Sunday, November 24, 2024

Jimmy Valentine - Question-Answer for Class XI (Short & Long Questions)

Jimmy Valentine by O. Henry Q-A - Class 11 WBCHSE Semester 2

Comprehensive Study Guide: Jimmy Valentine by O. Henry
Get instant access to a detailed pack of questions and answers from O. Henry's renowned short story, "Jimmy Valentine". This study guide is designed to help you delve deeper into the story, its themes, and characters which will be helpful in the exams. This post contains Short & Long Questions (2 marks and also 6 marks) 

Jimmy Valentine - Questions & Answers (2/3 marks)
[According to the marking category announced by the board, there will be 2 marks answer type questions, also 6 marks questions, which may contain part question of 2 marks and 3 marks.]

1) Write a brief character sketch of Jimmy Valentine. 

Answer: Jimmy Valentine, the main character in the story is a burglar. He is an expert safecracker. He has a sportsman like physical appearances and a not a bad person at heart. Jimmy’s pleasant personality and strong command of language are valuable assets in his work as a safecracker and also as a shoe businessman. When he falls in love with Anabel Adams, he completely changes and starts living a good and honest life.

2) Write a brief summary of the story. 

Answer: The story, 'Jimmy Valentine' by O. Henry begins with a scene at a prison shoe shop where Jimmy is working. He was pardoned by the Governor and was released the next morning. He immediately starts his safecracking business after coming out of jail. One day, he reaches a small town named Elmore where he sees a beautiful lady and falls in love. He takes a new business of shoe-shop and changes his name. His marriage is fixed with Annabel Adams but in the end, everyone comes to know about his true identity when he tries to save a little girl.

3) Why was Jimmy sent to the prison?

Answer: Jimmy was 
an expert safecracker. During his burglary in a bank in Springfield, he was caught by Ben Price and was sentenced for four years and sent to prison as punishment. 

4) What did Jimmy do after coming out of the jail?

Answer: Jimmy, after leaving jail, with the railroad ticket and five-dollar bill for rehabilitation and went to a restaurant to enjoy his freedom. He ordered broiled chicken and a bottle of wine, then smoked a nice cigar. He got on a train to his town, where his friend Mike Dolan greeted him at a café. He took his keys and went to his room.

5) What advice was given by the warden to Jimmy?

Answer: The jail warden was a nice man who believed in helping prisoners change. When Jimmy arrived, the warden told him to stop burglary and live honestly. He told Jimmy about the pardon from the governor, and at the time of leaving, he gave Jimmy a five-dollar bill, a railroad ticket, and a cigar, and shook his hand. The warden wanted Jimmy to become a good citizen.

6) Describe the dress Jimmy was wearing in the morning of his discharge?

Answer: Jimmy, in the morning of his release, was wearing
 a suit of the villainously fitting, ready-made clothes and a pair of the stiff, squeaky shoes that the state furnishes to its discharged compulsory guests. 

7) What role was played by Mike Dolan in the story?

Answer: Mike Dolan was one of the friends of Jimmy Valentine who knew each other for a long period of time. Mike was the owner of a café. Jimmy went to him after his release. Mike Dolan helped Jimmy with his case in Springfield and got him a pardon from the Governor. The author shows that Jimmy is still involved in crime as he goes to retrieve his tools and clothes to return to his life as a safecracker using Mike Dolan's character.

8) What did Jimmy once he reached his room?

Answer: When Jimmy got to his room, he saw it was just as he had left it on the day he was arrested. He noticed a collar button from Ben Price's shirt on the floor, torn from their struggle. Jimmy then opened a panel in the wall, took out his beloved suitcase, and happily looked at his tools—drills, braces, bits, clamps, and more. Afterward, he changed into a nice set of clothes and went downstairs looking like a whole new person.

9) What materials were found inside the suitcase of Jimmy?

Answer: In the suitcase, there was a full set of burglary tools, crafted from specially tempered steel. The tools included the newest designs of drills, punches, braces, bits, jimmies, clamps, and augers. There were also a couple of unique inventions by Jimmy himself. He felt a sense of pride over the suitcase, and it had cost him over nine hundred dollars to have made.

10) “Jimmy Valentine looked into her eyes, forgot what he was, and became another man.” Whom did Jimmy meet? What type of woman was she?

Answer: Jimmy met a lady at Elmore whose name was Miss Annabel Adams. She was the daughter of the owner of Elmore bank. 
Annabel was a lady from a rich and respectable family with good manners that were both charming and attractive. According to Jimmy, she was an angel and the best woman in the world. She was an innocent young woman, unaware that Jimmy was a criminal and a burglar. Annabel had fallen in love with Ralph D. Spencer, a shoe businessman, and she dreamed of a happy married life with him. Annabel's pride and belief in him almost equalled her affection.

11) Which events tell us that Jimmy had started burglary again?

Answer: Events like a neat job of safe-burglary in Richmond, Indiana, without the trace of the burglar one week after Jimmy’s parole from the prison took place, two weeks later a patented, improved, burglar-proof safe in Logansport was opened like a cheese and an amount of fifteen hundred dollars were taken out. Another burglary took place in an old-fashioned bank-safe in Jefferson City. The city became alert and understood that Jimmy, the infamous safe-cracker has started his work one more time.

12) Do we see a change of heart in Jimmy? Why?

Answer: In the course of the story, we see a change of heart in Jimmy when he arrives in Elmore, a small town, with the intention of committing a burglary. On his way, he sees a young and beautiful lady. Jimmy is equally struck by her beauty, and it is love at first sight for him, leading to his change of heart. For her, Jimmy turned into a completely different man with an honest life.

13) What business did Jimmy start at Elmore? What was the reason of the new business?

Answer: Jimmy started a shoe-business at Elmore. 
One day when Jimmy reached Elmore, a small town one afternoon with an intention of burglary. While he was approaching towards a hotel, he crossed a young and beautiful lady. He was impressed by the beauty. He wanted to know her and thus he settled in Elmore and started the new business.

14) When and what did Jimmy write letter to his old friend?

Answer: After becoming a successful businessman in the shoe industry, Jimmy wrote the letter, ready to leave his former life behind and marry his fiancée, Miss Annabel Adams. Since he no longer needed his safe-breaking tools, he decided to pass them on to a friend.
In a letter, Jimmy expressed his happiness with his new, honest life and his love for Annabel, whom he described as one of the finest women in the world. He requested a meeting with his friend to personally hand over the kit.

15) ’She believes in me; and I wouldn’t do another crooked thing for the whole world.” Who is ‘she’ in the line? Who does the ‘I’ refer to? What is the meaning of the line according to you?

Answer: ‘She' is Annabel Adams, the daughter of the owner of the Elmore Bank and the fiancé of Jimmy Valentine alias Ralph D. Spencer. 
Jimmy was the ‘I’ in the line who used to be a safecracker previously but changed his profession to a shoe-businessman. 
The line is a promise that Jimmy has made to himself after he fell in love with Annabel and decided to change his course of life. Jimmy’s life has transformed, and he now understands the importance of honesty for a peaceful and comfortable life.

16) “Ben Price acted rather strangely. “Guess you’re mistaken, Mr. Spencer,” he said. “Don’t believe I recognize you.” Who was Ben Price? Why did he not recognize Jimmy at the end of the story?

Answer: Ben Price was a famous detective who was investigating safecracking cases. He was well aware of Jimmy's methods of safe cracking and aimed to catch him. However, when Ben followed Jimmy to a bank in Elmore, he saw Jimmy saving a child's life, risking his own safety. He decided not to arrest Jimmy because he realized that Jimmy had changed from a burglar into a caring and honest person.

17) “Mr. Ralph Spencer, the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes” What does the author O. Henry tell from this line?

Answer: The author highlights the change in personality through the character of Phoenix, a mythological bird that is reborn by burning in fire. When the safecracker Jimmy meets Annabel Adams and falls in love, he decides to leave his life of burglar behind. He transforms into Mr. Ralph Spencer, an honest shoe businessman. Jimmy purifies his wrongdoings through love and becomes a better person filled with truth and wisdom.

18) “That’s Dandy Jim Valentine’s autograph.” Who said this line? What does this line mean?

The line was spoken by Ben Price, an eminent detective investigating a series of safecracking cases committed by Jimmy Valentine. 
Ben Price was well-versed in Jimmy's techniques, and by examining the crime scenes, he could easily identify the culprit Jimmy. When Ben Price came to know about the events of burglary in Richmond, Indiana and other locations, he referred to the crimes as "autographs" of Jimmy.

19) Explain in brief the dramatic aspect of the story used by the author O. Henry.

Answer: Author O. Henry employs various dramatic elements in his story. He uses imagery when he describes Jimmy's work with the phrase "Dandy Jim Valentine’s autograph." Additionally, he employs a metaphor, likening Jimmy's transformation from a burglar to an honest gentleman to that of a phoenix. Throughout the narrative, the author explores themes of redemption and the transformative power of love as seen in Jimmy's life.

20) What happened on the morning when Jimmy planned to go out of Elmore to hand over his toolkit?

Answer: On the morning when Jimmy planned to leave Elmore to give away his toolkit, he went with the Adams family to the bank. Mr. Adams needed to check a new vault. Accidentally, Agatha, the younger girl, got locked inside the vault. Since Jimmy was the only one who could open it, he used his toolkit to crack the vault and save her when Annabel asked him. He did not care about hiding his identity anymore.

21) “Hello, Ben!” said Jimmy, still with his strange smile. “Got around at last, have you? Well, let’s go. I don’t know that it makes much difference, now.” Describe briefly what did Jimmy mean through these lines.

At the end of the story, Jimmy Valentine is forced to reveal his past as a burglar to save a child trapped in a safe. He realizes that, despite becoming an honest man, he cannot fully escape his past. By using his old skills to help, he risks losing the new, happy life he worked so hard to build. Although his final act of safecracking is selfless, it brings his past back to haunt him, threatening his future with Annabel. Seeing Ben Price, he expresses his sadness and gives up his dream of a good, happy life with her.

22) Why was Jimmy Valentine released early from prison?

Answer: Jimmy Valentine was released from prison early because he received a pardon from the governor. Although he had served nearly ten months of his four-year sentence, he expected to be out after only three months due to his connections.

23) What changes did Jimmy make in his life after meeting Annabel?

Answer: After meeting Annabel Adams, Jimmy fell in love and decided to leave his criminal life behind. He adopted a new identity, Ralph D Spencer, and opened a shoe store in Elmore. He became a respectable businessman and planned to marry Annabel.

24) How did Jimmy Valentine use his safe-cracking skills to save Agatha?

Answer: When Agatha got locked inside the bank vault, jimmy used his old safe-cracking skills to quickly open the vault and rescue her. This act risked exposing his past as a criminal, but he chose to save the girl's life anyway.

25) Who was Annabel Adams, and what role did she play in Jimmy's transformation?

Answer: Annabel Adams was the daughter of a bank owner in Elmore. Her kindness and beauty deeply affected Jimmy Valentine, motivating him to change his ways. She played a key role in his decision to leave his criminal past behind and live an honest life.

26) How did the Warden feel about Jimmy, and what advice did he give him?

Answer: The Warden liked Jimmy and believed he wasn't a bad person at heart. He advised Jimmy to stop cracking safes and live an honest life after being released from prison. However, Jimmy did not immediately follow this advice but eventually changed later.

27) What is a phoenix? What is compared to the rebirth of a phoenix?

Answer:  Phoenix is a mythological bird that is reborn out of its own ashes.

Jimmy’s transformation from a safe-cracker to a successful person is compared to the rebirth of a phoenix. After he arrived in Elmore, Jimmy started a new life and became a successful businessman. He was completely reformed into a new person. For this, Jimmy is compared to a phoenix.

28) “And he accomplished the wish of his heart.”-Who was he and what was the wish of his heart?

Answer: He was Jimmy Valentine alias Ralph D. Spencer, who wished deeply to meet Miss Annabel Adams and get to know her. Because, the day Jimmy stepped into Elmore, he fell in love with her. She is the reason, Jimmy was transformed into a gentleman from a safecracker.

29) What were the special features of the new vault in Mr. Adams’ bank? How did Jimmy react when Mr. Adams explained the working of the new vault?

Answer: The vault was a small one with a new patented door fastened with three solid steel bolts thrown simultaneously with a single handle and a time lock.

> When Mr. Adams explained the working of the new vault to Jimmy alias Ralph, he showed a courteous but not too intelligent interest.

30) “The losses were now high enough to bring the matter up into Ben Price’s class of work.”-What was the amount of loss referred in this case? Who was Ben Price? What was the result of the investigation conducted by Ben Price at the three places of robbery?

Answer: The amount of loss referred to here is five thousand dollars.

Ben Price was an expert detective.

After conducting investigation at all the three places of safe-burglary, Ben Price found Jimmy Valentine’s autograph in all the cases. 

JIMMY VALENTINE LONG QUESTION (Each question carries 6 marks.)

The character of Jimmy Valentine.  (6)

Answer: Jimmy Valentine was the main character of this story who was an expert safe cracker. In the opening of the story, we see Jimmy coming out of jail after passing 10 months of life imprisonment for a burglary case. He has a sporty man-like physical appearance and is a kind man by heart. Jimmy's pleasing personality and good command of words became an aid to his work. Jimmy's profession of burglary had not changed until he reached Elmore. Here, Jimmy faced a U-Turn in his life. He had an urge to live a good ay honest life when he fell in love with Annabel Adams. In the end, Jimmy becomes a true hero by saving a young child and revealing evidence of his past crimes. Just as he faces the possibility of losing his new life, the detective allows him to go free, acknowledging his transformation.

Write a brief summary of Jimmy Valentine. (6)

Answer: "Jimmy Valentine" is a short story by O Henny where Jimmy Valentine is a skilled safe cracker who is released from prison after serving time for his crimes. After release, he returns to his old ways and starts cracking safes again. Jimmy's travels to a small town called Elmore to rob more safes. There he meets a young woman named Annabel Adams and he falls in love with her and decides to leave his criminal life behind. He even opens a shoe store in the town and begins living an honest life under a new name, Ralph D. Spencer. Over time, Jimmy becomes respected in the town and gets engaged with Annabel but in the end, everyone comes to know about this true identity when he tries to save a little girl. Surprisingly Ben Price chooses not to arrest Jimmy allowing him to continue his new, honest life by giving him a second chance.

How did jimmy valentine celebrate his freedom after getting released from the jail?  (6)

Answer. The story begins when serving ten months of a four-year sentence, Jimmy Valentine was released from prison, receiving a pardon from the governor. Although he had hoped for a shorter stay, he made the best of his time, working in the prison's shoe shop. Upon his release, he was given a new suit, squeaky shoes, a train ticket, and five dollars to start fresh. He moved ahead straight to a lavish restaurant and spent the money to eat broiled chicken, a bottle of white wine and good quality cigar. From there he went towards the depot and tossed a quarter into the hat of a blind man. Then he boarded his train and reached to a little town near the state line. He went to the café one Mike Dolan where he met mike and shook hands. Thus, he got into the form of his lifestyle after release from the prison.

How did Jimmy Valentine settle himself in Elmore with new name?  (6)

Answer. Jimmy Valentine, a skilled burglar, had no desire to give up his life of crime, despite his recent time in prison. Right after being released, he ignored the warden’s advice to reform and returned to his old ways. However, his life changed when he came to Elmore intending to commit another burglary but ended up meeting Annabel Adams. Struck by her beauty and charm, he decided to lead an honest life. He created a new identity, Ralph D. Spencer, and, using his shoe-repair skills learned in prison, opened a shoe business in town. The business thrived, and he won the heart of Annabel as well. Jimmy’s transformation from a burglar to a respected citizen in Elmore proved that love and a chance for a new life could change even the most unlikely person.

Why was Jimmy sent to prison? What advice and things did Jimmy get from the prison officials at the time of his release? What is your impression of the prison and its officials where Jimmy was confined? (1+2+3)

Ans. Jimmy Valentine was a safe-cracker. He was sent to prison for burglary at Springfield.

> The warden advised Jimmy to stop breaking safes and live honestly. At the time of his release, Jimmy was given a villainously fit suit and squeaky shoe. The prison officials gave Jimmy a railroad ticket, a five-dollar bill, a cheap cigar and a handshake.

> The prison appears to be a modern one with provision for prisoners’ rehabilitation. During his stay in the prison, Jimmy learns shoemaking. His knowledge and skill in shoemaking helps him to set up a shoe-store at Elmore later. The warden of the prison is also quiet kind-hearted and thinks quite a high of Jimmy. He advises Jimmy to lead an honest life after release.

Describe the contents of Jimmy’s suitcase. Why did he gaze fondly at them? (3+3)

Ans. Jimmy’s suitcase contained a complete set of burglar’s tools made of specially tempered steel. It had latest designs of drills, punches, braces and bits, jimmies, clamps and augers. It also had two or three novelties, invented by Jimmy himself.

> Jimmy gazed fondly at those tools because it was the finest set of burglar’s tools in the East. Two or three of them were novelties invented by Jimmy himself. So he was proud of them. They helped him to carry on his profession of safe-cracking successfully and skilfully. Besides, he spent a large sum of over nine hundred dollars for procuring the set from a place where they make such things for the profession. His professional success was largely associated with those expensive tools.

Who was Ben Price? How did he conclude that Jimmy had resumed burgling? (1+5)

Ans. Ben Price was the detective who investigated the cases of burglary committed by Jimmy Valentine.

> A week after Jimmy’s release from prison, three cases of burglary were reported. Although no clue was left, Ben Price found similarity in the style and method of operating. The manner of burglary matched Jimmy’s neat, clean and easy style, how Jimmy jerked out combination knob as easy as pulling up a radish in wet weather or how clean those tumblers were punched out or how he used his drill to make only one hole in the vault. So from his personal experience about Jimmy’s style of operating, long jumps, quick get-aways, no confederates, and a taste for good society, Ben Price concluded that Jimmy had resumed burgling.

“That’s Dandy Jim Valentine’s autograph.” -Who made this comment? What was the occasion? What does the speaker mean to convey through this remark? (1+2+3)

Ans. Ben Price, the detective, who was investigation the burglaries, made this comment.

> After his release from jail, Jimmy Valentine was involved in three cases of safe-cracking at Richmond in Indiana, Logansport and then in Jefferson City. Ben Price, the detective, visited the sites of burglaries. There, Ben Price noticed a remarkable similarity in all the three cases so he made this remark.

> Jimmy was very skilful and meticulous in his job. He did not leave any clue of his misdeeds. He jerked out the combination lock using his own special tools. He used his drill to make only one hole in the vault. The tumblers were punched out cleanly. This was his signature style. Ben Price knew Jimmy’s style of functioning well. He referred to this as Jimmy’s autograph.

 “He’ll do his bit next time without any short time or clemency foolishness.”-Who makes this comment and about whom? What message does the person intend to convey through this remark? (2+4)

Ans. Ben Price, the detective, makes this remark about Jimmy Valentine, the infamous safe-cracker.

> Ben Price was well aware of the activities of Jimmy Valentine and his method and style of functioning. Earlier, Jimmy had been accused in a case and sentenced to four years’ imprisonment. But after serving ten months in prison, Jimmy received pardon from the Governor and was released. Immediately after his release from jail, Jimmy committed three safe-cracking burglaries at three different places. Ben Price determined to book Jimmy for his offences. He wanted Jimmy to be punished for the full term and not obtain any pardon or short time.

Who was Miss Annabel Adams? How did Jimmy come to know about the lady? What impression did Miss Adams have on Jimmy? (1+2+3)

Ans. Miss Annabel Adams, a lovely young lady, was the daughter of the owner of Elmore bank.

> The boy, loafing on the steps of the bank was the main source of information for Jimmy. He gave the boy some dimes and came to know that the lovely young lady was Miss Annabel Adams, the daughter of the bank owner.

> Miss Annabel Adams attracted Jimmy’s attention the moment he saw her. According to Jimmy, she was the finest girl in the earth. He looked into her eyes, forgot what he was and became another man. Jimmy’s transformation from a safe-cracker to an honest man was a result of his falling in love with her. Her influence on Jimmy is, therefore, profound.

What did Jimmy write to his old friend in St. Louis? Why did he write so?

Or, What did Jimmy write in his letter to his old friend? What made him write the letter? (4+2)

Ans. When Jimmy achieved success as an honest businessman at Elmore, he wrote a letter to his friend in St. Louis. In this letter, he informed his friend that he was then a businessman and was going to marry the finest girl in the world within two weeks. He vowed not to do any crooked thing anymore. He had started a new life. So, he wanted to give his friend the burglar’s tools. He, therefore, asked his friend to meet him in Sully’s place on Wednesday night.

> He wrote this letter to tell his friend clearly about his present position and future plans. He now wanted to lead an honest life. This letter projects Jimmy’s reformation.

 “I wouldn’t do another crooked thing for the whole world.”-Who is the person referred to here as ‘I’? To whom did he make such a promise and when? Was he able to keep his promise? (1+1+4)

Ans. The person referred to here as ‘I’ is Jimmy Valentine, the infamous safe-cracker.

> He made such a promise in his letter to his old friend Billy. Jimmy told him of his intention to present him his kit of safe-cracking tools.

> Leaving his old profession of cracking safes, Jimmy settled at Elmore and started an honest life of a businessman. He fell in love with Annabel and took for himself a new name, Ralph D. Spencer. His life had undergone a great change and he was going to marry Annabel. At this point, an accident occurred and Jimmy had to take out his safe-cracking tools once again- but this time not to loot money from a safe but to break the door of a vault to save the life of an innocent little girl. Thus, Jimmy was able to keep his promise.

Why did Jimmy think about going into shoe business? How did he establish himself in Elmore? What did Jimmy Valentine write to his friend after his success? (2+2+2)

Ans. Jimmy had learnt the art of shoe making in prison. So, Jimmy thought about going into the shoe business at Elmore. Earlier he planned to commit a burglary in Elmore but he had a change in mind when he saw Annabel Adams.

> At Elmore, Jimmy took the new name of Ralph D. Spencer and opened a shoe-store. It started running successfully. Because of his good looks and likable nature, he made friends with others. Spencer met Miss Annabel Adams, with whom he fell in love and they decided to marry. Thus, Jimmy established himself socially and economically at Elmore.

> Jimmy wrote to his friend Billy how he was making an honest living and of his resolve to live straight. He wrote that he would not do any crooked thing any more. He informed him of his intention to marry the finest girl on earth and to present Bill his kit of burglar’s tools at Sully's place next Wednesday.

What new name did Jimmy Valentine assume at Elmore? What business did he open there? How did Jimmy fare at Elmore? (1+1+4)

Ans. Jimmy Valentine assumed the new name of Ralph D. Spencer at Elmore.

> Jimmy opened a shoe business at Elmore.

> Jimmy settled down at Elmore as Ralph D. Spencer and opened a flourishing shoe store. He secured a good run of trade. Socially, he was a successful man and made many friends there and won the respect of the community. He succeeded in securing the love of Annabel Adams. They got engaged. Even Mr. Adams, the typical, hard-working country banker, approved of Jimmy. He was welcomed everywhere and everyone liked and respected him. At the end, even the detective, Ben Price approved him.

In what sense is the conclusion of the story, ‘Jimmy Valentine’, surprising?

Or, Why is the ending of the story, ‘Jimmy Valentine’, said to be a surprise-ending? 

Or, What is the climax of the story, ‘Jimmy Valentine’ and how does it come to a conclusion? (6)

Ans. The story ends with ‘Jimmy Valentine’ alies Ralph transforms himself into Jimmy again, using his old skills for good. He rescues a trapped girl using his burglary tools. Then, he surrenders to Detective Ben Price, who has been keeping an eye on him.

But instead of arresting Jimmy, surprisingly Ben Price decides to let him go even after witnessing Jimmy’s safe-cracking with his own eyes. He pretends not to know Jimmy's true identity, allowing him to continue his new life as Ralph D. Spencer. This unexpected twist leads to a satisfying conclusion, showing that people can change and start anew.

 “That child-she can’t stand it long in there.”-Who is referred to here? Why was she in danger? How was she saved? (1+2+3)

Ans. Agatha, Annabel’s younger niece, is referred to here.

> In a spirit of play, May had shut Agatha in the new vault of Elmore bank. She was in danger because neither had the clock been wound nor the combination set. Moreover, there was not enough oxygen in the vault and she would go into convulsions from fright. There was none nearby who could open the vault.

> While all were at a loss in this situation, Annabel urged Ralph to do something in order to rescue the girl. Unable to ignore her plea, Ralph became Jimmy again. He took out his tools and, by using his pet drill, opened the door in ten minutes, breaking his own record and rescued the girl trapped inside the vault. It put him in danger of revealing his true identity but he chose to save the little girl over himself.

What was the relation of the little girls with Annabel? What happened to the younger girl? Why did Annabel urge Ralph to do something? How did he save the little girl?

Or, “Can’t you do something Ralph-try, won’t you?” Who were the girls for whom Miss Annabel Adams implored Ralph in such a manner? What happened to them? Why did Miss Annabel Adams implore Ralph? What did Ralph do then? (1+1+2+3)

Ans. The little girls were the nieces of Miss Annabel Adams. 

> At the bank, the elder girl playfully pushed her little sister inside the vault and shut the door. As a result, the little girl was locked in.

> All were terrified when the little girl got locked inside the new vault. But none could find a way to bring her out. Annabel thought that her lover, Mr Ralph D. Spencer, would be able to perform a miracle because she trusted him the most. So she urged Ralph to do something to rescue the girl trapped inside the vault.

> Ralph begged Annabel of her rose and became Jimmy again unable to ignore her plea. He took out his tools and, by using his pet drill, opened the door in ten minutes, breaking his own record and rescued the girl trapped inside the vault. It put him in danger of revealing his true identity but he chose to save the little girl over himself. 

Who was Ben Price? Why did he ignore to recognise Jimmy at the end of the story?

Ans. In O. Henry's short story ‘Jimmy Valentine’, Ben Price was the detective who investigated the burglaries committed by Jimmy.

> Ben Price had been watching Jimmy closely in Elmore. His clear, analytical mind and resolute nature enabled him to find out Jimmy’s location. But he realised that Jimmy had really changed and was set to start an honest life with Annabel. He was convinced that Jimmy was leading a new reformed life. At the bank, Jimmy risked re-arrest to save a little girl. Although Jimmy surrendered after rescuing the girl, Ben Price did not want to arrest him because Jimmy had proven that he was a changed man now. The man in Ben Price urged him to allow Jimmy to get the much- needed social rehabilitation. So he ignored to recognise Jimmy Valentine and walked down the street.

What is your opinion of the ending of the story? Does it have a message? / Discuss the ending of the story Jimmy Valentine. / Write a short note on the dramatic structure of the story, ‘Jimmy Valentine’. (6)

Answer: The ending of O. Henry's "Jimmy Valentine" is both satisfying and thought-provoking. Jimmy Valentine, a reformed safecracker, reveals his true identity to rescue a child trapped in a vault, risking his new life for a selfless act. This leads to a pivotal moment when Ben Price, the town’s police officer, recognizes Jimmy but lets him go, acknowledging his transformation. 
The story conveys a strong message about forgiveness, second chances, and the belief that people can truly change. Jimmy, who had become a respected businessman and planned a life with his fiancée, risked his freedom to help a child, demonstrating his commitment to his new, honest life. Ben’s decision highlights compassion, suggesting that genuine change is possible, and that people deserve the opportunity to prove themselves.

What was special about the suitcase and how Jimmy Valentine used it at end?

Answer. The suitcase of Jimmy Valentine contained different types of heavy tools for a safecracker. The full set of burglary tools were crafted from specially tempered steel. The tools included the newest designs of drills, punches, braces, bits, jimmies, clamps, and augers. There were also a couple of unique inventions by Jimmy himself and it was his pride. It had cost him over nine hundred dollars to have made. 

Jimmy wanted to get rid of the suitcase because he decided to do any crooked thing anymore. It became a burden to him when he started living by honest means. But he was forced to bring back the old suitcase and opened it in front of everyone when the little girl of Annabel’s married sister got trapped in the vault. By his own conscience and his fiancé’s pleadings he happened to take out the tools and use It for opening the vault. Thus, it was revealed to everyone that he was a safecracker and a criminal.

How did Adam’s family and Jimmy Valentine get to know each other?

Answer. Jimmy Valentine visited Elmore to gather information for a potential bank robbery there. He went to the bank to collect information and met Annabel Adams, the beautiful younger daughter of the bank's owner. He asked questions about the town to a boy and got to know about her family too. He talked to the desk clerk at the hotel where he rented a room if show business could grow in the town. After falling in love with her, Jimmy Valentine decided to give up his criminal actions and live the life of an honest businessman. He took up the fake identity of ralph D. Spencer and started his shoe business in the town. As Ralph, he gained the trust and affection of Annabel and her family along with the people of Elmore.

Jimmy Valentine - Questions & Answers [1 Mark / 2 Marks (1+1)]

[This will help to remember context better and for the part questions in total 6 marks questions.]

What was Jimmy Valentine's profession before he decided to change his life?

Answer: Before Jimmy Valentine decided to change his life, he was a burglar.

How long was Jimmy Valentine there in prison? 

Answer: Jimmy Valentine was there in prison for nearly ten months. 

What was his original term of imprisonment? 

Answer: Originally, he was sentenced to imprisonment for four years. 

How many months had Jimmy expected to stay in the prison at the longest? 

Answer: Jimmy had expected to be in the prison only for about three months at the longest. 

Where did Jimmy Valentine work during the ten months of his imprisonment? What work did Jimmy perform there? 

Answer: Jimmy Valentine worked at the prison shoe-shop during the ten months of his imprisonment. 

Jimmy used to stitch shoe-uppers in the prison shoe- shop. 

What was Jimmy doing when a guard came to the prison shoe-shop?

Answer: When a guard came to the prison shoe-shop, Jimmy was carefully and tirelessly stitching uppers of shoes.

What did the clerk at the prison give Jimmy Valentine? Why?

Answer: The clerk at the prison gave Jimmy a railroad ticket for travelling and a five-dollar bill.

The clerk gave them to Jimmy because the law expected him to rehabilitate himself into good citizenship and prosperity.

What was the number of Jimmy Valentine during his stay in prison? 

Answer: During his stay in prison, the number of Jimmy Valentine was 9762. 

Who is the investigator in the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’?

Answer: In ‘Jimmy Valentine’, Ben Price is the investigator.

How did Nature look when Jimmy was released and came out of the jail?

Answer: When Jimmy came out of the jail, Nature looked beautiful with the birds singing, the waving green trees and the fragrance of flowers everywhere.  

What did Jimmy Valentine do first after coming out of the jall? 


How did Jimmy enjoy the freedom immediately after being released from jail?

Answer: After coming out of the jail, Jimmy Valentine first headed to a restaurant where he enjoyed a broiled chicken and a bottle of white wine and smoked a cigar of good quality to enjoy his freedom. 

How long did it take Jimmy to reach the small town where he used to live? How much did he give to a blind man before boarding his train? 

Answer: It took Jimmy three hours to reach the small town where he used to live. 

Before boarding his train, Jimmy tossed a quarter of a dollar into the hat of a blind man sitting by.

Whom did Jimmy Valentine meet first after his release from jail? Where had Jimmy put his suitcase?

Answer: After his release from jail, Jimmy Valentine first met one Mike Dolan in his café. 

Jimmy had put his suitcase in the hollow of the wall in a rear room upstairs in Mike Dolan’s place. 

What happened a week after the release of Jimmy? At which places were safes cracked after the release of Jimmy?

Answer: A neat job of cracking the safe of a bank took place at Richmond, Indiana. 

After the Richmond safe-cracking, a burglar-proof safe at Logansport and an old-fashioned bank-safe in Jefferson City were cracked. 

Who knew Jimmy’s habits? When had he learned them? 

Answer: Detective Ben Price knew Jimmy’s habits.

He had learned them while working on the Springfield case. 

How does Ben Price realise that Jimmy Valentine is the mastermind behind the recent burglaries? 

Answer: Ben Price finds similarity in the style and method of operating in all the three cases. It matches Jimmy signature style-neat, clean and precise. So, from his personal experience, Ben Price realises that Jimmy Valentine is the mastermind behind that recent burglaries.

Where did Jimmy Valentine go after committing three safe burglaries? In which hotel did Jimmy engage a room? 

Answer: After committing three safe burglaries, Jimmy Valentine went to Elmore, a little town in Arkansas.

Jimmy engaged a room in the Planters’ Hotel.

With which name did Jimmy register himself in the Planters’ Hotel? What did Jimmy tell the clerk at the counter of the hotel?

Answer: In the Planters’ Hotel, Jimmy registered his name as Ralph D. Spencer.

Jimmy told the clerk that he was there to look for a location to go into business and enquired him about the prospect of shoe business at Elmore. 

How did Jimmy Valentine look when he reached Elmore?

Answer: Jimmy Valentine looked like an athletic young senior just home from college.

Who was Annabel Adams? Where did she enter?

Answer: Annabel Adams was the daughter of Mr. Adams, the owner of the Elmore Bank.

She entered a door over which a sign saying ‘The Elmore Bank’ was hung.

Why was the clerk impressed by Jimmy?

Answer: The clerk was impressed by the clothes and manners of Jimmy because he, himself, was something of a pattern of fashion to the thinly gilded youth of Elmore.

Whom did Jimmy write a letter to? How did Jimmy refer to Annabel in his letter?

Answer: Jimmy wrote a letter to Billy, one of his old friends.

In his letter, Jimmy referred to Annabel as an angel and as the finest girl on earth.

Where did Jimmy propose to settle after his marriage with Annabel? What kind of life did Jimmy want to live after his marriage with Annabel?

Answer: After his marriage with Annabel, Jimmy decided to sell out his stock and go West to settle.

After his marriage with Annabel, Jimmy wanted to give up his criminal past and live a straight life.

Where did Jimmy want to meet his friend Billy? What was the purpose of Jimmy’s proposed meeting?

Answer: Jimmy wanted to meet his friend Billy at Sullivan’s place in Little Rock.

Jimmy proposed to present his favourite kit of tools for safe-cracking to his old friend Billy.

Who was Ben Price? Why did he go to Elmore?

Answer: Ben Price was an eminent and skilled detective who was investigating the cases of safe cracking.

Ben Price went to Elmore to arrest Jimmy Valentine, who was there with the name of Ralph D. Spencer.

Where did Jimmy want to go to buy his wedding suit? Whom did he agree to meet there?

Answer: Jimmy wanted to go to Little Rock to buy his wedding suit.

Jimmy agreed to meet Billy there.

“He was going to Little Rock that day.”-Why was Jimmy going to Little Rock that day?

Answer: Jimmy was going to Little Rock that day to order his wedding-suit and buy something nice for Annabel.

Why did Jimmy think that he could safely venture out of Elmore now?  

Answer: Jimmy thought he could safely venture out of Elmore then because it had been more than a year since he came to Elmore after his last professional job of safe cracking and never left the place in middle.

“After breakfast quite a family party went downtown together.”-Who were there in the family party?

Answer: In the family party, there were Mr. Adams, Miss Annabel Adams, Jimmy Valentine or Ralph D Spencer, Annabel’s married sister and her two daughters, May and Agatha.

What was Annabel’s observation about the contents of Ralph’s suitcase? What did Ralph say about the contents of his suitcase?

Answer: The suitcase was so heavy that Annabel thought it was full of gold bricks.

> Ralph said that it was filled with nickel-plated shoe- horns which he was going to return.

Who would take Jimmy from Elmore Bank to the railroad station?

Answer: Dolph Gibson would drive Jimmy in his horse drawn buggy from the Elmore Bank to the railroad station.

What was Mr. Adams proud of?

Answer: Mr. Adams was very proud of the new safe and vault installed in his bank.

“Suddenly there was a scream or two from the women.” -Why did the women scream suddenly?

Answer: The women suddenly screamed in fright because May had shut Agatha inside the vault while playing.

What were the names of the two daughters of Annabel’s sister?

Answer: The names of the two daughters of Annabel’s sister were May and Agatha.

How was Agatha trapped in the vault? Why could the door of the vault not be opened?

Answer: May, the older daughter of Annabel’s sister had shut Agatha, the younger one in the vault in a spirit of play.

The door of the vault could not be opened because the clock had not been wound and the combination had not been set.

“"Hush!" said Mr. Adams raising his trembling hand”- Why was Mr. Adams’ hand trembling?

Answer: Mr. Adams’ hand was trembling in fear because he was aware of the danger Agatha was in after being locked inside the vault.

How old was Agatha who got trapped inside the vault? Why did Mr. Adams look upset as Agatha accidentally got locked inside the vault?

Answer: Agatha was only five years old.

Mr. Adams looked upset because the vault had a time- lock which had not been set and there was no expert available nearer than Little Rock to open the door.

With which act did Ralph Spencer pass away? Who took his place?

Answer: With the act of breaking the door of the vault, Ralph Spencer passed away.

The safe-cracker Jimmy Valentine took his place.

“She can’t stand it long in there.”-Why can’t she stand it long in there?

Answer: She, i.e., Agatha, cannot stand it long in there because there is not enough air inside the vault and she will go into convulsions from fright.

What was the reaction of Agatha’s mother when no one could help in rescuing the little girl from the vault?

Answer: Agatha’s mother screamed and wailed and beat the door of the vault wildly with her hands.

“Can’t you do something, Ralph?”-How did Ralph react to this earnest imploring of Annabel?

Answer: Ralph looked at Annabel with a queer, soft smile on his lips and in his keen eyes.

What did Jimmy alias Ralph ask for from Annabel before he started breaking the vault?

Ans. Jimmy alias Ralph asked Annabel to give him the rose she was wearing on her dress.

“Give me that rose you are wearing, will you?”-Why did Ralph want the rose from Annabel?

Answer: Ralph wanted the rose from Annabel to keep it as a memento for he knew he would lose Annabel’s love afterwards.

How much time did Jimmy take to break open the safe and vault?

Answer: Breaking his own record, Jimmy took only ten minutes to open the vault door.

“At the door a big man stood somewhat in his way.”- Who was that big man? In whose way did he stand?

Answer: The big man was none other than Ben Price, the detective.

> He stood in Jimmy’s way.

“I don’t know that it makes much difference, now,” -Why did Jimmy think so?

Answer: Jimmy realised that his real identity had been disclosed and he was sure that Annabel would no longer love him, so being free or imprisoned, made no difference to him.

Why did Ralph decide to break the vault even at the cost of disclosing his identity?

Answer: Ralph alias Jimmy realised that saving the life of a little girl was more important than the risk of exposing his own identity and he could not ignore Annabel’s plea for help either.

“And then Ben Price acted rather strangely.” -When did Ben Price act strangely?

Answer: When Ralph alias Jimmy recognised Ben Price and gave himself up for arrest, the detective acted in a strange fashion.

Why did Ben Price decide not to arrest Jimmy Valentine?

Answer: Ben Price decided not to arrest Jimmy Valentine as he was convinced that Jimmy had really become a reformed person.

Whom did Jimmy Valentine rescue from the vault? Who was she to Annabel?

Ans. Jimmy Valentine rescued Agatha, from the vault.

She was the younger niece of Annabel.

How many solid bolts were there in the new vault of the Elmore Bank? What type of handle and lock did it have?

Answer: There were three solid bolts in the new vault of the Elmore Bank.

It had a single handle and a time-lock.

What is the main theme of the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’?

Answer: The main theme of the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’ is the transformative power of redemption and love that can change a man’s life. Annabel’s love brought about a reformation in Jimmy.

How did Jimmy ultimately redeem himself?

Ans. Jimmy Valentine ultimately redeemed himself by rescuing a child named Agatha from the vault. By using his expertise in safe-cracking to do a noble deed, he demonstrated his reformed motive and heroism.

How does the story reveal the overall changes in Jimmy’s character?

Ans. The story ‘Jimmy Valentine’ portrays Jimmy’s desire to transform himself from a criminal to a generous hero. Annabel’s love roused in him the motivation to be worthy of her and drove him to start anew, leaving behind his criminal past.

What message does the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’ convey?

Ans. ‘Jimmy Valentine’ by O. Henry conveys the message that people can change and reform themselves, if they desire to do so. Love can also act as the prime motivator in transforming a person.

What irony do you find at the end of the story?

Ans. At the end of the story, Ben Price discovered that Jimmy Valentine had reformed himself and turned into a benevolent hero. So he decided not to arrest him. He let Jimmy go free. The ending is surprising and ironic.

What kind of person was Ben Price & how did he handle Jimmy at the end of the story?

Ans: Ben Price was a skilled detective who had managed to track Jimmy for his past crimes. He even sent Jimmy to the Jail ones. 

At the end of the story, after witnessing Jimmy's heroic act of saving Agatha, he recognized that Jimmy had reformed, and he let him go.

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