Sunday, August 4, 2024


 An Astrologer's Day Textual Grammar 

(Voice & Narration) 

As this semester is MCQ basic, There won't be Do as Directed questions but only Multiple choice Questions. Students need to find the correct answer of the question from 4 options. Check the question pattern and syllabus: Click Here

The Grammar questions include: - Tense, Voice, Indirect Speech, Phrasal Verbs, Prepositions, Clause, Participle, Gerund, and Transformation of Sentences. 

Previously, students practiced 'do as directed' types of question answering. To resolve the confusion caused by similar options, here are some directly worked-out question-answers of Textual Grammar from The Astrologer's Day. This could help in knowing which questions may come and how to answer them. If the options are confusing, one can work out the question and find a similar answer from the options.  If one can work-out a question without any options, that also shows their grammar skill. Also, in grammar, one question can be answered more than one way, because it's language, there are tones and ways to say something, not something like math. But it won't ever derived from the grammatical rules.

However, one must get accustomed to the new MCQ pattern before sitting in the exams. The page contains only voice changes and narration changes for now.

Class 11 'An Astrologer's Day' Text, Short summery, Bengali Meaning : Click Here

Voice Change From  An Astrologer's Day 

1. Punctually at midday he opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment.

Ans:   at midday, his bag was opened and his professional equipment was spread out by him.

2. The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced by their position.

Ans: The position of his eyes considerably enhanced its power.

2. People were attracted to him.

Ans: He attracted people.

3. The astrologer transacted his business by the light of a flare.

Ans: His business was transacted by the astrologer by the light of a flare.

3. The place was lit up by shop lights.

Ans: Shop lights lit up the place.

4. He had left his village without any previous thought or plan.

Ans: His village had been left by him without any previous thought or plan.

5. Long practice had sharpened his perception.

Ans: His perception had been sharpened by long practice. 

6. The nuts vendor blew out his flare and rose to go home.

Ans: His flare was blown out and was risen to go home by the nut vendor.

7. He picked up his cowrie shells and paraphernalia.

Ans: His cowrie shells and paraphernalia was picked up by him.

8. He picked up his cowrie shells and paraphernalia and was putting them back into his bag.

Ans: His cowrie shells and paraphernalia were picked up and was being put them back into his bag (by him).

8. The other man grumbled some reply vaguely.

Ans: Some reply was grumbled vaguely by the other man.

or, Some vague reply was grumbled by the other man.

9. The astrologer pressed his invitation.

Ans: His invitation was passed by the astrologer.

10. Or will you give me eight annas?

Ans: Or eight annas will be given to me by you?

10. This pact was accepted after a little further argument. (by them - subject missing passive voice)

Ans: They accepted this pact after a little further argument.

11. The astrologer sent up a prayer to heaven.

Ans: A prayer was sent up to heaven by the astrologer.

12. The astrologer caught a glimpse of his face by the match light.

Ans: A glimpse of his face was caught by the astrologer by the match light.

13. You dragged me in while I was passing.

Ans: While I was passing, I was dragged you.

14. I will not let you go till you disgorge.

Ans: You will not be let go by me till you disgorge.

15. Take your anna back.

Ans: You are asked to take your anna back. / I am asking you to take your anna back. 

16. The other held his wrist. 

Ans: His wrist was held by the other.

17. Shall I succeed in my present search or not?

Ans: Will my present search be succeeded in or not?

18. Answer this and go.

Ans: This should be answered and then you can go./ You are asked to answer this and then you can go. / You are asked to answer this and go.

15. The astrologer muttered a few incantations.

Ans: A few incantations was muttered by the astrologer.

16. I will not open my mouth.

Ans: My mouth will not be opened by me.

17. You may do what you like.

Ans: What you like may be done by you.

18. He bared his chest to show the scar.

Ans: His chest was bared by him to show his scar.

19. And then you were pushed into a well nearby in the field. 

Ans: And then someone pushed you into a well nearby in the field.

20. You were left for dead.

Ans: Someone left you for dead.

21. You will never see any more of him.

Ans: Any more of him will never be seen by you.

22. When shall I get at him?

Ans: When will he be got at by me?

20. Listen carefully to what I have to say.

Ans: You are ordered/asked to Listen carefully to what I have to say.

21. Take the next train and be gone. 

Ans: You are ordered/asked to take the next train and be gone. 

or, Let the next train be taken and be gone.

22. He took out a pinch of sacred ash.

Ans: A pinch of sacred ash was taken out by him.

23. He took out a pinch of sacred ash and held it to him.

Ans: A pinch of sacred ash was taken out and was held it to him (the man) by him (by the astrologer).

24. Rub it on your forehead and go home. 

Ans: You are ordered to Rub it on your forehead and go home. 

25. Never travel southward again.

Ans: You are ordered not to ever travel southward again. 

26. Why should I leave home again?

Ans: Why should home be left again by me?

27. The astrologer picked up his articles and put them into his bag.

Ans: His articles were picked up and were put them into his bag by the astrologer.

28. His wife was waiting for him at the door and demanded an explanation.

Ans: An explanation was demanded by his wife, who was waiting for him at the door. / He was demanded an explanation by his wife, who was waiting for him at the door. 

29. He flung the coins at her.

Ans: The coins were flung at her.

30. I can buy some jaggery and coconut tomorrow.

Ans: Some jaggery and coconut can be bought (by me) tomorrow.

31. I will prepare some nice stuff for her.

Ans: Some nice stuff will be prepared for her by me.

32. The swine has cheated me! 

Ans: I have been cheated by the swine.

33. He promised me a rupee.

Ans: I was promised a rupee by him. / A rupee was promised to me by him.


Narration Change From  An Astrologer's Day 

1. He told the person before him, gazing at his palm, “In many ways you are not getting the results for your efforts.” 
Ans: He told the person before him, gazing at his palm that he was not getting the results for his efforts in many ways.
Ans: Gazing at his palm, he (the astrologer) told (/ stated) the person before him that in many ways he was not getting the result for his efforts.
Ans: He observed that the person was not getting the results for their efforts in many ways, and he chose to share this insight with him..

2. He questioned: “Is there any woman in your family, maybe even a distant relative, who is not well disposed towards you?”
Ans: He asked if there was any woman in his family, even a distant relative, who did not have good feelings towards him.
Ans: He questioned that if there was any woman in his family, might be even a distant relative, who was not well disposed towards him.
Ans: He inquired whether there any female member of his family, no matter how distantly related, who held unfavourable sentiments towards him.

3. He gave an analysis of character: “Most of your troubles are due to your nature. How can you be otherwise with Saturn where he is?"
Ans: He gave an analysis of character, stating that most of his troubles were due to his nature, and that it was inevitable given the position of Saturn.
Ans: He offered/gave a character analysis and said most of his trouble were due to his nature, how could he be otherwise with Saturn where he was.

4. He sensed a possible client and said, “You look so careworn. It will do you good to sit down for a while and chat with me.”
Ans: He sensed a possible client and said that he looked so careworn and it would do him good to sit down for a while and chat with him/the astrologer.

5. The other said, “You call yourself an astrologer?”
Ans: The other asked if he called himself an astrologer.
Ans: The other expressed scepticism/doubt about his claim to be an astrologer.
Ans: The other mocked that he was pretending to be an astrologer.

6. “Oh, stop that,” the other said. “Tell me something worthwhile....”
Ans: The other asked the astrologer to stop and tell him something worthwhile.
Ans: Stopping the astrologer, the other asked him to tell him something worthwhile.

7. Our friend felt piqued arouse irritation, “I charge only three paise per question, and what you get ought to be good enough for your money....”
Ans: Our friend felt irritated and said that he charged only three paise per question, implying that the answers should be worth the money.

8. The astrologer said, "If you find my answers satisfactory, will you give me five rupees?"
Ans: The astrologer asked if he would receive five rupees if his answers were satisfactory.

9. “All right, provided you give me twice as much if you are wrong,” said the stranger.
Ans: The stranger agreed, but only if the astrologer would give him twice as much if he was wrong.

10. The astrologer felt very uncomfortable. “Here, take your anna back. I am not used to such challenges. It is late for me today....”
Ans: The astrologer felt uncomfortable and tried to return the money, saying he wasn't used to such challenges and it was late for him.

11. The other held his wrist and said, “You can’t get out of it now. You dragged me in while I was passing.”
Ans: The stranger held his wrist and said that the astrologer couldn't back out now, as he had already started the reading.

12. The astrologer said, “You were left for dead. Am I right?”
Ans: The astrologer asked if the stranger had been left for dead, and if a knife had passed through him once.

13. “A knife has passed through you once?” said the astrologer.
Ans: The astrologer asked if the stranger had been left for dead, and if a knife had passed through him once.

14. “I should have been dead if some passerby had not chanced to peep into the well,” exclaimed the other, overwhelmed by enthusiasm.
Ans: The stranger exclaimed that he would have died if someone hadn't found him in a well.

15. “When shall I get at him?” he asked, clenching his fist.
Ans: He asked the astrologer when he would be able to exact revenge.

16. “You know my name!” the other said, taken aback.
Ans: The astrologer revealed that he knew the stranger's name, leaving him taken aback.

17. The astrologer said, “Rub it on your forehead and go home. Never travel southward
again, and you will live to be a hundred.”
Ans: The astrologer told him to rub the charm on his forehead and go home, advising him never to travel south again if he wanted to live to be a hundred.

18. “Why should I leave home again?” the other said reflectively.
Ans: The stranger reflected on why he should leave home again.

19. He shook his head regretfully. “He has escaped my hands. I hope at least he died as he deserved.”
Ans: He regretfully shook his head, hoping that his enemy had died as he deserved.

20. He flung the coins at her and said, “Count them. One man gave all that.”
Ans: He flung the coins at her and said that one man had given all that money.

21. “Twelve and a half annas,” she said, counting. 
Ans: She counted the coins and announced that it was twelve and a half annas.

22. She was overjoyed. “I can buy some jaggery and coconut tomorrow.
Ans: She was overjoyed and planned to buy jaggery and coconut to make sweets for her child.

23. She said, "The child has been asking for sweets for so many days now. I will prepare some nice stuff for her.”
Ans: She said that The child had been asking for sweets for so many days then, she would prepare some nice stuff for her.

24. “The swine has cheated me! He promised me a rupee,” said the astrologer. 
Ans: The astrologer complained that he had been cheated out of a rupee.

25. She looked up at him. “You look worried. What is wrong?”
Ans: His wife asked him what was wrong, noticing that he looked worried.

26. he told her, “Do you know a great load is gone from me today?"
Ans: He told her that a great load had been lifted from him that day.

27. After dinner, sitting on the pyol , he told her, “Do you know a great load is gone from me today? I thought I had the blood of a man on my hands all these years. That was the reason why I ran away
from home, settled here, and married you. He is alive.”
Ans: After dinner, he explained that he had thought he had blood on his hands all these years, which was why he had run away and settled down with her, but now he knew the truth - the man was alive.

28. "why think of it now? Time to sleep,” he said, yawning,
Ans: He said yawning that there was no point of thinking it then, It was the time to sleep.

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