc - Seasons Put forth blossoms in January green mangoes in March - ripe mangoes available from May to September.]

Witte a few sentences about A Rainy Day' with the help of the following points

[Very refreshing in summer-dark clouds in the sky-thunder lightning and storm-heart rain and water logging - hotchpotch and egg fry - school break - paper boat and indoor games - a joyful day]

Write about an actor whom you like most.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Ghost Brahman - Question Answer | XI WBCHSE Semester 2 (Long 5 Marks and 2 Marks Q-A)

The Ghost Brahman Class 11 Long Questions for Semester 2

WBCHSE Class 11 Semester 2 Drama ‘The Ghost Brahman’ Long Questions Answers as per West Bengal new exam pattern. These descriptive type questions carries 5 marks each.

The folktale ‘The Ghost-Brahman’ by Lal Behari Dey: Summary in Bengali

একদা এক দরিদ্র ব্রাহ্মণ ছিল, যিনি কুলীন না হওয়ায় বিয়ে করা অত্যন্ত কঠিন হয়ে পড়েছিল। ধনী লোকদের কাছ থেকে টাকা সংগ্রহ করে শেষমেশ তিনি বিয়ে করেন। কিছুদিন পর জীবিকা নির্বাহের জন্য তিনি অন্য দেশে যাওয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত নেন। ওইদিনই এক ভূত ঠিক তার মতো রূপ ধারণ করে বাড়িতে এসে, স্ত্রী ও মায়ের সামনে নিজেকে আসল ব্রাহ্মণ বলে পরিচয় দেয়। বহু বছর পর আসল ব্রাহ্মণ ফিরে এলে, দুজনের চেহারা এক হওয়ায় বিচারক করতে অসমর্থ হন।

অবশেষে, রাখালদের ‘রাজা’ বিচারের ভার নেন। সে এক কৌশলে ভূতকে বোতলের মধ্যে ঢুকতে রাজি করিয়ে সেই বোতলের মুখ আটকে ফেলে। আসল ব্রাহ্মণ তখন বাড়ি ফিরে সুখে জীবনযাপন করেন। 

The Ghost Brahman -  Question Answer 6 marks

Q. How did the ghost get into the Brahman’s house in village?

Answer: In the story, the poor Brahman ran out of money after his wedding and needed to find work to support his mother and new wife. He decided to leave his village for a long time to earn money. He took his mother’s blessings and set off on his journey. That evening, a ghost appeared as the Brahman and returned home. When his wife asked why he was back early, the ghost lied, saying it was an unlucky day but he had already made some money. She believed him. This way the ghost convinced his mother and wife that he was the real Brahman, and he lived with them for years without anyone noticing the trick. 115 words

Q. How did the poor Brahman manage to marry his bride?

Answer: The poor Brahman found it hard to get married because he was not a Kulin, which made it difficult for him to find a wife in society. To marry, he needed to arrange a large sum of money, not just for the wedding itself, but also to give to the bride’s parents. Being poor, he had no means to gather such an amount, so he resorted to begging. He went from door to door, asking wealthy people for help. By flattering and persuading many of them, he finally managed to collect enough money. With this money, the wedding was arranged, and the Brahman married his bride. After the ceremony, he brought his new wife home to live with his mother. 120 words

(Similar question)
Q. What strategies did the Brahman use to gather the money needed for his wedding? 

Answer: The Brahman faced difficulties in getting married due to his non-Kulin status and lack of financial resources. The dowry tradition required a substantial amount of money, which he did not have. Despite his efforts, his poverty hindered his ability to gather enough funds. To overcome this, he tried various strategies, such as begging door to door and asking wealthy individuals for help. He also used flattery, appealing to their generosity by emphasizing the importance of marriage and family obligations. Additionally, he may have used personal connections and social networks to reach more donors. Through persistence and determination, the Brahman managed to collect the necessary sum, showing his resourcefulness in fulfilling his marital aspirations despite the financial challenges he faced. 119 words

Q. Why did the poor Brahman have to leave home and go another country?

Answer: The poor Brahman had to leave home and travel to another country because i
mmediately after his marriage, he had no means to support both his mother and his newly wedded wife. Although he managed to gather enough money for the wedding by begging and flattering rich people, he did not have a stable source of income. Faced with this problem, he decided to travel far away in search of better job opportunities or earn money somehow. He planned to remain away for several years if necessary, determined to gather enough wealth to support his family. Before leaving, he gave  all his savings to his mother and asked her to take care of his wife until he returned. 117 words

Q. How did the king behave when the Brahman went to him for judgement?

Answer: When the Brahman went to the king for judgment, the king was in a difficult situation. Both the Brahman and the ghost looked exactly the same, making it impossible for him to distinguish the real Brahman from the imposter. Confused and unable to decide, the king kept postponing the case, asking the Brahman to return the next day. Every day, the Brahman begged the king to return his house, wife, and mother, but the king delayed making a decision, hoping for a solution. This left the Brahman feeling hopeless and betrayed by the justice system. Every day the Brahman goes away from the palace weeping and striking his forehead with the palm of his hand, feeling miserable about his life and could not find a way to get over it. 130 words

Q. How did the neat herd king help Brahman to get rid of ghost Brahman?
Describe the role of the neat-herd king and his court in the Brahman’s story.
How did the neat-herd king solve the case of the Brahman? 
What role does the neat-herd king play in solving the identity crisis in the tale ‘The Ghost-Brahman’?
How did the complication arising out of mistaken identity get resolved?
How was the identity of the real Brahman established?

Answer: The neat-herd king and his group of cowboys played a decisive role in resolving the Brahman’s plight. Seeing the Brahman’s daily sorrow, the cowboy king took an interest and listened to his troubles. After listening to the entire story, the neat herd king asked the Brahman to seek permission from the real king to let him judge it. The Herd King tricked the ghost by having both the ghost and the Brahman enter a small phial to prove their claim. Only the ghost could fit, so when it transformed into a tiny creature and entered the phial, the neat-herd king sealed it and asked the Brahman to throw it into the sea. By this trick, the poor Brahman got back his home, his wife, and mother. 126 words

What does this story teach about intelligence and wisdom?

Answer: The story highlights the importance of wisdom over brute strength or supernatural power. Although the ghost had extraordinary abilities, he was defeated by the clever plan of the neat-herd king, who used wit to trap the ghost rather than physical force. This teaches that even those with simple backgrounds can possess insight and intelligence that can outsmart seemingly powerful beings. The neat-herd king’s decision to trap the ghost in a phial, using the ghost’s own powers against it, demonstrates that wisdom often involves finding simple yet effective solutions to the toughest problems. In the end, the story teaches that true strength comes from quick thinking and intelligence, not just outward strength or magical powers. 114 words

What problem did the poor Brahman consider to be ‘the hardest thing in the world’? Why did he think so? How did he overcome the problem?

Answer: In ‘The Ghost-Brahman’, the poor Brahman found it ‘the hardest thing in the world’ to get married.

> The poor Brahman found it difficult to marry because he had neither the social prestige of a ‘kulin’ (i.e. the status of belonging to the highest social hierarchy) nor enough money.

To overcome the problem, he went to the rich people and begged them to give him money to get married. At that time, aside from the wedding expense, a large sum of money was needed to give dowry to the parents of the bride and to meet the expenses of the wedding. He begged from door to door, flattered rich people and thereby managed to get enough money to get married. 120 words

Why did the poor Brahman leave home for a long time? What did the ghost-Brahman do while he left home for a long time? How did the Brahman’s wife and mother react to the arrival of the ghost-Brahman?

Answer: The poor Brahman left home to earn money as he had no means to support his mother and wife. He told his mother he might be away for years and gave her whatever little he had before leaving.  

That very evening, a ghost came into the house, looking exactly like him. When the wife asked why he returned so soon, the ghost said the day was unlucky for travel and that he had already got some money. His mother also believed him.  

Since the ghost looked and acted just like the real Brahman, his wife and mother did not suspect anything. They fully accepted him, and even the neighbours thought he was the real Brahman. So, the ghost lived in the house, pretending to be the Brahman. 127 words

Why did the Brahman leave his home for a long time? What happened during his absence? [3+2] OR,

What problem did the Brahman face after his marriage? How did he decide to solve it? Who took advantage of the situation and how? [1+2+2]

Answer: In Lal Behari Dey's folk-tale "The Ghost-Brahman", immediately after his marriage, the poor Brahman found it extremely difficult to maintain his family as he had no means to support his mother and wife.

To solve his problem, he decided to travel far away countries to earn money by any means and return only after when he had saved enough. He handed over whatever money he had to his mother to maintain the family and he left home.

A ghost took advantage of the Brahman's absence and entered his home assuming the exact appearance of the Brahman. Since nobody doubted him, he lived in the house as its owner, as the son of the old woman and as the husband of the young woman. 123 words

What problem did the Brahman face on returning from his travels? What was his initial reaction? What did he decide to do for justice?

Answer: When the Brahman returned home after many years, he was shocked to find someone exactly like him living in his house. The ghost, pretending to be the real Brahman, asked him who he was and why he had come to his house. The Brahman was surprised and said that it was his home, his mother, and his wife.  

The ghost claimed that he had been living there for years and that the Brahman must have lost his mind. Then, the ghost forcefully drove him out of the house.  

The Brahman was speechless and did not know what to do. After thinking for a while, he decided to go to the king and explain everything, hoping to get justice and reclaim his home and family. 124 words

Why did the Brahman go the court of the king? What did the king do? Who ultimately solved the problem? 

Describe the circumstances that led the Brahman to seek help from the neat-herd king, and how did the latter's unique approach to justice ultimately resolve the dispute?

Answer: The Brahman went to the king’s court because a ghost had taken his place at home. The ghost looked exactly like him and had taken his house, wife, and mother. No one could tell them apart, so the Brahman had no way to prove himself. He wanted the king to do justice and give him back his home and family.

The king was confused because the Brahman and the ghost looked the same. Every day, the Brahman begged for justice, but the king kept delaying, telling him to come back the next day. This left the Brahman feeling hopeless and betrayed by the justice system, feeling miserable about his life. 

> The neat-herd king ultimately solved the problem. 118 words

Discuss in brief the significance of the title “The Ghost Brahman”.

Answer: The title of Lan Behari Dey's "The Ghost-Brahman" is significant because it highlights the main conflict of the story. It revolves around a ghost who takes the place of a real Brahman, leading to confusion and struggle. The title captures the theme of identity and deception, as the real Brahman fights to regain his home and family. It also reflects the supernatural element, making the story more engaging. Additionally, the title emphasizes the moral lesson of truth and justice, showing how the rightful owner must prove himself. By combining "Ghost" and "Brahman," it contrasts illusion with reality. Overall, the title is appropriate as it clearly represents the key themes of the story and its central conflict. 116 words

Discuss the Character of Brahman.

Answer: In Lal Behari Dey’s folktale *The Ghost-Brahman*, the real Brahman is shown as a kind and honest man who faces many hardships. He is poor but responsible, as he leaves home to earn money for his mother and wife. His honesty is clear in his sincere efforts to support his family, even if it means struggling for years. When a ghost takes his place, he does not give up and keeps trying to prove his identity. he does not look down on the herd-boy king but gladly accepts his help. In the end, it is the boy, not the real king, who helps him. His honesty, perseverance, and humility make him a relatable and admirable hero in the story’s fight for justice. 122 words

Discuss in brief the summary of the folktale “The Ghost Brahman”

Answer: The folktale "The Ghost-Brahman" by Lal Behari Dey tells the story of a poor Brahman who struggles to get married and finally does so by begging for money. However, he soon realizes he cannot support his wife and mother, so he leaves to earn a living, promising to return only after gaining enough wealth. That very evening, a ghost takes his place, fooling his wife and mother into believing he has come back. When the real Brahman returns years later, he finds the ghost living as him. The confused king keeps delaying judgment, but a clever herd-boy king tricks the ghost into a phial, helping the Brahman reclaim his home. This folktale highlights how intelligence and justice defeat lies and deception. 121 words

What role did the cowboy king and his companions play in the story?

Answer: The cowboy king and his companions played a crucial role in resolving the Brahman’s problem. They noticed the Brahman’s daily sorrow and became curious about the cause. After listening to his story with empathy, the cowboy king decided to help him. The cowboy king got permission from the king to act as a judge. He tricked the ghost by asking both the ghost and the Brahman to enter a small phial to prove their claims. When the ghost turned into a tiny creature and entered the phial, the cowboy king quickly sealed it. With his wise decision and leadership, the Brahman was able to reclaim his rightful place and possessions. Their intervention brought justice and peace, highlighting their compassion, fairness, and role as leaders in the community, making them key figures in resolving the conflict. 135 words

Why was it difficult for the Brahman to get married initially? 

Answer: At the beginning of “The Ghost Brahman,” the Brahman faced difficulty in getting married due to his non-Kulin status and financial constraints. Being a non-Kulin Brahman, he belonged to a lower social stratum within the Brahmin community, making it challenging to find a suitable bride from higher-caste families. Additionally, the tradition of dowry required substantial financial resources, which the Brahman lacked. Despite his efforts to beg for funds, his impoverished status hindered his ability to accumulate the necessary wealth to secure a marriage alliance. Thus, the combination of his low social status and financial limitations made it difficult for the Brahman to find a willing bride and arrange a marriage at the outset of the story. 116 words

What emotions did the Brahman experience upon returning home and finding the ghost living his life?

Answer: In Lal Behari Dey’s tale "The Ghost-Brahman", the real Brahman finally gathers enough money to get married after much struggle. However, he soon realizes he cannot support his wife and mother, so he leaves to earn a living. When he returns years later, he is shocked to find a ghost living as him. At first, he feels disbelief and confusion since the ghost looks exactly like him. As he understands the truth, he feels betrayed and angry that his identity, home, and family have been taken away. His frustration grows as no one believes him. Along with anger, he feels helpless and desperate to prove himself, highlighting his struggle to reclaim his rightful place and seek justice. 116 words

How did the ghost manage to convince the Brahman’s wife and mother?

Answer: In Lal Behari Dey’s tale, the real Brahman left home to earn money to support his mother and wife, saying he would not return until he gathered enough. The ghost took his place by tricking the Brahman’s wife and mother with his identical appearance. He imitated the Brahman’s speech and mannerisms, making them believe he was real. The ghost also took advantage of their longing for the Brahman’s return, using their emotions to strengthen his deception. He claimed he had come back early after receiving unexpected wealth, further convincing them. Through his physical resemblance, clever lies, and emotional manipulation, and exploitation of emotions, the ghost succeeded in convincing the Brahman’s wife and mother of his false identity as the real Brahman. 121 words

How does the story depict the concept of justice through the actions of the king and the cowboy king?


How do the two kings approach justice differently, and what does this reveal about the importance of critical thinking and creative problem-solving?

Answer: The story highlights two contrasting approaches to justice. The king, despite being in a position of authority, hesitates and continuously delays making a decision, leaving the Brahman helpless. His indecisiveness reflects a lack of true leadership in delivering justice. In contrast, the cowboy king takes an active role in uncovering the truth. Seeing the Brahman’s struggle, he and his companions investigate the matter fairly and devise a clever test to expose the ghost. By tricking the impostor into revealing his true nature and trapping him, the cowboy king ensures that justice is served. His actions restore the Brahman’s rightful place, home, and family. Through these two figures, the story emphasizes that true justice requires wisdom, action, and courage. 118 words

How does the story end, and what moral is conveyed?

Answer: The story ends with the "neat-herd king" tricking the ghost into entering a small phial, trapping him forever. This allows the real Brahman to reclaim his home, wife, and mother. He then lives happily, free from the ghost’s deception. 

The story conveys the moral that truth and justice always prevail over lies. It emphasizes the importance of intelligence and critical thinking in exposing deception. The *neat-herd king* represents fairness and wisdom, showing that cleverness can overcome trickery. Additionally, the tale highlights the value of integrity and staying true to one’s identity. In the end, righteousness triumphs, reinforcing that those who are honest and patient will ultimately find justice and happiness. 110 words

How far does the story maintain the basic principles of storytelling?

Discuss ‘The Ghost-Brahman‘ is a perfect folktale. 

Answer: The folktale *The Ghost-Brahman* follows a simple yet effective storytelling structure. It begins with the classic phrase, “Once on a time there lived…,” setting a fantasy tone. The story introduces the Brahman, his struggles, and his departure. The plot takes a twist with the ghost’s arrival, leading to complications when the real Brahman returns. The climax occurs in the trial scene, where the "neat-herd king" cleverly traps the ghost in a phial. The tale highlights the conflict between good and evil, ultimately delivering a moral lesson through the triumph of good. The ending follows the traditional style of Bengali folktales, 

Here my story endeth,

The Natiya-thorn withereth, etc.

So, we can say ‘The Ghost-Brahman’ is an excellent example of a folktale. 121 words

Sketch the Character of Ghost Brahman.

Answer: “The Ghost Brahman” represents deceit and manipulation, initially appearing as a sinister force. The ghost takes advantage of its resemblance to the real Brahman, seizing his identity and possessions. It cunningly deceives the Brahman’s wife and mother, asserting false ownership over them and the household. The ghost’s actions display a complete lack of empathy or morality, as it selfishly exploits the situation for personal gain. Despite mimicking the real Brahman’s appearance and behaviour, it lacks true authenticity and integrity, choosing deception over honesty.  

However, its eventual downfall emphasizes the consequences of dishonesty and the triumph of justice. The ghost’s fate serves as a cautionary lesson, warning against falsehood and highlighting the importance of distinguishing truth from deception. 116 words

How is the deception factor (misleading someone) explored in the story “The Ghost Brahman”?

Answer: In "The Ghost-Brahman", deception is a key theme as the ghost tricks the Brahman’s family and community by taking his identity. His identical appearance and clever lies make it difficult to distinguish truth from falsehood. The ghost manipulates circumstances and preys on the family’s trust, showing how easily deception can spread.  

The story highlights how trust can be exploited in the absence of scepticism. The ghost’s deception disrupts relationships and social order, demonstrating the harm dishonesty can cause. However, justice prevails when the "neat-herd king" exposes the truth, reinforcing the importance of wisdom in uncovering lies. In the end, the story teaches that integrity and authenticity triumph over deception, emphasizing the moral consequences of dishonesty. 115 words

The Ghost Brahman -  Question Answer 2 marks

What strategies did the Brahman use to gather the money needed for his wedding? 

Ans: To gather money for his wedding, the Brahman used different methods. He begged door to door, asking wealthy people for help. He also flattered them with kind words to win their generosity.

How did the ghost deceive the Brahman’s family?

Answer: The ghost assumed the exact appearance of the Brahman and returned to his home, convincing the Brahman’s wife and mother that he was their son and husband. The ghost lived with them for years until the real Brahman returned, causing confusion and leading the Brahman to seek justice from the king.

How did the neat-herd king solve the conflict between the Brahman and the ghost?

Answer: The herd-boy king solved the dispute by challenging both the Brahman and the ghost to enter a small phial, saying the one who could fit inside was the real owner. The Brahman refused, knowing it was impossible, but the ghost shrank and entered the phial. The boy quickly sealed it and told the Brahman to throw it into the sea. With the ghost gone, the Brahman got his home back and lived happily.

Why did the Brahman leave his home after getting married?

Answer: After his marriage, the Brahman found himself unable to support both his mother and his wife. He decided to leave his home and travel to distant places to earn money, intending to return only once he had accumulated enough wealth to provide for his family.

How did the Brahman react when he saw the ghost in his house?

Answer: The Brahman was shocked and confused to find another person identical to himself living in his house, claiming to be him. When the ghost insisted that the house and family belonged to him, the Brahman, feeling helpless, decided to seek the king’s help to regain his rights.1

How did the king initially handle the Brahman's complaint?

Answer: The king was perplexed, as both the Brahman and the ghost looked identical. Unable to determine the real Brahman, the king postponed the case repeatedly, asking the Brahman to return the next day, thus leaving the Brahman feeling disillusioned with the justice system.

Why did the poor Brahman find it difficult to get married?

The poor Brahman found it difficult to get married because he was not a Kulin (a high-ranking Brahman), and he needed a large sum of money for marrying and to pay to the parents of the bride. 

Examine the symbolism of the phial in the story; what does it represent, and how does it serve as a tool for resolving the conflict?

The phial represents a test of authenticity. It reveals the ghost-Brahman's true nature, allowing the neat-herd king to distinguish between the two.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Affirmative to Negative and vice versa Transformation of Sentence - Simple Formulas - Easy Understanding

Transformation of sentences - Affirmative to Negative

Affirmative to Negative Sentences with Examples and Simple Rules. 

Rule 1:

Affirmative Sentence -এ "Only" বা "Alone" এর পরিবর্তে Negative Sentence-এ "None but" বসে আর কোন পরিবর্তন হয়না। যা আছে তাই বসে যায়। 


Affirmative: Only Ranji can play good cricket.

Negative: None but Ranji can play good cricket.

Affirmative: Only they can do the work.

Negative: None but they can do the work.

Note: বস্তুর ক্ষেত্রে only এর পরিবর্তে nothing but বসে। তবে বয়সের ক্ষেত্রে বা সংখ্যার ক্ষেত্রে only এর পরিবর্তে not more than বসে।


Affirmative: Only an opener can be used to open the bottle.

Negative: Nothing but an opener can be used to open the bottle.

Affirmative: He is only five.

Negative: He is not more than five.

Affirmative: They have only two pens.

Negative: They have not more than two pens.

Rule 2:

Affirmative sentence এ must থাকলে negative করার সময় must এর পরিবর্তে can not but/ can not help বসে। তবে can not help এর পরে যে verb থাকে তার সাথে -ing যুক্ত করতে হয়।

[must - can not but verb / can not help verb+ing]


Affirmative: You must accept your destiny.

Negative: You can not but accept your destiny.

Affirmative: We must respect our elders.

Negative: We can not but respect our elders.

Affirmative: You must care the saplings.

Negative: You can not help caring the saplings.

Rule 3:

Affirmative Sentence- এর "Every" কে Negative করতে হলে "Every" এর পরিবর্তে "There is no" বসে । 

সম্পূর্ণ sentence হয় : There is no + every এর পরের শব্দটি + but + তারপর sentence এর বাকী অংশ।


Affirmative: Everyone hates a liar.

Negative: There is no one but hates a liar.

Affirmative: Everybody fears a dinosaurs.

Negative: There is no body but fears a dinosaurs.

Rule 4:

As soon as যুক্ত sentence কে Negative করতে হলে- No sooner আনতে হয় as soon as এর জায়গায় - যেটা হল sentence-এর প্রথমে। 

সম্পূর্ণ sentence হয় : As soon as এর জায়গায় no sooner had + Subject + Sentence এর main verb এর past participle form + sentence বাকী অংশ বসে + than + comma তুলে দিয়ে দ্বিতীয় বাক্য।


Affirmative: As soon as he saw the lion, he ran away.

Negative: No sooner had he seen the lion than he ran away.

Negative: No sooner had the thief saw the police than he ran away.

Affirmative:  As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.

Rule 5:

Too.....to যুক্ত sentence কে Negative করতে হলে – so....that ব্যবহার করতে হয়। 

"Too" এর জায়গায় "so" বসে + তারপর adjective/adverb বসে + "to" এর জায়গায় "that" বসে + আবার  subject বসে + tense অনুযায়ী can not/could not + তারপর sentence-এর বাকি অংশ বসে।


Affirmative: The old man is too weak to walk.

Negative: The old man is so weak that he can not walk.

Affirmative: The sum was too difficult to be worked out.

Negative: The sum was so difficult that it could not be worked out.

Affirmative: The kid was too short to climb the tree.

Negative: The kid was so short that he could not climb the tree.

Rule 6:

Affirmative sentence কে Negative করার সময় সেই sentence এর Affirmative শব্দটির Negative রূপ বসাতে হয় আর তার আগে not বসাতে হয়। অথবা, negative-এ দুটো না বাচক শব্দ ব্যবহার করতে হয়, affirmative-এ not তুলে দিয়ে negative শব্দটির opposite বা antonym বসাতে হয়। 


not good > bad / average / so-so

honest > not dishonest

Affirmative: He is a good man.

Negative: He is not a bad man.

Affirmative: Rajib is an honest boy.

Negative: Rajib is not a dishonest boy.

Rule 6.1:

Always যুক্ত Affirmative sentence কে Negative করতে হলে Always এর পরিবর্তে never বসে। Affirmative শব্দটির Negative রূপ বসাতে হয়।


Affirmative: I am always punctual.

Negative: I am never late.

Affirmative: He always tells the truth.

Negative: He never tells a lie.

Rule 7 : 

যদি Negative Sentence-এ if....not থাকে, তাহলে Affirmative করতে হলে "unless" আনতে হবে। "Unless" শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ হল "যদিনা" । একইভাবে Affirmative এ unless থাকলে Negative এ if....not আসবে। 


If you do not study, you will fail. (Negative)

Unless you study, you will fail. (Affirmative)

Rule 8:

একইভাবে Affirmative থেকে Negative বা উল্টোটা করতে গেলে, একটাকে Interrogative sentence বানিয়ে নিলেও হয়। এই জাতীয় question গুলোকে বলে rhetorical questions, অর্থাৎ যে question-এর মধ্যেই উত্তর টা থাকে।

মজার ব্যাপার এই যে, এই নিয়মে Assertive Sentence থেকে Interrogative Sentence ও transformation করা হয়ে যায়। 


Everybody knows  Netaji. (Affirmative)

Who does not know Netaji? (Negative)

Who wants to be a thief anyway? (Affirmative)

Nobody wants to be a thief anyway. (Negative)

When did I say that? (Affirmative)

I never said that. (Negative)

Did I ever say that? (Affirmative)

I never said that. (Negative)

Rule 9 :

Adjective-এর degree change করেও Affirmative থেকে Negative বা উল্টোটা সম্ভব। 

Here Check for Degree Change Easy Rules : Degree Change


Negative: Atif is not the tallest boy in the class. (Superlative)

Affirmative: Some boys are at least as tall as Atif. (Positive)

Affirmative: He is the best batsman in the team. (Superlative)

Negative: No other batsman in the team is as good as him. (Positive)

Affirmative: You are the best boy in the class. (Superlative)

Negative: No other boy in the class is as good as you. (Positive)

◘ Less...than যুক্ত sentence কে Negative করতে হলে –

Less এর জায়গায় not as বসবে এবং than এর জায়গায় as বসবে।


Affirmative: He is less ugly than you said. (Comparative)

Negative: He is not as ugly as you said. (Positive)

Affirmative: You are less good than he said. (Comparative)

Negative: You are not as good as he said. (Positive)

◘ Than any other/than all other যুক্ত comparative degree কে Negative করতে হলে –

No other + any other/all other এর পরের অংশ বসে + verb + so/as বসে + comparative degree এর positive form + as + প্রদত্ত sentence এর subject.


Affirmative: He is better than any other boy in the class. (Comparative)

Negative: No other boy in the class is as good as him. (Positive)

Affirmative: Dhaka is bigger than all other cities in Bangladesh. (Comparative)

Negative: No other city in Bangladesh is as big as Dhaka. (Positive)

◘ Than যুক্ত comparative degree কে Negative করতে হলে –

Than এর শেষের অংশ প্রথমে বসে + verb (tense ও person অনুযায়ী) + not + so/as + comparative degree এর positive form + as + প্রদত্ত sentence এর subject.


Affirmative: He is stronger than you. (Comparative)

Negative: You are not as/so strong as him. (Positive)

Affirmative: I am taller than you. (Comparative)

Negative: You are not as tall as me. (Positive)

◘ As....as যুক্ত positive degree কে Negative করতে হলে – প্রথম as এর পরিবর্তে not less শেষ as এর পরিবর্তে than বসে।


Affirmative: Robi and Rahat were as strong as Rakib.

Negative: Robi and Rahat were not less strong than Rakib.

Affirmative: He is as good as you.

Negative: He is not less good than you.

যদি এতো গুলো rules দেখে কঠিন মনে হয়, তাহলে চিন্তার কিছু নেই। এটা ভীষণ সহজ করে লেখা : check 

Rule 10:

Negative Sentence এ "not only.....but also" থাকলে "Besides" দিয়ে Sentence শুরু করে  Affirmative Sentence এ transform করা যায়। 


Negative: He not only produced the film but also directed it.

Affirmative: Besides producing the film, he directed it.

Negative: Not only does he play the guitar, but also sings beautifully.

Affirmative: Besides playing the guitar, he sings beautifully.

Rule 11:

না বাচক phrase-র বদলে হ্যাঁ-বাচক single word / বা opposite word / antonym / বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ ব্যবহার করে Negative থেকে Affirmative করা যায়। 


Negative: Do not take this book.

Affirmative: You are forbade (/forbidden) to take the book.

Negative: The knife is not sharp.

Affirmative: The knife is blunt.

Affirmative: Man is mortal.

Negative: Man is not immortal

Affirmative: He finished everything.

Negative: He left nothing unfinished.

◘ কিছু কিছু এমনও হয় : এখানে দুটো না-বাচক, দুটো হ্যাঁ-বাচক শব্দের পরিবর্তন হয়। 

All is well that ends well.
Nothing is well if it ends badly.

Every cloud has a silver lining.
There is no cloud without a silver lining.

Everyone will admit that he is honest.
None will deny that he is honest.

Affirmative to Negative Sentence Worksheet :

Here is some exercise to change affirmative to negative sentence without changing the meaning worksheet or vice versa for practice : 

  1. Manasi's father discouraged her. 
  2. I was doubtful if you would turn up. 
  3. This is the best book I have ever read. 
  4. Everyone will admit that he is honest. 
  5. I hope that I shall succeed this year. 
  6. He is not stronger than Asim. 
  7. There is none but wishes to be happy. 
  8. You must be truthful. 
  9. Shylock did not accept the money. 
  10. He disbelieves my story. 
  11. Who hasn't heard the name of Sachin? 
  12. This is the last time we will have class together. 
  13. You are not attentive in the class. 
  14. He is aware of the fact. 
  15. He loved rainy season. 
  16. The water is not pure enough for drinking. 
  17. Ajit is as strong as Sankar. 
  18. We did not find the journey pleasant. 
  19. I will go if he sends a car. 
  20. His sole income is that from business. 
  21. I saw nobody in the hall. 
  22. She alone believed him. 
  23. All men are mortal. 
  24. It is unlikely for him to come. 
  25. Tut-en-Khamen did not live long. 
  26. I believe in your honesty. 
  27. They all started late.
  28. He tried every plan.
  29. Never tell a lie.
  30. He is too weak to walk.
  31. Satish is the best student in the Class. 
  32. There is no mystery as great as misery. 
  33. The Sunderban is the largest delta in the world. 
  34. Ashok was greater than most other kings of India.
  35. A horse is more intelligent than an ass.
  36. Mumbai is the best sea-port in India.
  37. A bird in hand is better than two in the bush.
  38. He knows you better than I.
  39. I cannot run as fast as he. 
  40. Darjeeling is the most beautiful hill station.
  41. Pathan bowls faster than Jahir.
  42. No other gas is as light as hydrogen.
  43. December is the coldest month.
  44. Lead is heavier than any other metal.
  45. I cannot but shed tears (Use help) 
  46. He can't help wondering what he should do next (Use but)
  47. I couldn't help overhearing what you said. (Use but) 
  48. They cannot but wonder what's going to happen to us all. (Use help) 
  49. The Giant could not help shouting when he saw the children in his garden. (Use but)
  50. No sooner had he gone than it started raining.

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